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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-3 02:20:42 | 只看该作者
英  语
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第Ⅰ卷  (共105分)

第一节  语法和词汇知识 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21. When you cover the journal, you will have _______ better understanding of ______nature.
        A. a; the                                B. the; a                                C. /; the                                  D. a; /
22.        — Jack has made up his mind to resign.
   —______, it's no use trying to persuade him.  
        A. If so                  B. Otherwise         C. But for what        D. If not
23.        — Why are so many people gathering on the road?  
        — I have no idea. There ______ be an accident.
        A. must                                   B. would                          C. can                           D. might
24. ______ the climate changes so much has caused many discussions among the scientists.
        A. What                           B. Which                      C. When                  D. That
25. Jim was much proud to see his suggestion ______ after the class meeting.  
   A. adapted                 B. adopted                           C. adjusted                       D. adored
26.        — Several hotels in this area are closing down.                               
   — That's because tourism itself ______ since the business downturn began.      
        A. is declining                                                            B. has been declined     
   C. had declined                                                      D. has been declining
27. When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson, could you please say ______ for me?   
        A. something                        B. anything                     C. everything                D. nothing
28. The policeman ______ you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.           
        A. who                          B. whom                 C. with whom               D. about whom
29. There are some students ______ to have known what they don’t really know, which is really harmful to them.
        A. pretending                  B. to pretend                    C. pretended                           D. pretend
30. The sports meet will be held on time ______ the bad weather.            
        A. because of               B. regardless of            C. instead of                     D. in favor of
31. Work hard in daily life, and you may just ______ good results in the final exam.   
        A. keep up with              B. put up with             C. end up with                    D. catch up with
32. It was lack of money, not of effort, ______ delayed their project.            
   A. which                                  B. as                                 C. that                           D. what
33. Many people died from the hurricane because they didn't have _____ to immediate rescue.                  
        A. access                                  B. admission                  C. approach                          D. attention
34. Some plants are very _____ to light; they prefer the shade.
        A. accessible                          B. available                          C. adjustable                  D. sensitive
35. ______ I toured Hangzhou, I was deeply impressed with its attractive scenery.  
        A. For the first time                                                  B. At the first time  
        C. First time                                                           D. The first time
第二节  完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
Pubs play an essential part in British people's lives. You could   36   find a native who has never been to a pub. A pub can be easily found   37   you are in a faraway area. The British are known as indifferent (冷漠) people. In the pub, however, people are   38   together about weather, football, etc. and the   39   is relaxing and cheerful.
You have to be 18 years old to   40   a drink in a pub. Some pubs will allow people over 14 to go inside if they are   41   by someone who is over 18. You have to go to the bar to buy yourself. So those who don't know the   42   always have to wait a long time before realizing that they have to   43   their own.
You are not   44   to pay pub waiters in cash. The correct behavior is to   45   them a drink. Pubs pride themselves on their egalitarian (主张人人平等的) atmosphere. A tip   46  would be a reminder of their service role, whereas the offer of a drink is a friendly   47  .
About 10 minutes   48   closing time, the landlord will ring a bell and will tell people to order their   49   drinks. The pub is not allowed to   50   drinks after closing time. You must stop   51   20 minutes after closing time; if you have not   52   by this time, the pub landlord may ask you to leave.
Pubs offer the best   53   for foreigners to understand British   54  . That's why pubs are regarded as the   55   of British culture. So if you have the opportunity to visit Britain, go to a pub.         
36. A. never                        B. hardly                                C. sometimes                  D. often      
37. A. as if                        B. when                                C. even if                          D. because   
38. A. chatting                        B. drinking                        C. discussing                  D. arguing   
39. A. life                                B. pub                                C. weather                  D. atmosphere  
40. A. offer                        B. order                                C. charge                          D. pay      
41. A. allowed                        B. promised                        C. proved                          D. accompanied
42. A. custom                        B. pub                                C. entrance                  D. landlord   
43. A. drink                        B. offer                                C. fetch                    D. afford   
44. A. permitted                B. suspected                        C. supposed                    D. respected  
45. A. offer                        B. accept                                C. allow                          D. refer      
46. A. in turn                        B. in cash                                C. in order                  D. in surprise  
47. A. customer                B. foreigner                        C. movement                  D. gesture   
48. A. before                        B. after                                C. at                                  D. by      
49. A. first                        B. last                                C. own                          D. fine     
50. A. serve                        B. make                                C. carry                          D. take     
51. A. chatting                        B. ringing                        C. drinking                    D. eating   
52. A. drunk                        B. left                                C. served                          D. waited   
53. A. drinks                        B. seats                                C. places                    D. wine   
54. A. culture                         B. food                                C. wine                          D. service   
55. A. sign                        B. symbol                         C. direction                  D. flag     
第三部分  阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
In these tough economic times many people are making their food go a little further than they perhaps used to. And for many that might mean ignoring the best before date, but one German man has taken it to the extreme by eating the contents of a 64-year-old tin.
In the late 1940's the United States was helping Germany overcome the hardships of the second World War. Food parcels were a vital part of the rebuilding effort and Swift's bland lard (猪油) was one of the less exciting ingredients. But it was apparently long lasting. The tin with its red, white and blue label still whole survived in Hans Feldmeier's cupboard. So the 87-year-old retired chemist decided to test its suitability for eating.
"I didn't open it because I thought the situation could get even worse. I hope that we are not running into tough times like we had after World War II, even despite the financial crisis we are facing."
And his gamble (大胆尝试) paid off. The tests run by scientists in his home town of Rostock showed it was indeed fit for consumption (消费), saving Mr. Feldmeier a precious few Euros. But he did spend a lot of money on a loaf of black bread on which it was spread before he and the scientists ate it. So what did it taste like?
"I thought it would taste unpleasant, but it doesn't. I'm totally surprised that it shows absolutely no sign of being not fresh." Said the employee of Office of Agriculture, Food Safety and Fisheries
The tin showed no expiry (到期日), so to adapt an old saying, it seems the proof of the lard, if not the pudding, really was in the eating.
56. Which of the following statements about the 64-year-old tin is not true?  
A. Its owner is a German.                     
B. It is from the United States.
C. It is one of the favorite food of Germans.         
D. It is suitable to be stored.
57. Hans Feldmeier didn't eat the tin because ________.   
A. it didn't taste well                                           
B. he forgot it in the cupboard  
C. he stored it in case of the hard time                
D. he wanted to test its' suitability for eating
58. The underlined part "paid off" can be replaced by ________.  
A. was a success   
B. was paid by others
C. was dangerous   
D. drew scientists' attention
59. How about the result of the test?   
A. The tin tastes even better than the fresh one.
B. It shows that the tin’s owner missed the best before date.
C. It is the same as the scientists thought before the test.
D. It is still fit for eating.
60. In which part of a newspaper can we find this passage?  
A. Economics                                           B. Business          
C. Politics                                               D. Food and health

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-3 02:20:49 | 只看该作者

A micro blog with space for 140 Chinese characters had once been a source of endless amusement for Wang Ganghui, a senior majoring in biochemistry at Ji'nan University.
    Until last month, the 21-year-old had believed that he was part of a broader movement. Recently, however, Wang's micro blog is silent.
The reason? It's because of a woman known as "Zhao Meimei". Earlier this month, Wang joined many other users to criticize the US-based student for her wealthy overseas life, because they thought her money came from corruption since her mother was a local official.
    But later Wang found out that the woman student was actually being supported by her father, a hard-working businessman.
    "I felt guilty… Someone hid part of the truth to make a conflict. The worst thing is – I did not even have a chance to apologize to her," he says.
    Wang is not the only young Internet user to be confused by an online world made up entirely of broken information. According to official statistics, the number of micro bloggers in China now exceed 300 million.
    For private users, a micro blog can provide real-time updates from anyone a user chooses to "follow". These can range from family members to celebrities (名人). Information can instantly be spread through "re-tweeting". In the public area, however, a micro blog can also become a link between users and the authorities.
    However, with the increasing popularity of micro blogs comes a number of problems. Chen Changfeng, deputy director of the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University, stressed two major types of misbehavior that can occur on micro blogs and upset young users.
   "Some marketers spread fake news just to make some person or product known to more people; others use the free channel to manufacture and spread fake news and rumors like a virus," Chen says.
    He says that an average micro blogger receives and transmits information, but when faced with such a vast amount of information, he may lack the ability to tell the difference between the real and the fake stories.
    Having realized this, Internet users have come together to combat (抗击) micro blog misconduct by forming voluntary groups such as the Rumor Clarification Association.
The government and individual operators of micro-blogging sites have also stepped in to monitor posted content.
61. What's the purpose of showing Wang Ganghui's experience in the passage?
A. To show how guilty he was.
B. To tell us what micro blog is.
C. To introduce the main topic of the passage.
D. To tell us how many blog users there are in China.
62. From the passage we can conclude that________.
A. Wang Ganghui is very active in "re-tweeting" blog information now
B. Wang Ganghui isn't the first one to criticize Zhao Meimei
C. Zhao Meimei's mother is very wealthy
D. Wang Ganghui's father gave Zhao Meimei lots of money every year
63. What does the underlined word "corruption" mean in the third paragraph?
A. The act of saying bad words to others in order to hurt them.
B. The act of stealing money from others or companies only to be wealthy.
C. The act of taking possession of money not belonging to him through his power.
D. The act of earning money by selling goods to the government.
64. Which of the following is true?
   A. A micro blog can provide real-time updates from anyone.
   B. Chen Changfeng said there are two types of misbehavior that can occur on micro blogs.
   C. Some people spread fake information on purpose.
   D. Most people have the ability to tell the difference between the true information and fake   news.
65. From the last two paragraphs we can see that________.
A. Rumor Clarification Association is an official organization
B. some measures have been taken to help make the internet more reliable
C. the government can do more to make the internet more reliable
D. Zhao Meimei has been clarified on the internet

ArLynn Presser is a 51-year-old woman who lives in Winnetka, Illinois. It’s normal for ArLynn to stay indoors all the time. In fact, for most of her adult life, she hardly ever left her home. Her career as a writer ensured that she could spend her life indoors and still get things done. If this sounds strange to you, you must know that ArLynn suffers from agoraphobia – the fear of crowded places or enclosed public spaces.
Like most introverts (内向的人), ArLynn interacts with people online and she has 325 friends she chats with on Facebook. Last year, she went and did something that no one could have ever expected. On 31st of Dec, 2010, she made a decision to meet all 325 of her Facebook friends in person.
For a person who was terrified of flying and could never get on a plane before, this was certainly a daunting task. In the end, she did a great job, traveling over 13 countries and taking over 39 flights. By the end of 2011, she had met 292 friends, about 90% of what she had intended to.
According to Presser, this was something she just had to do, to make a great change in her life. She said, "A lot of it was just realizing that with my sons gone, I was spending a lot more time alone and a lot more time in front of the computer."
Meeting her Facebook friends was not always easy and she sometimes found herself in the middle of emotional breakdowns and moments of panic. For safety reasons, she always had a partner with her, and made sure the meetings were conducted in public.
Despite all the problems she faced, ArLynn did seem to have some wonderful moments with her facebook friends. Quite a year, I must say! Now her incredible experience has inspired a documentary called "Face to Facebook", about Facebook, anxiety, and the power of social media to inspire great personal change.  
66. For ArLynn Presser, staying indoors is normal because________.
A. she lives in a remote town
B. she had to stay at home to write
C. she can't walk out of her home because of the disease
D. she is afraid of crowded places or enclosed public spaces
67. Why did Arlynn decide to meet her Facebook friends?  
A. She is tired of her present life.   
B. Most of her friends wanted to meet her.
C. Her son encouraged her to do so.   
D. She wanted to make a great change in her life.
68. We can infer from the passage that _______.
A. Arylnn finished her task easily
B. the decision to meet the internet friends was a wrong one
C. the journey of meeting her friends was really a challenge to Arylnn
D. Arylnn sometimes wanted to give up her plan because of her illness
69. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Arylnn never got on the plane before.
B. Arylnn met her friends in the same place.
C. Arylnn met 90% of her friends in about one year.
D. Arylnn had some wonderful moments with her friends.
70. What is the author’s attitude towards Arylnn's action?  
A. Doubtful        B. Grateful        C. Approving        D. Disapproving

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-3 02:22:46 | 只看该作者

HAN Jiangxue, a 33-year-old Beijing native, made his own episode (系列中的一部分) of CCTV 10's Lecture Room (Baijia Jiangtan) after the program rejected him three times. "They said I didn't meet the show's criteria (标准) because I didn't have an associate professor title," said Han.
        Han, an international major who graduated from the University of International Business and Economics in 1998, has been studying and writing history for years. With only 30,000 yuan, Han recorded a 6-hour-long video of himself lecturing on the Song Dynasty.
        Han shot the video in the Lecture Room format, using a simple setting, an off-screen voice and photo illustrations (说明). The video soon became a hit after Han posted it online in September. It was called the "copycat" version of Lecture Room.
        "I wanted to find a channel to make my voice heard," Han said. "Since there were too few chances to do this in the traditional way, I tried to figure out a wild way, and it worked."
        Han takes the word copycat as a compliment, rather than as criticism. "The word represents a grassroots movement," he said. "It means ordinary people enjoying the same rights and …doing something that could only be done by the professionals before."
        Han thinks his video is innovative (创新的), even though it copies the format of the Lecture Room show. He points out that he wrote the lecture himself.
        "If you just copy, no one will be interested; you need to be creative," Han said. He wants to give another lecture, on European history, which has never been dealt with on Lecture Room. "Next time, I want to use a different format."
71. CCTV rejected Han because ________.
A. he was an international major
B. he was not an associate professor
C. he studied history for only a few years
D. his video was too simple.
72. Han became successful online because ________.
A. he copied the format of the Lecture Room show
B. he spent 30.000 yuan on his video
C. he wrote the lecture himself and his video was innovative
D. he graduated from the University of International Business and Economics
73. The average cost of one-hour-long video of Mr. Han is ________.
A. 500 yuan                                B. 30,000 yuan               
C. about 5000 yuan                        D. about 30,000 yuan
74. Why did Han Jiangxue post his video online?
A. Because he wanted to show it off to CCTV.
B. Because he wanted to make his voice heard.
C. Because he had no other way to do it.
D. Because he thought the Internet is popular.
75. What did Han Jiangxue think of people's comment about his video?
A. He thought they loved his video.
B. He thought it was a criticism.
C. He didn't take it seriously.
D. He thought it as an encouragement.

第Ⅱ卷 (共45分)
第四部分: 书面表达 (共两节,满分45分)
第一节 阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
We always celebrated Dad's birthday on Thanksgiving Day. These events took on a double meaning for me — a traditional birthday party for Dad, and a personal thanking for all he had been to me in my life.
When we knew that it might be his last birthday, the whole family decided to rearrange Thanksgiving plans and come together for a huge Grandpa Simon birthday celebration. It was a crowded party with lots of noise and abundant food. Dad was having the time of his life. He was a marvelous storyteller, and here was the biggest audience he'd ever had.
During a quiet moment, I announced that it was now Dad's turn                    for a change. I wanted everyone to tell Grandpa Simon what we loved about him. The room became still, and even Dad was quiet.
One after another, people told stories from their hearts, while Dad listened with wet, flashing blue eyes. People recalled all kinds of lost memories — stories about when they were little, stories about when Dad was young... The stories flowed. Each one seemed to recall the memory of two more. Even the littlest grandchildren couldn't wait to tell Dad why they loved him.
A few months later, at Dad's memorial service, we more fully realized what we had given Dad that night. Those were the stories people normally tell at a funeral, after a loved one is no longer around to hear the words. They are told, then, full of tears. But we had given those loving memories to Dad in life, told through laughter, accompanied by hugs and joy. He had them to hold and roll over in his mind during his last months and days.
Words do matter, and they are enough. We just need to say them, to speak them to the ones we love. That's the way to give back love.
(1)How do you understand the sentence "Dad was having the time of his life" in paragraph 2? ( no more than 15 words )
77. Fill in the blank with proper words to complete the sentence in paragraph 3.
( no more than 6 words )
78. Why were Dad's eyes "wet" in paragraph 4? ( no more than 15 words )
79. What does the writer want to tell us in the last but one paragraph? ( no more than 20 words )
80. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

第二节:写作 (满分30分)
1. 欢迎他来中国学习;   
2. 希望跟他成为学习伙伴;
3. 介绍你个人情况。   
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第一节  语法和词汇 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21-25 DADDB       26-30 DADAB        31-35 CCADD     
第二节   完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1 分,满分20分)
36-40 BCADB                41-45 DACCA              46-50 BDABA       51-55 CBCAB

56-60 CCADD                61-65 CBCCB               66-70 DDCBC       71-75 BCCBA

76. Dad was enjoying his life with so many loved ones around him./ Dad is now the happiest in his life.
77. to listen to some stories
78. Because he was moved by the stories and the love from his family./ Because he was moved to tears.
79. He wants to tell us to express/ say our love to our loved ones before it is too late.
80. 即使最小的孙子们也迫不及待地给爷爷讲他们为什么爱他。

第二节:写作 (满分30分)(略)

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