12. 请你来展示
“Who is wearing blue today?”着带有明显蓝色标记的学生迅速站立并指着自己身上的标记说:“Blue,blue,blue!”反应快说的好的给与表扬鼓励,可逐个颜色一直往下做。
13. 魔袋
教师事先准备一个不透明的大袋子,里面放有各种物品或图片,教师问:“What’s in the bag?”让学生用“It’s a …”结构来猜测,猜中了可将 物品作为奖品奖励学生。
14. Simon says
教师下指令,可用Simon says。如果指令前面有Simon says,那么学生就应按照指令去做动作,若指令前面没有Simon says,学生就不能按照指令去做动作。随着指令速度的加快,游戏更为有趣,更有挑战性。
可供选择的口令:Turn left. Turn ritht. Turn around. Sit down. Stand up. Raise your hands. Raise your arms. Clap your hands. Stand on one leg. Bend your knees. Wave your arms.etc.
23. 比比谁的耳朵灵
由教师或学生连续说出一组单词,让学生说出哪一个单词不是“同一家族的兄弟”,如:teacher, farmer, doctor, bag ,学生找出bag, 说对了,全班鼓掌祝贺。
教师连续说几个单词或词组,如:hot, summer, spring/ go home, get up, play games。学生分组进行比赛,重复老师说的内容, 写在纸上,每一小组出一个代表上台亮牌。完整重复的可得一分,最后累计分数定胜负。此活动可在四人小组做,由学生轮流主持,教师可根据教学要求指定活动内容,训练新课的词汇或复习旧词汇。
You have 30 seconds to give me the following answers. The time starts now.
(A) The twelfth month of the year.
Six forms of transport.
The seven days of the week.
Six kinds of fruits.
Ten different kinds of animals.
Names of four vegetables.
Five subjects of your study.
(B) Eight parts of your body.
Seven different colours.
Eight different types of clothing.
Say a rhyme with numbers in it.
Say a rhyme with colours.
Tell me six things you can do.
Tell me six things you like to eat.
(A) I have a banana. I have a banana and a pear. I have a banana, a pear, and an apple. I have a banana, a pear, an apple and an orange.
(B) I'd like to have a cup of tea. I'd like to have a cup of tea and a hamburger. I'd like to have a cup of tea, a hamburger, and some milk. I'd like to have a cup of tea, a hamburger, some milk and an orange.