1. 角色表演活动:每单元课的对话练习时,我指导小组成员运用新、旧语言知识,就某一话题结合学习内容,发挥想象,通过创设情景、自编对话,进行角色表演。例如,学习 SB1,MODULE I Lesson 6 History Makers,时,在学生做完 Ex2 听力练习后,结合 Expressing Opinions 话题要求小组对话来巩固 Function File 所学句型, “Which person do you admire most? Please give the reasons.”学生就听力信息展开交流:
A: Li Hua, can I have a talk about the four famous people in the pictures?
B: Sure.
A: Which person do you admire most?
B: Well, I think Dr Sun Yat-sen is important, Because he led the 1911 revolution against the Qing Dynasty and founded the first republic in China.
C: In my opinion, Edison is very important. He is a great thinker and scientist.
D: Yes, you are right, but personally I think Mother Teresa is also quite important, for she spent her whole life working with poor and homeless people.
A: I agree.
教师创设具体、丰富、自然、真切的情景,鼓励学生将喜怒哀乐等情感和动作融于会话中。让学生先小组讨论角色的分配,然后自编自演,尽量把所学的词语用到对话中去,最后,在全班同学前进行表演。再如,在教 Lesson 5 Modern Heroes 这课时,让学生在小组中排练这么一个小品:“Suppose one is Yang Liwei, the other is a news reporter. The reporter is interviewing Yang Liwei after the spaceship has landed. After his being interviewed, all the audience can question Yang Liwei.”
围绕课文内容提出的讨论话题(topics)应力求具有开放性。对于一些深层次问题的理解,如果小组讨论出现一题多解的精彩局面是一个值得鼓励的好现象。例如,在教 Lesson 5 Modern Heroes 这课时,笔者根据课文内容的线索向各合作学习小组提出了以下两个问题:What opinions do people have towards Yang Liwei? What do you think of the result of the story? 通过讨论,各小组都发表了自己的观点,想象丰富且言之有理。
语义重建是培养学生语言运用能力的重要手段,它可以从口头表达开始,逐渐上升到书面表达形式。书面表达离不开听、说、读的训练,这是一个从量变到质变的过程:开始时教师就向学生讲明主题,然后开展小组讨论,使全体学生能积极参与同该主题有关的讨论活动,感知大量的语言信息材料,学生就有了较清晰的表象。在此基础上,从单纯的再现到大幅度的扩展,再到脱离原语篇的自由表达,构成了一个有梯度连续的系列过程。 如:学习 Unit 3 Communication Workshop 中的 Writing: Describing an Event 时,师生共同合作完成了 Before you start 后,刚好我们级周六到各镇进行义卖活动,我结合学生的生活实际,要学生以 Life Experence 为题描述事情过程。Discuss the diagram below in group to help you think of ideas.
(1) Introduction to the situation: What? Where? When? Who?
(2) The beginning: What preparations? What time did you start?
(3) Development: What happened during the activity?
(4) Conclusion: What happened in the end? Was it good?
然后要求学生参照大家讨论得出的笔记和 Writing Help 3, on page 91,描述周六义卖的情况,结果大部分学生情绪高昂,写出了很多好文章。