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审定新PEP六年级上册英语第二单元Unit2 Ways to go to school测试卷

发表于 2014-9-17 16:18:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
       这套审定新PEP六年级上册英语第二单元Unit2 Ways to go to school测试卷免费下载为绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与小学教材大纲同步,本站试卷供大家免费使用下载打印。

Listening Part(听力部分)
I. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词。)
(     )1. A. stop        B. slow                C. ship                D. subway
(     )2. A. bike        B. bus                C. by                D. train
(     )3. A. red            B. green        C. light            D. traffic
(     )4. A. get         B. go                C. park             D. bus
(     )5. A. far                B. fast            C. from                 D. for
II. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的句子。)
(     )1. A. Don’t go at the red light.         B. Go at the green light.
C. Wait at the red light.
(     )2. A. How does your father go to work?
        B. How do you go to the bookstore?
        C. How do you come to school?
(     )3. A. Sometimes I come to school by bus.
        B. Sometimes I come to school on foot.
C. Sometimes I come to school by train.
(     )4. A. Do you go to school on foot?      B. Does she go to school on foot?
        C. Do you go to school by bike?
(     )5. A. Mrs. Smith sometimes goes to work by car, but she usually on foot.
        B. Mrs. Smith sometimes goes to work on foot, but she usually by car.
        C. Mrs. Smith sometimes goes to work by car, but she usually walks.
III. Listen and choose(听问句,选择恰当的答语。)
(   )1. A. I usually walk.         B. Sometimes I go home.
         C. She usually go on foot.
(   )2. A. She will stop and wait.   B. He’ll stop and wait.
C. She will go .
(   )3. A. Take the No.57 bus.     B. It’s beside the post office
C. The bus is coming.
(   )4. A. Here you are           B. Thank you.
         C. Of course you can.
(   )5. A. She goes by bike.       B. She go on foot.  
         C. He goes on foot.  
IV. Listen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,把句子补充完整。)
1. A: How do you go to school, John?
  B: I often go to school                ,sometimes I go                  .
2. Please                     and          at the red light.
3. A: Excuse me, how can I                     the          station?
  B: It’s not far, you can go there on foot.
Writing Part(笔试部分)
I. Read and choose(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个)
(     )1. A. by ship   B. by plane   C. go home
(     )2. A. hospital   B. museum   C. helmet
(     )3. A. turn right  B. turn left   C. on foot
(     )4. A. stop      B. wait      C. sled
(     )5. A. must     B. often     C. sometimes  
II. Read and choose(读一读,选出正确的答案)
(     )1. --How do you get to Dalian from Shandong?--       .
A. by subway          B. on foot      C. by ship    D. by bike
(     )2. Please ______ ! The light is yellow now.
A. slow down and stop  B. wait         C. go        D. I don’t know.
(     )3. Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school ________.
A. by subway          B. by sled       C. by ferry   D. by car
(     )4. Where is the _________? I want to send a post card.
A. bookstore          B. post office     C. museum   D. hospital
(     )5. How do you come to school?_______________________.
A. She usually walks.    B. I sometimes come by bus.   
C. The bus is coming.    D. Sure.
(     ) 6. Little Jack sometimes goes home           foot.
                A. by                          B. at                        C. on                  D. in
(     ) 7.           can I get to the zoo?
                A. What                   B. How                    C. How old          D. Do
(     ) 8.           go at the red light!
                A. Don’t                  B. Do                    C. To do          D. Does
(     ) 9. Look           the pictures. They are beautiful.
                A. to                          B. /                             C. a                  D. at
(     ) 10.--Don’t let the dogs run too fast.--          .
A. Thank you.          B. Let me try.   C. You’re welcome.
III. Read and choose (读句子,选出正确的答语。)
I                                                                        II
(     )1. How do you go to the USA?                                A. Great!
(     )2. Let’s go to the park.                                                B. It’s near the post office.
(     )3. How does Amy go home?                                C. Sure.
(     )4. Where is your home?                                        D. She goes home on foot..
(     )5. Can I go by bike?                                                E. I go by plane.
IV. Choose and fill(选择方框内的单词填空)
Who    What     When     How     Where
1. A:          would you like to eat?
  B: I’d like some beef.
2. A:          do you go to school?
  B: I go to school by bike.
3. A:         do you usually get up ?            B: At 6:00.
4. A:          is your English teacher?           B: Miss Li.
5. A:          is the hospital?
  B: It’s next to the post office.
V. Read and fill(根据所给汉语提示补充句子)
1.I usually go to school                  (步行).
2. Please          (停)and         (等)at a green light.
3.         (怎样)do you come to school?
         (通常), I come                   (乘地铁)
4.We must pay attention to the                   (交通灯)
VI. Read and connect to become a sentence. (连词成句)
1. go, I, there, bike, by. (.)                              
2. go, don’t, light, at, red, a  (.)                                    
3. on, can, go, she, there, foot (?)                                    
4. must, I, pay, attention, the, to, lights, traffic ( ! )                                    
5. on, people, bikes, helmets, wear, must. ( . )                                    
6. get, the, can, I, to, hospital, how (  ?)_____________________________                                                                  
7. there, No. 57, over, take, the, bus  ( . )                                       
8. from, cousin, they, USA, the, are, my, in ( . )                                       
9. park, go, the, Let’s,to,nature, ( . )                                       
10. exercise, good, is, that( . )                                       
VII. Read and choose. 根据短文内容,判断(T)正误(F)
        Hi, I’m Mike, I’m a clever student. Usually, I go to school on foot. Because my home is near the school. Tom is my good friend. We often go to school together. My father is a doctor, he often goes to work by car. My mother is a teacher, she often goes to work by bus, but sometimes by bike.
        On weekends, I often go to the park with my parents. In the afternoon, I often go to the library by bike. I like reading. After dinner, I like watching TV with my family.
(     ) 1. Mike’s father is a driver.
(     ) 2. Tom often goes to school on foot.
(     ) 3. On weekends, Mike often goes to the park with his father and mother.
(     ) 4. Mike’s mother never goes to work by bike.
(     ) 5. After dinner, Mike likes reading.
VIII. Writing.(写作)
要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整; 2. 不少于50个单词。
I’m a student, I usually go to school         . I must pay attention to  
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-17 16:19:10 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-17 16:19:18 | 只看该作者
I. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词。)
1.subway 2. by 3. traffic 4. get 5. far
II. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的句子。)
1. Don’t go at the red light.
2. How do you go to the bookstore?
3. Sometimes I come to school by train.
4. Does she go to school on foot?
5. Mrs. Smith sometimes goes to work by car, but she usually walks.
III. Listen and choose(听问句,选择恰当的答语。)
( A )1. How do you come to school?
( B )2. What will the man do?
( A )3. How can I get to the hospital?
( B )4. Let me read this for you.
( A )5. How does Amy go home?
IV. Listen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,把句子补充完整。)

1. A: How do you go to school, John?
  B: I often go to school      by    bike  ,sometimes I go  on   foot   .
2. Please   slow     down    and  stop   at the red light.
3. A: Excuse me, how can I   get   to   the   bus    station?
  B: It’s not far, you can go there on foot.


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