环节一 Warming up 环节二Presentation 环节三Consolidation and extension 环节四 课后作业
| 播放短片《仙境》,创设情境 1、Look,this is the timetable for today. What are we going to lean? The first class is music . let us sing.播放FLASH---The days of the week 2、出示教师自制的日历,练习句型:What day is it today?It is …… 3、看课件 We have music on Tuesdays. 4教师变魔术 5、看录像 1、Fill in the blanks.重点突出 2、Mike has Chinese ,math and art on Wednesdays. He has English ,math and science on Thursdays. Now,let us make our timetable. 播放录音
| 看动画 学生看完一遍后,全班试唱 鼓励学生齐说 Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow is Wednesday. 齐说歌谣:Today is….Tomorrow is…… 教师领读,学生跟读 订正答案,让学生自己读本课对话,并表演对话 学生填写,集体订正 小组讨论,自制表格。出示表格,燃煤组派代表上来书写在黑板上 读或表演给朋友听
| 创设情境,吸引学生的注意力,提高学生学习的兴趣。 有新颖性 便于学生记重点句子 活跃了课堂气氛
先突破了对话的难句子,学生学起来就不难了,让学生带着问题去动手操作,有目的性,突出了重难点。 复习巩固