
标题: Unit2 What should I do? [打印本页]

作者: lspjy    时间: 2008-3-13 10:00
标题: Unit2 What should I do?
I.Teaching aims and teaching demands:

In this unit students learn to talk about problems and give advice.

II.Teaching key and difficult points:


argue, loud, original ,out of style, tutor, upset, adult,

Recycling: problem, sorry, part-time, important, friend, money, home, new, easy, letter, ticket, ball game, surprise, colorful, borrow, write, call someone up, go to someone's house, every night

B.Target language

My brother plays his CD too loud.

What should I do ?

Why don't you talk to him about it?


Modals could, should

Why don't you …?(formulaic)

III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods

IV.Teaching aids: a tape recorder

V.This unit is divided into seven periods.

Lesson 1   Speak and listen

Section A 1a─1c

I.Teaching aims and demands:

Students learn to talk about problems and give advice.

II.Teaching key and difficult points:


keep out , play, loud, argue, wrong, What's wrong ? out of style , could, should,

B.Target language

My brother plays his CDs too loud.

Maybe you should buy some new clothes.

III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods

IV.Teaching aids: a tape recorder

V.Teaching procedure

Activity 1.Revision

Task 1.Dictation

Task 2.Ask and answer.

Questions about future with will.

Activity 2.Presentation

This activity introduces some new vocabulary.

Task 1 .Make a two-column chart on the board with the heading Problem at the top of column 1 and the heading Advice at the top of column 2 .Then ask the students to tell you what you could do about it.


I want to buy a new guitar but I don't have enough money.Advice

1.Wait until next year.

2.Don't buy a guitar.

3.Borrow one.

4.Buy a used guitar.

5.Get a part-time job.

Task 2.Then read the problem to the class again.Then write the words could ,should ,and shouldn't on the board next to the chart.Read the problem to the class again and help the class give advice using the words could, should ,and shouldn't.

Task 3.Ask the students to finish the task in 1a.

Teach : Serious problem is a very bad problem, a very big problem.Out of style means not in fashion.

enough money : I don't have enough money to buy a bike.

Ask the students to write the problems in the serious or Not serious column.

Task 4.Talk about the answers.

Ask ,Who put “My parents want me to stay at home every night?” the serious column? Ask the same questions about the other items.Discuss which problems students thought were the most serious.

Activity3.Listen and circle the problems you hear in activity 1a.

Task 1.Point to the pictures in activity 1a.Ask different students to say what they see in each picture.Read the instructions to students.

Task 2.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.

Task 3.Play the recording a second time.Students circle the problems they hear.Then check the answers.


Ask the students to look at the problems in activity 1a and make conversations.


1.Make up your own conversations.

2.Make ten sentences with could, should and shouldn't.

Lesson 2   Listen and speak

Section A 2a─Grammar Focus

I.Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to talk about problems and give advice.

II.Teaching key and difficult points:


call sb.up, ticket, surprise, on the phone, What's the matter?

B.Target language

You could go to his house.

You could give him a ticket to a ball game.

What should I /he/they do ?

III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPP

IV.Teaching aids: a tape recorder

V.Teaching procedure

Activity 1.Revision

Task1.Check the homework.Ask and answer.

Task2.Revise the vocabulary.

Activity 2.Listening and circling .

Task1.Read the instructions.Learn the key vocabulary.

Read and repeat the phrases.

Task2.You will hear a conversation between Nari and a friend.

Play the recording twice and students circle the word ,Nari's friend uses to give advice.

Then check the answers.

Activity 3.Listening

Task 1.Read the instructions.Show students the example match.

Task 2.Play the recording again and check the answers.

Activity 4.Groupwork

Task 1.Read the instructions for the activity.

Task 2.Point to the example in the sample dialogue.Ask two students to read the conversation to class.

Task 3.Ask students to role play a conversation between Nari and his friend using these two sets of sentences.Then have the students work in pairs.

Task 4.Check the answers by calling on different pairs to say a conversation to the class.

Activity 5.Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box.ask the students to say the questions and the responses.Explain that the word should is always used to ask for advice, but the words could, should, and shouldn't are used to give advice.Could is a less serious word than should.

Pay attention to the questions and answers, ask and answer loudly.


1.Review the conversation and the vocabulary.

2.Write your own conversations on giving advice.

Lesson 3   Reading and writing

I.Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to talk about problems and give advice.

II.Teaching key and difficult points:


pay for, part-time job, okay, either, bake, Teen Talk, tutor, need, maybe, good idea, bad idea, okay idea

B.Target language

What should I do ?

Then I think you should get a part- time job.

III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and Control-reading and writing.

IV.Teaching aids: a picture

V.Teaching procedure

Activity 1.Revision

Task 1.Revise the vocabulary and the key structures.

Task 2.Dictation.

Activity 2.Reading and writing

Task 1 .Read the instructions.Write the possible responses on the Bb and ask a student to read the responses to the class.Discuss the three responses and be sure students understand how the responses are used.

Task 2.Ask four students to read the conversation to the class.

Ask the students to fill in the blank.

Then ask and answer in groups.

Activity 3.Pairwork

Task 1.Read the instructions.And then ask two students to read the sample conversationn.

Task2.Ask the students to say some ways to get money that aren't in the book.

Task 3.ask the students to work with partners as they ask for and give advice.Then ask two or three pairs of the students to say their conversations to the class.

Activity 4.Pairwork

This activity provides an opportunity for students to use the language of the unit to give advice.

Task 1.Read the instructions.Then ask two students to read the dialogue.

Task 2.Ask another pair of students to give their advice on another topic.Pick a topic of current interest in the news.


1.Review the vocabulary and target language.

2.Write your own conversations about problems and advice.

Lesson 4   Section B

I.Teaching aims and demands :

Students practice using the target language.

II.Teaching key and difficult points:


original , the same as, in style, nicer, haircut, inexpensive, comfortable

B.Target language

I think Erin should tell her friend to get different clothes.

Friends shouldn't wear the same clothes.

They are the same as my friend's clothes.

III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods

IV.Teaching aids: a tape recorder

V.Teaching procedure

Activity 1.Revision

This activity introduces the key vocabulary.

Task 1.Read the instructions in 1a.Ask a student to read the sentences to the class.Read each sentence again and ask the Ss to repeat it.Then explain in their own words that each sentence means.

For example:

T: What does original mean?

S1: Different from others.Not the same.

T: Correct.When something is original, it is not like all the others.Can you give an example?

S1:My watch doesn't have numbers on it.It has pictures of faces instead of numbers.My watch is original.

T: Correct.It's not like all the others.

Task 2.Point out the write-in line in front of each sentence.write VI if the statement is very important to you, write I if the statement is somewhat important to you, and write NI if it is not important.

Task 3.Talk about the answers with the class.

Activity 2.Listening

Task 1.Read the instructions.

Point to the three items students will be listening for:

Say you will be listening to a radio advice program.People call in for help with a problem and other people call up with advice.They will be talking about one of these problems.Please chech the problem they talk about.

Task 2.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen.

Task 3.Play the recording a second time.Ask the students to put a check in front of these problems.Then check the answer.

Activity 3.Listening and writing

A.Listen carefully and fill in the chart with the advice that you hear .Then check the answers .

B.Listen again and fill in the chart.Then check the answers.

Activity 4.Pairwork

Task 1.Read the instructions.

Task 2.Ask two students to read the conversation to the class.

Task 3.Work with the partners and say what do you think Erin should do.

Ask some pairs of students to say part of their conversation to the class.


1.Review the vocabulary .

2.Write your own conversations about advice.

Lesson 5   Reading and writing

I.Teaching aims and demands :

Students practice the target language by reading and writing.

II.Teaching key and difficult points:


except, upset, find out, do wrong, what to do, lonely, argue

B.Target language

What should I do ?

You could be more friendly.

You should try to be funny.

Everyone else in my class was invited except me.

I'm very upset and don't know what to do.

I just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend,…

III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and Control-writing.

IV.Teaching aids: a tape recorder

V.Teaching procedure

Step 1.Revision

Task1.Check the homework.Ask and answer.

Task2.Revise the vocabulary.

Step 2.Reading and writing

Task 1.Teach these words:

except: Everyone has a bike except Jim.

Everyone has a bike besides Jim.

find out: learn, Please find out where they live.

I can't think what I did wrong.

I don't know what to do.

Task 2.Ask the students to read the instructions.

Task 3.Ask the students to read the letter and underline the problem on their own.

Correct the answers.

Step 3.Writing

Task 1.Read the instructions.

Ask a student to say some of the advice they might give.Write the key words on the board.

Task 2.Ask the students to write the letters on their own.

Task 3.Ask some students to read their letters to the class.

Step 4.Writing on your own.

1.read the instructions.

2.ask the students to say some problems they might write about.

3.ask some students to read their letters.

Step 5.Groupwork

1.Ask the students to read the instructions.

2.Ask two students to read the dialogue.

3.Ask another pair of students to give their advice for one of the problems.

4.Ask students to complete the work in groups.

5.Ask a few students to share the sample conversations.

Step 6.Self Check

1.Ask the students to do the exercises on their own .Then check the answers.

2.Read the letter and then write some advice.

3.Ask a few students to read their letters of advice.

4.Just for fun.Ask two students to read the conversation to the class.


1.Review the vocabulary .

2.Finish off the writing exercises.

Lesson 6   Reading and writing

I.Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to master the reading skills.

II.Teaching key and difficult points:


until, fit, as much as possible, pressure, complain, include, pushy, send, all kinds of, compare, crazy, adult, on the one hand, …organized, on the other hand,…

B.Target language

What should you do to relax?

Parents should learn to give their kids a bit more time to themselves.

III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and Control-reading and writing.

IV.Teaching aids: a tape-player

V.Teaching procedure

Activity 1.Revision

Task 1.Revise the vocabulary and the key structures.

Task 2.Dictation.

Activity 2.Before You Read

Task 1 .Read the instructions.

1.Encourage the students to think about life outside school hours.List them on the Bb.

2.Ask the students to use the list on the Bb to complete the two boxes labeled “I do”, and “I don't do”.They are free to add any ore activities they do, or don't currently.

3.Ask a few students to share what they have written.

Task 2.Teach the students about using a dictionary.

1.Explain that a dictionary can help students learn independently.They can learn new words, how to pronounce them, and how to use them correctly.

2.Let the students to look up the words in the box.

3.Have a brief memory quiz on all the words.

4.Discuss the points made in the Reading Strategy about using a bilingual ,learner's and electronic dictionary.

Activity 3.While You Reading

Task 1.Ask the students to read and notice the words they have just looked up in their dictionaries.Read the sentences to the class.

Task2.Ask the students to read the passage loudly .


1.Review the vocabulary and target language.

2.Write your own conversations about problems and advice.

Lesson 7   Reading and write

I.Teaching aims and demands :

Students learn to master the reading skills.

II.Teaching key and difficult points:


until, fit, as much as possible, pressure, complain, include, pushy, send, all kinds of, compare, crazy, adult, on the one hand, …organized, on the other hand,…

B.Target language

What should you do to relax?

Parents should learn to give their kids a bit more time to themselves.

III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and Control-reading and writing.

IV.Teaching aids: a tape-player

V.Teaching procedure

Activity 1.Revision

Task 1.Dictation.

Task 2.Read the passage to the class.

Activity 2.After You Read

Task 1.Read the statements.

Task 2.Discuss with your partners.

Task 3.Ask each group to report their ideas to the class.

Activity 3.writing

Ask the students to write a sentence of their own using the words from the box in Section1b.

Activity 4.Writing

Task 1.Read the instructions.

Task 2.Review language used for advice.Then imagine you are Dr Alice Green.Write a letter to Cathy Taylor.Give advice about what she should do with her children.

Activity 5.Go for it !

1.Write Pressure on the Bb.Make a survey with two questions:

When do you feel under pressure?

What should you do to relax?

2.If there is someone in your class who has a big problem, make a plan to help them.


1.Review the vocabulary .

2.Finish writing the letter.

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