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发表于 2012-10-22 22:30:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



A) 听下面四小段对话,选出与对话意思相符的图片。听两遍
1.What is Mary’s star sign?
A                       B                           C
2. What does the girl want to be when she grows up?

A.                          B                      C
3. What was the weather like last Saturday?

A                        B                          C
4. What animal doesn’t the man like?

A                         B                           C
5.Will the woman go to the cinema?
A. No, she won’t. B. Yes, she will. C. We don’t know.
6.What’s the time now?
A. 5:30. B. 5:25.   C. 5: 35.
7. Where are the two speakers?
A. At the doctor’s. B. On the street. C. At home
8.Where was the woman last night?
   A. In the music hall. B. At home. C. In the restaurant.
9.What drink does woman drink?
A. Milk. B. Coffee. C. Tea.
10. How will Kathy spend her National Day?
  A. Studying at home.
B. Go on a trip.  
C. Doing a part-time job
11. How does Kathy feel these days?
  A. Bored     B. Excited.     C. Tired.
12. Where does the man suggest Kathy go at last?
  A. Hawaii     B. Beijing    C. England
13. How far is it from their school to the zoo?
  A. Only a 45-minute walk    B. Only a quarter’s walk  
C. Only half an hour’s walk
14. Where is the woman after she turns left?
  A. On School Road    B. In the zoo    C. On Green Street
15.Where can the woman get a cup of coffee?
  A. In the zoo.     B. On Green Street.   C. In the park.
C) 听短文,从所给选项中选出最佳答案,听两遍。
16. What kind of person is Mr. Smith?
   A. Forgetful.    B. Careful.    C. Gentle.
17. Who always helped Mr. Smith?
   A. His boss.    B. His mother.    C. His wife.
18. Why did Mr. Smith keep the name of the beach a secret?
   A. Because he wouldn’t take his children there.
   B. In order to make the trip more interesting for his children.
   C. In order to save money.
19. How would they go to the beach?
   A. By train .    B. By car .    C. By plane.
20. What did Mr. Smith forget at first?
A. The paper written by his wife.
B. The place he left the children.    C. The name of the beach.
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21.--Here is     800-word report in today’s newspaper. It’s about the National Day military parade.
   ---It’s         wonderful show I have ever watched.
A. an, the       B. the, an        C. an, a most       D. an, the most
22. —I’m sure I will get good grades (成绩) in this exam.
—If so, I believe your parents will ______ the result.
A. be satisfied with  B. be angry about C. be bored of  D. be worried about
23. You look nice        red but black looks good        her.
   A. on; on     B. on; in     C. in ; on     D. in ;in
24. English is so difficult for me,but I think I can’t ____________.
   A. give up it easily   B. give it up easy   C. give it up easily     D. give up it easy
25. I’d rather          a pink dress        a red dress.
   A. to wear; to    B. to wear; than   C. wear; than     D. wear; to
26. They promised        your minds        , or you will get your money back.
   A. change; successful    B. to change; successful
C. change; successfully    D. to change; successfully
27. —I’m very tired these days because of studying for the coming monthly exam.
—Why not ______ muisc. It can make you _______.
A. listen to; relaxing     B. to listen to; to relax
C. listening to; relax     D. listen to; relax
28. It’s unnecessary       us _________ the people who laugh at you..
   A. for; to pay attention to    B. for; pay attention to
   C. of,to pay attention to              D. of , pay attention to
29.—Could you please tell me ________ in today’s newspaper?
—Sorry, _______.
A. something special; special nothing  B. special something; special nothing
C. anything special; something special  D. something special; nothing special
30. “Would you mind me _______ here next to you?”
   “ ________. Because you seem to have a fever(发烧 ).”
   A. to sit; Better not   B. sitting; Better not  C. to sit; Not at all   D. sitting; Not at all  
31. I have great difficulty _______ a horse in five minutes.
   A.draw       B. to draw      C. drew      D. drawing
32. Which of the following doesn't belong to the traffic signs?

33. Sandy prefers __________to __________.
   A. dancing , sing B. dancing , singing C. dance , sing   D. dance , singing
34.---How many students have passed the examination?
   A. No one    B None     C.Nobody      D. Nothing
35. —Have you seen the TV play My Ugly Mother?
—Yes, it’s well worth _______. It’s _______ moving that I’ve seen it twice.
A. seeing; too   B. to see; enough C. seeing; so  D. to see; such
Ⅲ 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36—45各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
Are you __36__ about how to study and make your study more effective(有效率的)? We all know that some students usually study very hard for a long __37__. This is very good, but it doesn’t __38__a lot, for an effective student must have enough sleep, enough food and enough rest and exercise. Every day you need to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It’s __39__ for your study.
When you return __40__ your studies, your mind will be refreshed and you’ll learn more __41__ study better. Psychologists(心理学家)__42__ that learning takes place this way. Here take English learning as an example. First you make a lot of progress and you will feel happy. Then your language seems to stay the same. So you will think you are learning __43__ and you may give up. This can last for days or even weeks , yet you can’t give up. Later your language study will again take another big __44__. You will see that you really have been learning all along. If you get enough sleep, food, rest and exercise, studying English can be very effective and __45__. Don’t give up along the way. Learn slowly and you’re sure to get a good result.
36. A. nervous         B. worried       C. worry          D. unhappy
37. A. days          B. time      C. hours          D. weeks days
38. A. give            B. make        C. help          D. take
39. A. good           B. bad           C. well           D. worse
40. A. after          B. at           C. to             D. for
41. A. and         B. yet           C. or              D. but
42. A. told           B. have found    C. said             D. have taught
43. A. something    B. anything     C. everything      D. nothing
44. A. work        B. walk        C. wait             D. jump
45. A. interesting       B. hard         C. possible        D. boring
Watch for us on TV
This summer, many Beijing middle school students had a different kind of vacation. Instead of hanging out with friends or traveling, they were training hard for the National Day celebration.
  To mark the special anniversary (周年纪念)of China this year, the students performed a group dance in a big parade(游行)on Tian’anmen Square on October 1.
  Students were training from 7:30am to around 10:00am or from 4 pm to 6:30pm. It was to avoid the summer heat.
  They wore white hats, T-shirts and dark-blue trousers. The hats and T-shirts were printed with a red logo, the number ‘60”.
  The first week of training was PE. Students practiced standing and squatting(蹲)。 Then they moved on to practice the group display. The use coloured sheets in the shape of flowers as a prop(道具). When we watch the parade on TV we will see them making colorful patterns(图案)with them.
  What do the students think of their unusual summer?
  “Sometimes we find it a bit tiring.” says Lu Wenqi,13.”But most of us think it’s a great honor to take part in such an important celebration.”
  Li Hui, 15, thinks the same as Lu. She says her classmates are seldom late for training.
  “It’s a wonderful chance for us,’ says Li. “When my parents were in college, they also took part in a national day celebration. Now it’s my turn!”
                                                    By Wang Min
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46.What were many Beijing middle school students training for this summer?
A. study         B. health       C. fun       D. the National Day celebration  
47..How long were the students training every day?
    A. two and a half hours   B. five hours   C. six hours    D. five and a half hours
48. What did they practice doing at first?
A. running .     B. standing and squatting C. squatting        D. standing  
49.What do most of the students think of their unusual summer?
A.A bit tiring   B. It’s a bit honor      C. It’s meaningful   D. It’s meaningless
50. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. It’s a wonderful chance for the students to take part in such an important celebration.”
B. The students are seldom late for training.
C. Their parents also took part in a national day celebration.
D. Now it’s my turn!
When you sit down with your family to eat a meal, do you ever wonder where and when the tradition of using chopsticks( 筷子 ) began?
People say that the first chopsticks were used in China 5,000 years ago. The practice became popular in Korea, Vietnam and Japan. Today they are a symbol(象征) of Asian culture.
Of Asian countries, Japan highlights(强调 )the importance of chopsticks with a day to celebrate them. August 4 is set aside as Chopsticks Day in Japan.
The different cooking traditions of Asia lead to different kinds of chopsticks. For example the Japanese use sharp(尖的) chopsticks because they eat a lot of fish. Sharp chopsticks are good for picking bones.
Chopsticks are made from different kinds of material. Bamboo chopsticks are common because the material is easy to break apart and doesn’t burn easily. People also use wood and bone for chopsticks .Some rich people had theirs made from precious metals(珍贵的金属). Many emperor(皇帝) used silver(银质) chopsticks ,for it was believed that they would turn black if there was poison in the food.
There are also many table manners about the chopsticks. For example, never stick your chopsticks upright in your rice bowl or tap on your bowl with your chopsticks. People think that is impolite to the host.
51 The chopsticks were first used in              5,000 years ago.
A. China    B. Korea     C. Vietnam    D.  Japan
52       is Chopsticks Day in Japan.
A. 5,000 years ago B.Long long ago C. August 4  D. We don’t know
53Which of the folloning is true.
A. Japanese use sharp chopsticks for they would turn black if there was poison in the food.
B. Japanese use sharp chopsticks because they eat a lot of fish
C. Japanese use sharp chopsticks doesn’t burn easily
D. Japanese use sharp chopsticks because they are easy to break apart
54 Why can’t you stick your chopsticks upright in your rice bowl ?
A.Because it’s bad for chopsticks             B. Because it’s bad for your health
C. Because it’s is impolite to the host.          D. Because it’s is polite to the host
55 What’s the Chinese meaning for underline part ?
A.餐桌礼仪    B.课桌行为    C. 餐桌的学问    D. 课桌的学问
When you get up in the morning, do you find it hard to choose what clothes to wear? If so, you probably need help to make the bigger choices in your life, like what to do when you’re older. “Brave New Girls”, by American author Jean Gadeberg, will help you make such choices. It says you must be a brave new girl. A brave new girl is one who is confident, healthy and happy. A brave new girl can realize her dreams. To be brave, you need to make a decision for yourself. Other people may tell you what to do, but you should not listen to them. You must only do what you want. If you always wear clothes like your favourite TV star, you must stop doing so. Instead, become your own star and wear the clothes you want. You have to like your body, it says. If you don’t, you will not take good care of it and won’t stay healthy. The book also says that girls must start becoming more confident. If you are confident, you’ll succeed in life. A good way to become confident is to realize that you are as clever as boys. In fact you are. Just look at their grades! Only then can you realize your dreams and become who you want to be.
56. What quality should a brave new girl have?
   A. Confident      B. Healthy       C. Happy            D. A, B and C
57. “Brave New Girls” is a ______.
   A. film          B. story          C. book             D. newspaper
58. Suppose(假如) you are a brave new girl, which answer is wrong?
   A. Make a decision for yourself     B. Wear clothes like your favourite TV star
   C. Like your body                D. Realize that you are as clever as boys.
59. What’s the meaning of the word “grade” in this passage?
   A.年级         B. 成绩         C. 品位               D. 道路
60. What’s the best title of the passage?
   A. To be brave    B. A good book C. To be a brave new girl D. Realize dreams
Colours often have different meanings in different cultures. In the U.S., people have found the following to be true.
Black is the colour of power. It is also popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner.
White is the symbol of purity. White is thought to be a summer colour. However, white shows dirt and is more difficult to keep clean than other colours.
This is the most exciting colour. Red furniture (家具) should look very good since it will attract a lot of attention. Red cars are the thieves’ favourite. Red is often used in restaurants because it is an appetite (食欲) stimulant. This means it can make people eat more.
Blue is the colour of the sky and the ocean. Peaceful blue is often used in bedrooms. Studies show that weightlifters are able to lift heavier weights in blue gyms.
Green represents nature. It is the easiest colour on the eye. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients.
Sunny yellow is a cheerful colour, yet people lose their tempers (发脾气) more often in yellow rooms, and babies cry more.
61. Which colour is a summer colour?
A. Blue.        B. White.      C. Green.      D. Red.
62. The underlined word “stimulant” means “______”.
A. 刺激物      B. 防腐剂   C. 辐射物    D. 装饰品
63. Where is colour red often used?
A. In bedrooms.                B. In gyms.
C. In hospitals.                D. In restaurants.
64. What does the underlined sentence mean?
A. It is the easiest colour for people to find.
B. It is the most comfortable colour for eyes.
C. People can remember it more easily.
D. It can improve our eyesight.
65. Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?
A. White can make people eat more.
B. Blue can make patients feel more relaxed.
C. People can get angry easily in yellow rooms.
D. Black cars are popular among thieves.
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假如你是第二中学的一名初三学生刘红,你要写一封信给青少年专家Sigmund Friend,告诉他你遇到的问题,并请求帮助。请根据下列表格中所列的信息,写完这封信。
姓  名 刘  红
星  座 Gemini
最喜爱的颜色 blue, yellow
存在问题 父母管得很紧,几乎没有时间玩;
目前需求 希望得到建议

A) 听下面四小段对话,选出与对话意思相符的图片。
1.M:Do you know the girl in red? [来源:Z§xx§k.Com]
W:Yes, she is my sister, Mary. She is a Libra. She is elegant and loves beautiful things.
2.M: I really want to be a basketball player. And you?
W: Oh, I’m going to be a policewoman when I grow up.
3.M: What a sunny day last Saturday!
W: Yes, and we all had a great time in the park!
4. M: I don’t like cats, they are lazy and they always sleep in the day.
W: But they are working while we are sleeping at night.     
5.M: Would you like to go to the cinema this evening?
  W: I’d love to, but I have to prepare for the final exam next week.
6.M: Excuse me. What’s the time by your watch?
  W: It’s half past five. But my watch is five minutes fast.
7. M: Open your mouth. Now show me where it hurts.
  W: Here on the right, especially when I eat something cold or hot.
8. M: I called you last night, but no one answered the phone. Were you out?
  W: Sorry, I was listening to the music in the living room all the time.
9. M: What kind of drink do you prefer, milk or coffee?[来源:中.考.资.源.网WWW.ZK5U.COM]
  W: Neither. I’d like a cup of tea.
听下面一段对话,回答第10—12 小题。
M: Hi, Kathy! What are your plans for the coming National Day?
W: I’ve no idea. Maybe I will go on a trip.
M: Which city would you like to go to?
W: I’m not sure. I just want to relax because I feel very tired these days.
M: If I were you, I would go to Bejing. It’s really an exciting place.
W: I don’t think so, because we can’t go to Tian’anmen on National Day.[来源:学,科,网]
M: What about Hawaii? There is lots of sunshine there all the year round.
W: Sounds interesting. Of course I could practice English as well. Thanks for your suggestion.
M: My pleasure.                 
听下面一段对话,回答第13—15 小题。
W: Excuse me, could you tell me how far it is from our school to the zoo?
M: Sure. It’s only 15 minutes’ walk.
W:  How can I get there? I’m new here, you know.
M: Well, walk along School Road to the traffic lights.
W:  And then?
M: Then turn left and you’ll be on Green Street. There is a hotel on the corner and the zoo is right next to the hotel. You can’t miss it.
W: Thanks a lot for your help. By the way, could you tell me where I can get a cup of coffee?
M: Er… You can get it in the zoo.
W: Many thanks.
M: You’re welcome.                              
Mr. Smith was a businessman. But he always forgot his things. Sometimes, he even forgot what he was talking about. So his wife had to remember things for him and remind him.
    One summer, Mr. Smith decided to spend his holiday with his two young children on the beach. In order to make the trip more interesting for his children, he kept the name of the beach a secret. As his wife had to work that summer, he had to take the children alone. And unluckily he forgot the name of the beach when they got to the railway station. So he left his children to a friend, whom he met at the station. And he himself hurried back to ask his wife.
    His wife was surprised to see him back alone. When she heard the reason, she wrote down the name of the beach on a piece of paper and told him, “Take the paper with you and take care not to lose it!” Mr. Smith went away.
But ten minutes later, Mr. Smith came back again.
    “What is the matter with you this time? Did you lose the paper?” His wife asked.
“I’ve forgotten where I left our children.”   更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网Http://wWw.lSpjy.cOm 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-22 22:31:24 | 只看该作者

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-22 22:31:37 | 只看该作者
1—5   B C A B A       6—10   B A B C B     11—15 CABCA         16—20 ACBAC
21—25 DACCC        26—30 DDADD        31—35 DDBBC          36-40  B B C A C
41-45  A B D D A

46—50 DABCA        51—55 ACBCA          56—60  D C B B C
61—65 BADBC

Dear Sigmund Friend,
My name is Liu Hong. I’m a Grade 9 student in No. 2 Middle School. My star sign is Gemini. And blue and yellow are my favourite colours. But I have a big problem and I want to know how to deal with it.
My parents are very strict with me. They hardly give me some free time to play. I really hate this. I love to chat online, so I spend lots of time on the Internet after school. I also like to stay up late outside. Sometimes I don’t hand in my homework on time. Now my study is getting worse and worse. My parents and teachers are very angry with me. They want me to stop chatting online. Should I give up my only hobby? I’m very stressed.
Can you give me some useful advice? I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes!

Liu Hong


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