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发表于 2012-7-5 00:56:14 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
河北交通职业技术学院是公办全日制普通高等职业技术院校,隶属于河北省教育厅,学校始建于1949年,历经交通部石家庄公路工程学校、河北石家庄交通学院、河北石家庄交通专科学校、河北交通学校、河北交通职业技术学院等历史时期,举办过本科、专科和高职等层次和类别的教育,是交通部在全国最早创办的六所公路工程院校之一。学院占地面积684.2亩,图书馆藏书64万余册。学院设有8系2部,48个专业,8个校内实训基地88个实训室(中心),273个校外实训基地,同时设有河北省大学生汽车驾驶培训中心。有2个全国交通系统重点专业,3个河北省高职高专教育教学改革示范专业,2个国家和省财政重点支持的职业教育实训基地;精品课程30门,其中省级精品课3门。学院现有专任教师413人,其中博士、硕士101人,教授、副教授等高级职称161人,专业课和专业基础课教师中72%为“双师型”教师。2009年学院面向全国27个省(市、自治区)招生3000人,现有全日制在校生8253人,年短期培训9260人。作为河北省唯一一所交通类高职院校,被教育部、交通部等6部委列为国家技能型紧缺人才培养基地,同时还是河北省汽车维修技术专业、物流专业职教师资培训基地;是中国加拿大高中后职业技术教育交流院校;是中国物流企业人才需求十佳理想院校和中国物流人才培养基地。在长期的办学实践中,学院确立了“依托交通、服务经济,培养高素质技能人才”的办学定位,秉承“厚德、明志、砺能、笃行”的校训,弘扬“团结、文明、勤奋、进取”的校风,坚定“励精图治、团结拼搏、朝气蓬勃、争创一流”的信念,形成了“依托水路交通行业,工学结合、学做融会”人才培养特色。毕业生就业渠道宽、适应力强,年平均就业率达到93%以上。建校近60年来,学院为交通事业输送了5万余名各类中、高级专门人才,学院的专家、教授参与了多项重大工程项目的技术咨询和科技攻关,先后完成百余项交通部、铁道部、省交通厅、省教育厅立项的科研课题,取得了良好的社会声誉。学院是中共中央宣传部、解放军总政治部“军民共建社会主义精神文明先进单位”,连续获得河北省“文明单位”,河北省教育厅、交通厅、公安厅“职业教育先进单位”、“安全文明先进单位”、“招生工作先进单位”。2007年在教育部人才培养工作水平评估中评为优秀院校。Hebei Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College is a fulltime state-run college. It is subordinate to the Education Department of Hebei Province.Hebei Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College, established in 1949, has experienced several historical periods, Shijiazhuang Highway Engineering College of the Ministry of Communications, Hebei Shijiazhuang Communications College, Hebei Shijiazhuang Professional Training School of Communications, Hebei Communications College and Hebei Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College. It was one of the six universities and colleges of highway engineering first established by the Ministry of Communications throughout the country with its education catering to undergraduates, secondary specialized students and higher vocational students in different development stages.Covering an area of 456361㎡, our college has 48specialties out of the eight specialized departments and two basic departments. We possess abundant teaching resources, over 640,000 books in the library, 88 training rooms of the 8 training centers in college, 273 training bases outside college as well as the lead unit of Hebei Jiaotong professional education group. Moreover, with the joint efforts of all the teachers and administrative staff, we have made certain achievements. At present, we boost 2 key specialties of the state communications system, 3 typical specialties of educational and teaching reform of higher vocational education of Hebei province, 2 training bases of vocational education supported by national and provincial finance as well as 30 courses of fine quality, among which 3 courses are of provincial level.      In terms of teaching staff, we have a total of 413 full-time teachers with 110 of them holding doctor's or master's degree as well as 161 professors and associate professors. Worth mentioning is that 72% of the teachers are professional in both theoretical teaching and skills training. Our college enrolls students from 27 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of the country and enroll new students 3,000 in 2009. At present, there are 8253 full-time students in our college. Meanwhile, we also produce 9260 short-term trainees each year.As the only higher vocational college of communications in Hebei province, our college has been listed the State Cultivation Base of Badly-Needed Talents by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Communications, etc. Meanwhile, we enjoy the following prestige, such as the training bases of the Automobile Examination and Repair Technology of Hebei Province and for Secondary College Teachers Dedicated in Logistics, China-Canada Interchange College of Post-High-School Vocational and Technical Education, one of ten Best Universities and Colleges of China Logistics Talents as well as the Cultivation Base of China Logistics Talents.During years of school-running practice, we have fixed our school-running direction as “to cultivate quality-oriented technical talents relying on the development of communications and serving the economy”. Meanwhile, our campus culture is characterized by the school motto “sincere moral integrity, clear aspiration, polished ability and persistent work” as well as the school spirit “unity, civilization, diligence and progression”. Therefore, we enjoy an average employment rate of over 93% each year. Over the past 60 years, we have fostered and trained more than 50,000 specialized graduates for the communications industry. Some of our experts and professors, in recent years, have accomplished over a hundred research topics approved by the Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Railways, Department of Communications and Educational Department of Hebei Province successively in some major engineering projects as well as scientific and technical barriers, which brings us high social prestige.Furthermore, our college has won the following titles, “Advanced Institution of Socialist Spiritual Civilization Jointly Constructed by the Army and Civilian” approved by the Publicity Department and the PLA Political Department, “Civilized Institution” in Hebei province, “Advanced Institution of Vocational Education”, “Advanced Institution of Security” and “Advanced Institution of Enrollment” approved by the Educational Department of Hebei Province, the Department of Communications and the Public Security Bureau of Hebei. In 2007, we were granted A level by the Ministry of Education during the estimation of talents cultivation.周边环境河北交通职业技术学院主校区座落在河北省省会石家庄市桥西区西南高教区,花园式庭院,环境幽雅,周边是石家庄大面积的高教区,建有大型医院和商尝超市等,门口通14、117、107、58、48、36、211等公交车,交通便利。另外,河北交通职业技术学院东院位于石家庄市东开发区,河北交通职业技术学院航海分院位于天津市河西区。
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