教学环节 | 设计意图 |
Step one:Warming up Enjoy the theme song of Big Hero | 创设情境,便于课堂教学,调动学生的好奇心和积极性,并将学生带入到故事情节中,为本节课做好预热。 |
Step two: Guessing game The teacher shows some pictures of mian characters in this movie quicly on the screen, students stand up to say the names as fast as they can. | 通过游戏设计调动学生的积极性同时复习巩固Big Hero 中主人公名字,为后期的片段欣赏及角色配音做好铺垫。 |
Step three: Enjoy movie clips The teacher plays two scenes of Big Hero.students watch them by heart. | 通过欣赏电影节选片段,了解本节课的学习重点。 |
Step four: Group work Work in groups to read actors’lines and find out new and difficult words | 通过小组合作,熟记电影台词同时解决台词中出点的生词难词。 |
Step five: Guessing game The teacher shows some pictures which contain the meaning of new works. Students try to guess the word after their group discussing. | 通过图片展示,检测学生在上一环节中对生词难词的掌握,同时也是对生词难词的一种巩固。 |
Step six:Imitation Students read after the video to imitate the voice of characters sentence by sentence. | 通过跟读模仿,纠正语音语调,提升英语语音语调 |
Step seven:work in groups to dub movie clips Studens work in groups to discuss the actors they are interested and then try to dub movie clips | 通过小组讨论商定好角色扮演者,然后小组内进行配音 |
Step eight erformance Students act out the movie clips group by group | 通过小组展示,检测教学内容的完成情况,同时激发学生的表演才能。 |
Step nine: Home work 1.Students practice the important sentences they have learned this period. 2.Think about two questions: What do you think of Hiro’s behaviors? If you are Hiro, what will you do ? | 通过重点句子的复习巩固已学知识;通过对两个问题的思考培养学生真善美的 |