标题: 远程教育信息技术与英语课程整合的教学案例 [打印本页] 作者: ljalang 时间: 2015-2-20 14:19 标题: 远程教育信息技术与英语课程整合的教学案例 远程教育信息技术与英语课程整合的教学案例
【关键词】信息技术 课程整合 教学案例
【摘 要】 依据整体语言教学理论和实践,运用任务型教学途径组织阅读教学活动,采取自主学习立方体模式给学生设定层层递进的任务,促使学生调动各种语言与非语言资源完成任务,开展自主性学习小组活动,使小组合作探究与自主独立思考相结合,最大程度地优化学生的学习方式,提高课堂学习效果。新课程要求教师是学生学习的促进者、学习能力的培养者、学生人生道路的引路人。因此,在本教学设计中,应用信息技术多媒体手段,总体教学设计采用任务型教学,贯穿在导入—呈现—阅读—讨论各个环节中,着重培养学生的自主、合作、探究的学习方式。
【课 题】Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice
一.The analyses of teaching materials(教材分析)
(一)、本单元的中心话题是“莎士比亚与他的戏剧”;内容涉及 “ 莎士比亚”、“威尼斯商人”、“亨利四世”、“哈姆雷特”、 “罗密欧与朱丽叶”等。语言知识和语言技能都是根据“莎士比亚与他的戏剧”这一中心话题设计的。我上的这节课 是本单元的第二节阅读训练课,Reading部分是根据莎士比亚的戏剧《威尼斯商人》中的一个片段改编的。由于Antonio借了Shylock的钱而不能如期归还,Shylock把Antonio告上了法庭,要求履行他们之间的合约。根据合约, Shylock可以在Antonio心脏附近取一磅肉,当然,这可能是致命的一磅肉。尽管法官希望Shylock大发慈悲,Antonio的朋友Bassanio愿意替Antonio成倍偿还,但是,Shylock仍然坚持要求得到一磅肉。Shylock打着维护法律的公正性和严肃性的幌子,内心深处其实是想对他的敌人Antonio实施报复,要置Antonio于死地。最后由于Portia的到来,该剧有了一个喜剧的结尾。该剧围绕“同情与报复”这条主要线索展开,无论是Duke还是Portia都希望Shylock富于同情心,两位法官就mercy进行的陈述非常精辟,该故事情节生动、曲折,语言地道并带有莎翁时代的特色,内容富有深刻的教育意义。戏剧中的人物往往分别代表着“正义”和“非正义”两方。得道者多助,失道者寡助。
三. Teaching aims (教学目标)
通过阅读“The Merchant of Venice”这部戏剧,训练学生找出文章的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节发展和可能的结局的能力。
四.Teaching important and difficult points(教学重点和难点)
(一)Teaching important points(重点)
1.How to improve the students’ reading ability
2.How to analyse the characteristics of the characters in the play.
(二)Teaching difficult points(难点)
五、Teaching methods (教学方法):
作者: ljalang 时间: 2015-2-20 14:19
(一).Asking and answering before reading to make the students interested in what they will read.
(二).Fast and careful reading to train the students’ reading ability.
(三).Discussion after reading to make the students further understand what they have read.
六、Teaching procedures(教学程序):
Step1. Revision and lead-in (2分钟)
Step2. Presentation (3分钟)
Step3. Reading (35分钟)
Task 1:True or false (9分钟)
Task 2lot understanding (13分钟)
Task 3:Analyse the characteristics of the characters (13分钟)
Step4. Free talk (3分钟)
Step5. Summary (1分钟)
Step6. homework (1分钟)
Step7.The design of the writing on the blackboard
Step1. Revision & lead-in
1、Show the pictures of William Shakespeare and the main characters in the play “The Merchant of Venice”.
Lived from 1564 to 1616
Playwright: tragedies comedies historical plays
Poet: poems sonnets
2、Tragedies (悲剧)
●Macbeth (奥赛罗)
●King Lear ( 哈姆雷特)
●Hamlet (麦克白)
●Othello (李尔王)
3、Comedies (喜剧)
● A Midsummer Night’s Dream (威尼斯商人)
● Twelfth Night (第十二夜 )
● The Merry Wives of Windsor (仲夏夜之梦)
● The Merchant of Venice (温莎的风流妇人)
Step2. Presentation
The relationship of the four roles
Step3. Reading
Task 1: True or False
1. Shylock hated Antonio and wanted to take the chance to kill him.
2. Bassanio offered to pay Shylock much more money than Antonio had borrowed from him.
3. Shylock accepted Bassanio’s offer.
4. Portia, Bassanio’s wife, pretended to be a judge.
5. Bassanio recognized his wife at the court at the first sight.
6. Portia agreed to change the law a little.
Task 2. Plot understanding (Group work)
Finish the chart according the plot of the play.(Group work)
The components of plot
( 情节的构成部分) Description
Background(背景) Antonio borrowed 3000 ducats from Shylock for Bassanio’s wedding. But there is a catch: if the debt is not repaid on
time, Antonio will pay with one pound of his flesh.
Problem( 问题) Antonio’s ships are lost. and he is unable to pay the debt.
Shylock starts demanding his pound of flesh.
Rising action( 发展) Antonio borrowed 3000 ducats from Shylock for Bassanio’s wedding. But there is a catch: if the debt is not repaid on
time, Antonio will pay with one pound of his flesh.
Climax( 高潮) Portia declares Shylock may have a pound of flesh no more
no less, And if Shylock lets one drop of Antonio’s blood fall, he will lose all his land and money.
Outcome( 结局) Shylock begs for mercy. He is punished, though not killed.
Task 3. Analyse the characteristics of the characters and find out some sentences in the play.(pair work)
Antonio: always ready to help others, kindhearted, was devoted to his friends, upright, dare to point out the others’ wrong deeds
Sentences: 作者: ljalang 时间: 2015-2-20 14:19
1. It’s useless trying to agree with Shylock.
2. Give Shylock what he wants.
3. Don’t be sad for me
Shylock: cruel, greedy, selfish, cold-blooded, hate Antonio
1. Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him.
2. I would still take my pound of flesh.
3. Give me my pound of flesh.
4. I desire my pound of flesh.
5. Why must I have mercy on him?
Bassanio: With a simple mind, with a clear sense of right and wrong, devoted to
his friend
1. I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed.
2. Please change the law a little so that we may save Antonio
Portia: clever, calm, full of mercy, well-educated
1. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky . It blesses those who give it and those who receive it.
2. But he has not promised to give you any of his blood.
3. You must cut one pound of flesh, no more , no less.
4. And not one drop of blood must fall.
Step4. Free talk (group work)
• Among these persons, who do you like best and why ?
• Which quality do you think is the most important to a person ? Give your reasons.
• Which is more important, money or friends?
Step 5 Summary
Today we’ve learned something about Shakespeare and his works. We know the main idea of the Merchant of Venice and how the play develops. Besides, we grasp the characteristics of each character.
Step 6 Homework
1. Read the passage again and again.
2. Retell the text in your own words.
Step 7 The design of writing on the blackboard
Antonio: ready to help others,
was devoted to his friends,
dare to point out the others’ wrong deeds
Shylock: cruel, greedy, selfish, cold-blooded, hate Antonio
Bassanio: With a simple mind, , devoted to his friend
with a clear sense of right and wrong
Portia: clever, calm, full of mercy, well-educated