
标题: 小学英语 《Unit [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2010-4-21 12:48
标题: 小学英语 《Unit

英语是一种语言,而 非一般的知识。脱离了一定的情境,语言就难以恰当地表述,难以发挥其表达进行交际活动的实质作用。词汇教学是小学英语教学的一个重点,也是一个难点。小学 生笼统思维能力较差,主要以机械记忆为主。他们对枯燥乏味的教学内容,难于集中注意力,容易发生厌倦感,以至于影响教学效果。因此,在词汇教学中,增强词 汇教学的趣味性就显得尤为重要。我们尽可能根据教学内容、教学目标、小同学的心理特点等等,尽量采取丰富多样的教学形式,激发他们的学习兴趣,调动他们的 学习积极性,以达到课堂教学的最佳效果。
本节课是PEP Book3第五单元第一课时。这是以“食物”为话题,主要教学“rice,noodle, fish, beef, soup, vegetable .”这6个新词,复习 “Can I have some…, please? Sure. Here you are. 句型,并初步掌握What would you like for dinner ? I’d like some…新句型。并能积极的运用所学英语进行表达、交流,从而进一步激发和培养同学学习英语的兴趣,发展自主学习的能力以和综合运用英语的能力。
2. Let’s sing:Apple song
1、Ask and answer:
T: Good morning. Ss: Good morning.
T: What’s your name? Ss: My name is ….
T: How are you ? Ss: Fine, thank you.
T: How old are you? Ss: I am 11.

T: Look at the screen. This is my room. What’s this?
Ss: It’s a TV/sofa/shelf/fridge/bed…
T: Do you like it?
Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
T: Then what’s on the table?
Ss: Eggs/Bread/Milk/Chicken/Juice/Hot dog/Hamburger…
3、Game:Quick response.
T: Let’s do a quick response. I’ll point to a picture. If you like it, you please say: Can I have some…,please?
S1: Can I have some milk, please?
S2: Can I have a hamburger, please?
S3: Can I have some juice, please?

T: Sure. Here you are. (Give students the pictures.)
(三)、Presentation & Drill
1、 T: Look at the screen. This is Zoom’s restaurant. In this restaurant, we can see a lot of nice food and drinking. What would you like?
S1: I like bread.
S2: I like milk.
S3: I like chicken.
S4: I like juice.

T: So many people like to go to the restaurant. Look! This is the menu. What would you like?
Juice ¥3 rice ¥1
bread ¥2 fish ¥8
milk ¥1 beef ¥10
chicken ¥9 soup ¥4
hot dog ¥3 noodles ¥5
hamburger ¥3 vegetable ¥2
2、If you want to go to the restaurant and you want to eat something, you must learn to say the new words: rice, fish, beef, soup, noodles and vegetable. Today I invite Zoom to help us. You can read the words after him.
3、Let’s do a quick response. I’ll say a word, you please listen and raise your card quickly, ok?
4、Wonderful! Would you like to eat the nice food? I think you should say: Can I have some…,please?
Raise the pictures and let the students practice: Can I have some noodles, please?
Teacher answers: Sure. Here you are.
5、Right! Then please open your books to Page 58. You can see a menu. Listen to the tape and then read after it.
(运用多媒体课件,创设学习氛围,协助同学从Zoom’s menu中学习单词。)
1、Look at my picture. If you like the food , please stand up and say: Can I have some…,please?
Help the other students to say: Sure. Here you are.
Practice in your groups.
2. Then we can go to Zoom’s restaurant.
I’m the waitress. Welcome! Can I help you?
Let the students buy something.
Can I have some…,please?
Sure. Here you are.
3、Who wants to be the waiter or waitress?
1、Today we’ve learnt Unit 5 What Would You Like, A. we’ve learnt 6 new words. And go to Zoom’s restaurant. Let’s read the menu again.
And if we want to buy food, we should say….
2、 After the class, I hope you can use the words and sentences in your life.
3、 Homework: Go to the KFC with your father and mother. Please try to speak English to buy food.
本课教学中,我为同学创设了一个喜闻乐见的情境——Zoom开 餐馆,在情境中,同学可以练习所学的单词,可以练习实用的句型,还可以初步了解西方的饮食习惯,一举多得,我教得省力,同学学得开心。在这几年的教学实践 中我们不难发现,同学对吃的食物总是有很高的热情。曾经有一个同学,平时的英语学习一团糟,但在学习食物单元时却获得了前所未有的好成果。 究其原因,就是“兴趣”两字在起作用。教食品单元时老 师经常会带上一大堆可口的食物,大家边吃边学,吃得开心,学得顺心,就算真的没带事物来,也会带来有好看好吃的食物欣赏,无意识地同学就掌握了这一大堆的 单词。除实物外,多媒体课件是教师营造逼真交际情境的最好手段。本课中教师除借助它发明了真实的情境外,还让多媒体开口,让Zoom教同学新单词,着实把同学的兴趣大大激发了起来,也确实收到了很好的教学效果。
在 教学中,我们不难发现任务型教学模式所倡议的教学理念鼓励师生之间进行互动,要求教师把教学内容融入具体的任务中,让同学边学边用,边用边学。在进行教学 时,同学在明确的任务目标驱动下,经常能比较自觉、主动参与课堂实践。这真正实现了以话题为核心,以任务为主线,任务以活动为载体,活动以同学为中心的教 学原则。在教学中,教师的价值就在于组织同学开展适时、适当的活动,和时提供并调整同学学习运用交流过程中发生的问题,通过结合教学目标设计出意义的情境 任务活动,引起同学的共鸣,促进同学积极主动地投入英语学习中。本课在设计时,早早地提出了Zoom的餐馆的任务,不但让同学有明确的任务目标,而且引起了同学强烈的好奇心和参与欲望;然后,又借助课件创设出的逼真的情境,让Zoom教 小朋友们学习新单词,并通过师生、生生等不同结构的操练,巩固了教学效果。同学在感知语言的过程中通过餐厅中点餐的任务情境,习得了这个对话。像这样,在执 行任务的过程中,待时机幼稚时创设真实的活动场景,使同学学之能用,学之即用,既可以培养同学在逼真的情境中自编对话、相互交际的能力,又可以培养同学的 协作精神,充沛发挥他们的各项职能特征,真正体现英语学习的交际性。

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