Step3 Presentation
| 1. Today I will don’t want to eat rice, beef, bread or milk. I want to have different food for lunch. Do you want to know what I want to have today? 2.Then show the pictures and word card,ask them to talk about these words. 3. Play the tape and let the listen to the tape, then listen again and follow the tape. 4,Practise :divide the class into 2 groups to practice the dialogue and compare which group is better. 5.Play a game “finger times”
| 1, 同学们议论要出现的食物以及表达自己想要吃的食物。 2,学生之间自由讨论,可能会引出更多相关的词汇。 3, 学生听录音,模仿地道的发音。 4, 学生集体操练,并比赛。 5,学生在finger times 游戏中找到了乐趣。
| 1, 学生对吃的食物并不陌生,给他们一些自由谈论的空间,也是自主学习新单词的尝试。 2, 这里体现学生是学习的主体,变被动学习为主动学习,体现新教学理念,符合学生的心理要求。 3, 有利于学到标准的语音。 4, 集体操练有利于加深印象,巩固所学。 5, 学生在游戏中对单词加深了印象,训练了反应能力,并且不会感觉疲劳。
Step4: Consolidation and Extension
| The teacher make a model for the students and ask the students to talk with each other using “What do you have for lunch?” and “I have…”and let them make a note. At last, ask several groups to act out their dialogues.
| 同学们互相询问对方What do you have for lunch?并做记录,然后几组学生在教室表演对话。
| 记录的同时就是一次对所学词汇和句子的强化记忆,同时调动同学们参与的积极性。 分组表演,锻炼学生敢于开口说英语,并可以及时纠正个别单词的发音。