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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-25 08:22:46 | 只看该作者

38.A.do     B.sit     C.talk   D.work
39.A.family     B.class  C.city      D.country
40.A.absent   B.missed  C.lost     D.over
41.A.too    B.very   C.much        D.quite
42.A.mind  B.heart           C.soul  D.thought
43.A.defeated B.beat   C.won     D.hit
44.A.TV   B.radio         C.shoe    D.food
45.A.looked B.fixed  C.shouted  D.stared
46.A.talk   B.film   C.conversation   D.speech
47.A.reason  B.cause   C.excuse       D.wish
48.A.advised B.suggested
C.agreed     D.persuaded
49.A.poems   B.stories   C.speeches   D.plans
50.A.less      B.much    C.far      D.more
51.A.wandered           B.considered     
C.discussed     D.wondered
52.A.think    B.consider  C.spend   D.imagine
53.A.drop  B.leave  C.return   D.go to
54.A.sure   B.clear          C.curious   D.true
55.A.whether  B.that   C.how   D.what
1. 北京是一座现代化的大都市,是中国的首都。人口有一千四百多万。
2. 北京是个历史悠久的城市,许多朝代在这里建都。市内有许多古代建筑和漂亮的公园环境优美.每年有数以百万计的各国旅游者来这里参观。
3. 北京是中国政治文化和经济中心。污染得到了很好的治理,到处种着树木和花草.随着国家的发展,它将变得越来越美丽。

一、Check yourself (选修六Unit1单词)
抽象的;深奥的___________  2雕塑______
3美术陈列室________ 4信任;信心;信念________
5忠实地__________    6目标;目的_________
9采用;收养_________  10拥有;支配______
14巧合地___________15大量_________________           16阴影;影子____________________
23画像;身材_______      24黏土___________
25大理石____________ 26雕刻;刻记___________
35几何学_____________  36束,串____________
49委员会_____________     50签字;署名______

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-25 08:22:51 | 只看该作者

1. Our plans need to be ________(灵活的) enough to care for the needs of everyone.
2. The bank has _______(分支) all over the country.
3. She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and __________(最后) work for ‘The Times’.
4. She is taking a _____(文凭) in management studies.
5. The race organizers are trying to attract _________(赞助者).
6. Colours like red c__ a sense of energy and strength.
7. He expressed his s_______ at the news of her death.
8. These backpacks are designed to carry a heavy l______.
9. It is easier to think in c________ terms rather than in the abstract.
10. He specializes in t_____ from Danish into English.
1. Would you please tell me_______ G-20 Summit in London is all about?
A. that which          B. what that  C. that           D. what
2. I am sorry. I didn’t _______ your voice ______ the phone.
A. recognize ; in           B. know; on                     
C. recognize; on           D. made out; over
3. Only after this financial crisis has come to an end, ________ to come back to work.
A. will you be able     B. are you able     
C. you will be able to      D. you are able to
4. Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often _______ or even better than an actual performance.
A. as good as            B. as well as                   
C. as well                       D. as good
5. He _______a Chinese woman and they have _______for years.
A. married; married to B. married to; been married  C. married; been married  D. married with; married
6. --- Is John coming by train?
-- He should, but he ________ not. He likes driving his car.
A. must             B. can           C.need              D. may
7. This old book is _____ a lot and is well worth ____.
A. worthy; reading          B. worth; reading               
C. worth; read                  D. worthy; read
8. “It will not be long ________ the Olympic torch relay outside a hosting country is stopped.” IOC spokesman said a little bit earlier yesterday.
A. before       B. until              C. if    D. when
9. ---I don’t think I have done a good job.
---That’s OK. ______ you have done your best.
A. All above   B. After all  C. In all  D. First of all
10. Britain suggests that the United States _____ over oil-rich southern Iraq, which suggests that Britain _______ its army out of Iraq soon.
A. take; pull                   B. take; will pull          
C. should take, pull                D. will take; pull
11. Measures must be ______ to prevent the world economy from ________.
A. done, further endangering                            
B. carried, being further endangered     
C. taken, being further endangered                    
D. made, being further endangered
12. Even though they are twins, they have ______ with each other.
A. much in common     B. little in common   
C. many arguments        D. in touch
13. Boy students are not allowed to _______ long hair in our school.
A. dress   B. wear    C. leave              D. grow
14. Don’t worry. It is _______. Drink ______ water and you will be well again.
A. nothing serious; plenty of              
B. serious nothing; a large number of
C. nothing serious; a great deal                   
D. nothing serious; a plenty of
15. ----Where did you meet Mr. Bush?
   ----It was at a conference______ a lot of reporters were waiting.
A. that  B. which          C. in which   D. where
16.        to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead
A. Fail  B. Failed  C. To fail  D. Having failed
17. ---I can’t find my purse anywhere.
---You       have lost it while shopping.
A. may  B. can  C.  should   D. would

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-25 08:22:56 | 只看该作者

18. All people,      they are old or young, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.
A. even if  B. whether  C. no matter  D. however
19. ---I am afraid I can’t return the book to you before Friday.  ---       .
Don’t be afraid  B. Be careful  
C. Not at all  D. Take your time
20. Teenagers        their health because they play computer games too much.
A. have damaged  B. are damaging  C. damaged  D. will damage
Every year millions of people travel by plane without difficulty. I don’t   31   very often, but I always seem to   32   into trouble. Trouble seems to like me; it goes with me 33   a friendly dog! Last year, for example, I wanted to come home   34   a winter vacation in Miami, Florida. I had to   35   a plane to Atlanta and then take another plane home. We left Miami on a Sunday morning. The   36  there was warm and sunny. We arrived in Atlanta at 12:30 p.m. but then it  37   to snow. In the next three hours, ten inches of snow fell.   38 the plane could not leave. After twenty-four hours at the Atlanta airport, I was able to   39   my journey! I arrived home and went to   40  .
“You look tired,” the people at work said. “You need a vacation!”
This year I had to go to Washington D.C. for an important business meeting.   41   the plane journey, I wore sports clothes; they were old, but I felt   42   in them. My good clothes for the meeting were in my suitcase(手提箱). That was a very   43   idea! I   44   in Washington, but my suitcase didn’t. Maybe it went to London or   45   to San Francisco, I didn’t know, but it didn’t arrive in Washington   46  me! I went to my important meeting   47  my tennis clothes. Now that is not a good way to  48  business! People in Washington wear suits to business meetings, not shorts and tennis shoes. My meeting did not  49  well. That was two weeks ago. Now I am home again, and I am  50  waiting for my suitcase.
31.        A. drive  B. fly             C. run       D. walk
32.        A. go        B. jump        C. fall         D. get
33.        A. like      B. as          C. for    D. with
34.        A. in        B. for         C. from       D. on
35.        A. sit           B. ride    C. make      D. take
36.        A. temperature               B. weather                   
C. climate        D. day
37.        A. stopped   B. began   C. went on  D. grew
38.        A. And      B. Or                C. But       D. Because
39.        A. go     B. keep  C. continue      D. stop
40.        A. job      B. office      C. bed    D. work
41.        A. For         B. Like         C. As         D. With
42.        A. worried    B. cold      C. war  D. comfortable
43.        A. bad        B. strange    C. good  D. possible
44.        A. reached     B. arrived       C. got  D. stopped
45.        A. surely     B. certainly       C. later  D. perhaps
46.        A. by        B. with   C. to        D. for
47.        A. on        B. in                C. with   D. without
48.        A. make     B. join          C. do          D. take
49.        A. go          B. get              C. feel            D. do
50.        A. yet     B. still          C. not     D. also

Check yourself (选修Ⅵ Unit 2 单词检测)
3韵,押韵, ________4传达,运送___________
17翻译,译文__________ 18支流,部门__________
19最后,终于________   20转化,转换,改造_____
21悲伤,懊悔_________ 22最基本的要素_______
25部分, _______   26适当的,正当的__________
31指南针,罗盘_________ 32新娘______________
33新郎__________ 34冠军称号____________
37奖学金,学问_________38钢琴家, __________

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-25 08:23:01 | 只看该作者

1. Things can easily go wrong when people are under _______(压力).
2. She was a person _________(习惯了的) to having eight hours' sleep a night.
3. The exercises are designed to _________(加强) your stomach muscles.
4. I heard sounds of a _________(拼命的) struggle, just above my room.
5. He felt _________(窘迫的) at being the center of attention.
6. Her son is a________ to computer games.
7. She was suffering from physical and m_________ exhaustion.
8.New measures come into e_______ next month.
9. He was d_________ to see she wasn't at the party.
10. His only chance of s________ was a heart transplant.
1.----- What are you talking about? ----- _______.It’s a private conversation.
A.None of your business!          B.Forget it!  C.Who cares ?         D. Don’t mention it.
2. In the United States, there is always ____ flow of people to areas of ____ country where more jobs can be found.
A. a; the    B. the; a    C. the; the     D. a; a
3.At first I was worried about it, but the party _______ to be a success.
A.turned up   B.turned down   
C. turned  in      D. turned out   
4.What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has  ______  .?
A.given out   B.put out     C.held up   D.used up
5. _______ the project as planned, we’ll have to work two more hours a day.
A.Completing    B.Complete   
C. Completed    D.To complete
6.Despite all the efforts that the local government _____ over the years, many people there still live a poor life
A.is to make   B. to make  C. making D.has made        
7.Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still ______ the traditional customs.
A.perform    B.possess    C. observe   D. support            
8.Reading is to the mind ______ exercise is to the body.
A.that     B which     C. what     D. how        
9.He returned on October 2 only to find in his _______ , his house had been burned down.
  A.separation           B.absence 
C.process            D.freedom
10.Would it be ______  for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the port?    
A. convenient   B. free  C. handy  D. satisfied
11. Mr. Black, ______ might be expected , got the most votes and won the election.
A.as        B.such     C . it       D. what
12.It was not _____ she told us the truth ____ I realized I misunderstood her.
   A.until, that      B.when, that  
C.until, when    D.when, then
13.Jim came to the front ,_____ the apartment belonged to him.
  A.employing    B.stating  C.judging   D.owning
14.Fuwa-----the mascots of the Beijing Olympic Games ______ five cartoon figures.
   A. made up of              B.are made up   
C. is consisted of  D. consists of
15.Your train is leaving! _____ you take a taxi, you’ll still miss it.
 A.As if      B.Even if    C.Now that     D.So that

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-25 08:23:09 | 只看该作者

The other day in school, we were discussing jobs. Our teacher, Mrs. Bolt said that career was very important and that it was never too early to think about your life’s work. Most of the young boys really were not too sure about what they wanted to be. But I knew exactly what I wanted to be, and when Mrs. Bolt asked me, I replied “A truck driver.”
    “A truck driver?” repeated Mrs. Bolt. “Why do you want to be one, Tom?”
    “Because truck drivers are always on the move. They do not have to sit at desks all day. They are out on the road and they see a lot of the countries. The pay is good, too. And they never have any homework.”
    The class laughed.
    “Well, Tom,” answered Mrs.  Bolt. “You certainly sound quite enthusiastic(热情的). I guess that you don’t like sitting at a desk or doing homework. Is that correct, Tom?”
    “Yes, I guess so,” I said.
    “Well, since you are so interested in becoming a truck driver, I think you should look into the field a little further. I want you to go to the library and take out a book on truck driving. And I want you to write a paper on it and hand it in at the end of the month.”
    That’s the last time. I’ll never tell anybody my secret ambition(雄心).
1. Mrs. Bolt suggested Tom write a book report because________.   A. she was angry with him  
B. she wanted him to learn about the other side of truck driving      C. she was making fun of him  
D. she wanted the whole class to follow him
2. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The writer thinks that truck drivers are well paid.
B. What Tom said made his classmates laugh.
C. It seemed as if Tom did not enjoy doing his homework.
D. Mrs. Bolt didn’t want Tom to become a truck driver.
3. Tom wouldn’t tell about his ambition any more because_______.
A. he didn’t think his ambition could come true  
B. he just got more homework to do
C. he was laughed at by the whole class  
D. he would not be able to become a truck driver
4. What can we infer about Mrs. Bolt?
A. She was unkind to her students.                      
B. She was unfit for her position.
C. She was a teacher with ripe experience.            
D. She always did something strange.
Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches (路沟) along the highway I travel daily to work.
There is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eye. I've noticed that it blooms only in the morning hours, the afternoon sun is too warm for it. Every day for approximately two weeks, I see those beautiful flowers.
This spring, I started a wildflower garden in our yard. I can look out of the kitchen window while doing the dishes and see the flowers. I've often thought that those lovely blue flowers from the ditch would look great in that bed alongside other wildflowers.
Everyday I drove past the flowers thinking, “I’ll stop on my way home and dig them.” “Gee, I don’t want to get my good clothes dirty...” Whatever the reason, I never stopped to dig them. My husband even gave me a folding shovel(钎) one year to be used for that expressed purpose.
One day on my way home from work, I was saddened to see that the highway department had mowed the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were gone. I thought to myself, “Way to go, you waited too long. You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring.”
A week ago we            that my oldest sister-in-law has a terminal brain tumor(脑瘤晚期). She is 20 years older than my husband and unfortunately, because of age and distance, we haven’t been as close as we all would have liked.
I couldn’t help but see the connection between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my husband's sister and us. I do believe that God has given us some time left to plant some wonderful memories that will bloom every year for us.
And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, you can bet I’ll stop and transplant them to my wildflower garden.
1. What’s the best title of the passage? (within 10 words)
2. Fill in the blank in the last but two paragraphs with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (within 10 words)
3. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
I had wanted to stop and dig them but I didn’t make it anyhow.
4. Translate the underlined sentence in the last but one paragraph into Chinese.
5. What do you learn from the passage? (within 30 words)

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-25 08:23:13 | 只看该作者

Check yourself (选修Ⅵ Unit 3 单词检测)
1.        香烟,纸烟_________ 2.        酒,酒精________
3.        酒精的__________    4.        滥用,虐待______
5.        压力,使紧张______6.        青少年_______
7.        青春期__________ 8.        禁止禁令________
9.        欠款的,预定的,到期的_____________
10.        困难的,强硬的________________
11.        入了迷的,上了瘾的________________
12.        使习惯于____________________
13.        收回,撤退______14.        无意识的自动的_____
16.        精神的,智力的_______17.        停止 _________
18.        结果,效力__________19.        肺__________   
20.        怀孕的____________________
21.        异常的_________22.        气喘吁吁的_______
23.        不健康的________24.        加强使坚强_______
25.        小包,小盒________26.绝望的,拼命的_______
27.        药剂师,化学家_____28.失望的沮丧的______
29.        感到惭愧的_________30.        理解力_________
31.        附录,附件_____32.        不合法违法的______
33.        药丸,药片________ 34.幸存幸存者_________
35.        性,性别__________36.        针,针头________
37.        男性的,雄性的______38.        女性的,雌性的__
39.        偏见,成见_________ 40.判决,判断________
41.        流产,中途失败________42.        雪茄_______
43.        尴尬的,陷入困境的_______________
44.        局促不安的,笨拙的______________
45.        由于……________46.        对…有瘾__________
47.        习惯于__________48.        作出决定___________
49.        想要做__________50.        不管不顾__________
51.        冒险___________52.        陷入,染上__________
53.        处境危险,遭受危险_________________
二、Do grammar exercises  非谓语动词
假如你是Mike,是美国Jenks High School与红星七中交换项目的学生,请就本校食堂服务(canteen service)的状况给校长写一封信。内容包括:

优点        不足        建议          
食堂干净        价格偏高        尽快解决问题           
饭菜可口        种类偏少                   
服务态度好        等候时间较长                  
Dear Mr. Principal,
I am an exchange student from Jenks High School. And I have been here in Hongxing No. 7 High School for some time. I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-25 08:23:18 | 只看该作者

1.The information is processed in a ________(随意的) order.
2. This decision could have serious _________(后果) for the future of the industry.
3. I was unaware of his _________(存在) until today.
4. The group does not ________(提倡) the use of violence.
5. He made a very positive _________(贡献) to the overall success of the project.
6. There will be an increase in the r_______ of 0 to 3 per cent.
7. We are making slow but s_______ process.
8. He drove at an a________ speed of 100 miles per hour.
9.The electricity industry c_________ large amounts of fuels.
10. He r________ himself with a cool shower.
1. ------ I was wondering if we could go skating on the weekend.
------ _____ good.
A. Sound   B. Sounded  C. Sounding   D. Sounds
2. The well –dressed man ____to be a robber
A. turned out   B.  turned in  
C. turned over  D. turned  down
3. I’m not familiar with this place. It’s the first time I _____ here, you know.
A. am    B. was   C. have been    D. had been
4. The field research will take Jone and Paul about five months; it will be a long time ____we
meet them again.
A. after  B  before  C   since  D  when
5. ______ by the beautiful scenery, I forgot to go back home in time.
A. Impressing   B. To be impressed  
C. Having impressed   D. Impressed
6. Only when you have finished your homework ______ go home.
A. can you  B. would you  C. you will  D. you can
7. The criminal ______ fire to a store and after a moment the whole store ______fire.
A. made a; lit a   B. set a; caught   C. caught; was on    D. set; was on
8. -----What about _____2008 Olympic Games?
------Oh, it was really ____great success.
A  a; a  B  the ;a  C  a; the  D  the; the
9. -----It’s wrong for a student to follow _____ his teachers say.
-----it’s true. I can’t agree _______.
A. no matter what; to much        B. whatever, much
C. no matter what; more                D. whatever, more       
10. It is             that she helped others with their lessons after school.
A. worth to be praised           B. worthy of being praised
C. worth praised            D. worthy to praise
11. China is one of the developing countries that           the third world.
A. belong to           B. belongs to     
C. is belonged to   D. are belonged to
12. I don’t think I’ll need any money, but I’ll bring some ____.
A. at last  B. in case         C. once again  D. in time
13. ------ What made you so sad?
------ ______ my wallet.
A. Lose    B. Losing     C. To lose    D. Lost
14. ______ is known to everybody is that the moon travels round the earth once every month.
A. As      B. What      C. That       D. It

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