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发表于 2010-6-17 21:32:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
时间:80分钟    内容:unit1---12     总分:110分
   学校 ——————   班级——————  姓名 ——————      座号————
1、r--le﹙规则﹚    2、m--nd﹙介意﹚     3、ch----p﹙便宜﹚
4、st----﹙停留﹚   5t----﹙茶﹚    6、b----f﹙牛肉﹚  
7、b----ld﹙体格﹚  8、r--n﹙雨﹚9、w--sh﹙洗﹚    10、f--sh﹙鱼﹚
A、漂亮的    B、赞同    C、万里长城     D、少年宫      E、不再   
F、中国文化   G、访谈节目   H、 一大碗   I、故宫    J、 肥皂剧
1、 talk show   2、 China Culture    3、 soap opera   4、 good—looking  
5 、agree with   6、 the Great Wall    7、 not…any more   
8、 the Palace Museam  9、 the Children’s Palace   10、 a large bowl of
Ⅰ                                 Ⅱ
﹙﹚ 1. What does your brother look like?               A. Yes, they did.
  ﹙﹚2. How was your weekend?                           B. It’s ten yuan
﹙﹚ 3. What time did Tom get to school?              C. He’s tall with brown hair
﹙﹚4. Did your parents go to the movies yesterday?    D.  At about six o’clock
﹙﹚5. Where does Mr Smith come from?                  E. Yes, there is.
﹙﹚6. What is your best friend like?                 F. They are playing soccer.
﹙﹚7. Are the children playing soccer or basketball?  G. I like Chinese.
﹙﹚8. Do you like English or Chinese?                H. America.
﹙﹚9. How much is the book?                           I. She is really friendly.
﹙﹚10. Is there a post office near here?               J. It was great.
1 、I often v___ my grandmother.
2 、Where did you go on v______ last year?
3、She went shopping last night, but the shops were too c______.
4 、My brother usually a_____ late for class.
5 She likes the scarf, but I don’t s_____ it.
1、Don’t ______﹙eat﹚in the classroom.
2、They________﹙go﹚to the beach last weekend.
3、Miss Wang is ________﹙friend﹚to us.
4、Look! The boys__________﹙play﹚soccer  over there.
5、They enjoy ________﹙listen﹚to music.
6、There aren’t_______﹙some﹚mutton in the fridge.
7、She _______﹙wash﹚clothes every morning.
8、It’s_____﹙sun﹚. Let’s go out for a walk.
9、We have to______﹙clean﹚the classroom on school day.
10、Thank you for______﹙join﹚us.
﹙﹚1、You are from Australia, can you _____Japanese?
   A、 speak   B、 say   C、 tell
﹙﹚2 、You are a good girl.  _ _________
   A、 Thank you very much   B 、Sure      C 、OK
﹙﹚3.________ late for school again.
A. Not          B.Not be         C.Don’t be        D. Aren’t
﹙﹚4、 This is my friend, he is a _________boy.
   A、 14-years-old    B、 14 years old     C 、14-year-old
﹙﹚5、 _______did you go last Sunday?  -- I went to the zoo
A 、 How         B.Where          C.When           D.Why
﹙﹚6、 Go straight and ___________left. The hospital is next to the post office.
A. turn         B.take         C.go   D. carry
--What_______ _your English teacher _____like?—She is tall with long hair.
A.is, look          B.is, looks         C.does, look       D.do, looks
﹙﹚7、My friend ________a medium build and she ________medium height.
A.has, has    B.is , is       C.has  , is        D. is , has
﹙﹚8、 --How was your vacation, Sarah?  --________.
A. It’s pretty good      B.It was pretty good        C.It’s hot         D.It was hot
﹙﹚9、 _____ Sunday night , we went to movies.
   A 、On       B、 At        C、 In
﹙﹚10 How about ______ fishing this   afternoon?
   A、 go       B、 goes      C 、going
﹙﹚11、 ____________     I’d like some chicken.
   A、 Do you like it?   B、 Can I help you?   C、 What do you like?
﹙﹚12、 Mary like playing __ guitar, but she doesn’t like playing __soccer.
   A、 the\        B、 the, the        C、\, the
﹙﹚13、 John doesn’t like math, Lily doesn’t, ____.
   A、 also        B 、too            C、 either
﹙﹚14、 She is a waiter. She is ___ at night, but she is free in the morning.
   A、 funny       B、 busy           C 、tired
﹙﹚15、 Is there a park near here? _ __________
   A 、Yes, there is.       B 、No, it isn’t.     C、 No, there is.
﹙﹚16、 Please be _____!  It is a reading room.
   A 、shy          B、 smart          C、 quiet
﹙﹚17 、This TV show is _____ , so I want to sleep.
   A、 boring          B、 interesting           C、 exciting
﹙﹚18、 What would you like_____ lunch?  -- A bowl of noodles, please.
   A、 for          B 、with       C、 in
﹙﹚19、 There ____ many people in the park yesterday.
   A was         B were       C are
﹙﹚20、 Why __go out for a walk?
  A 、don’t          B、 not        C 、can’t
1、 I’d like some chicken noodles.﹙划线部分提问﹚ _____ _____ you _____ ?
2、Do your homework after school.﹙否定句﹚ _____ _____ your homework after school.
   _3、She gets up at six every morning.﹙一般疑问句﹚ ____ she ___ ____ at six every morning?
   4、His brother has some tomatoes. ﹙同2﹚His brother ____ _____ _____ tomatoes.
   5、What do you think of the TV show ?﹙同2﹚ _____ _____ you _____ the TV show?
6、What can I do for you ? ﹙同2﹚_____ _____ _____ ______ ?
   7、He watched TV last night. ﹙同3﹚____ he ___ TV last night?
  8、Mr. Wang is teaching English in the classroom.﹙同1﹚
   _____ ____ Mr. Wang _____ in the classroom?
9、Mr. Black is a little bit heavy.﹙同1﹚ _____ _____ Mr. Black _____ _____ ?
10、He is from Japan. ﹙划线部分提问﹚______  _____  he _____?
It   51   Sunday yesterday. We has   52 classes. I got up at 6:30 53 morning. Then my mother and I went to the shop. We wanted to do some   54  . My mother wanted to buy some food   55   super and I wanted to buy some school things: some books and a pen. The shop  56 early in the morning.  57  a lot of people in the shop. They were   58  , old and young. Some things in the shop were cheap, some were not. We bought some food and school things. The people in the shop 59 friendly   60.
51.A.is            B.was           C.it’s               D.it was
52.A.no            B.not           C.not any            D.much
53.A.in            B.in the          C.at                D.at the
54.A.shops         B.shopping        C.shopping          D.shop
55.A.for           B.to             C.with              D.at
56.A.open          B.opening        C.is opening         D.opened
57.A. There is        B.There has       C.There were        D.There have
58.A.man and woman  B.mans and womans    C. men and women    D.a man and a woman
59.A.was           B.were           C.did              D.have
60.A.for we         B. to us           C. for our           D. to ours
60.A.for we         B. to us           C. for our           D. to ours
  Billy and Sam were twins. They were in the same class. They were both very happy. One day their teacher asked the class to write a composition(作文)“My Mother”. Sam wrote one, but Billy was lazy. He just copied his brother’s.  The next day, the teacher asked Billy why his composition was the same as Sam’s. “We have the same mother, don’t we?”answered Billy.
61.Sam was older than Billy.
62.Sam and Billy were in different classes
63. The name of the composition was” My Mother”
64.Billy’s composition was the same as Sam’s
65.Billy was not lazy. He was very clever

Channel 1 Channel 2
18:00 Around China 17:45 Computers today
18:30 Cartoon network 18:10 Chinese arts
19:00 News 18:30 English classroom
19:30 Weather report 18:50 Animal world
19:40 Around the world 19:25 China’s 2004
20:10 TV play: Sisters 20:20 Sports
21:00 English for today 21:00 TV play: Big family
21:15 Popular music 21:45 English news
21:55Talk show 22:00 Music
66.You want to know something about Japan, you can watch________
A.Weather report        B.China’s 2004          C.Around the world      D.Animal world
67.You are a football fan. You may watch TV at___________.
A.19:00 on Channel 2       B.19:40Channel 1       C.20:20Channel 2   D.21:15Channel  
68.How long does the TV play“sisters”last(持续)?
A.30 minutes       B.50 minutes       C.90 minutes        D.120 minutes
69.You can watch _______if you want to learn English.
A.English news        B.English classroom       C.English for today   D.A、B and C
70.Children often like to watch_________.
A.Cartoon network        B.News        C.Weather report          D.Sports
B:Great! Thanks.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-17 21:33:00 | 只看该作者
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