Study Abroad Planning
Prepare for an international experience
The Stern School of Business encourages all students to take advantage of opportunities to study abroad for a semester, and strongly recommends foreign study for those planning to earn a co-major in international business. It is ideal to save two to four electives to be used while abroad. Students who plan to study abroad should meet with an academic adviser early in their tenure at Stern.
As a Stern student you have the opportunity to study abroad through either the NYU-Study Abroad Program (NYU-In) or Stern’s International Business Exchange Program (IBEX). Undergraduates can study abroad in their sophomore, junior or even senior year, depending on the program. NYU Study Abroad programs fit in best during sophomore year (spring) or junior year (fall); IBEX is open to juniors (fall, spring) and seniors (fall only).
Studying abroad can be a reality for any student with the right planning.
studying abroad through Stern's IBEX program.
studying abroad through the NYU Study Abroad program.
sample curriculum planning for NYU study abroad. |