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六年级英语优秀教学案例 Book 8 Unit 5 Lesson 5 Sounds

发表于 2013-3-3 19:21:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式



Step 1:Greeting :Hello everybody. Nice to meet you.

Step 2.Sing a song:What’s wrong?

Step 3.Free talk:

T: Pam forgot her lunchbox in the fridge. It was terrible. She looks worried. What’s wrong with Mei Ling?She looks sad,too. Did you forget your lunchbox?Did you forget your homework this morning? Did you miss the bus this morning? Did you lose your keys? Now you are happy,aren’t you?

Step4. Presentation

1. Lead in


T:Look at the boy. He looks happy,too. What’s wrong with the boy?Who

can guess?

S1:Did he eat a lot of food?

T:No,he didn’t.


幻灯出示“He got a new toy bike. I like to ride my bike in July. Why? Wow! The sky is blue. It’s very nice.”板书:boy bike like sky wow ride why July nice

b.教师紧接着继续出示课件:What’s wrong with him?He looks sad.

由学生猜后,呈现课件He lost his brown tie. It’s a brown tie that he really enjoy.(它是他真正喜欢的棕色领带。)引出单词brown tie enjoy 并归类板书,认读。

C.继续呈现课件,T:What’s this?Look! The mouse is running quickly and opening his mouth. He is pointing. Why?

There’s a cookie house.

It’s nice and  yummy.

引出house mouse point。并板书

2. Teaching

a.听录音,跟读(page 62 A)


T:Look at these words. Who can put them on the blackboard.


T:Let’s find some old words. Just like s-k-y“sky”,m-y“my”“y”/  /。

d. Have a chant.

sky sky in the sky

fly fly fly my kite

bike bike ride my bike

count count count my coins


T: I have some coins. I can play a magic show with the coins. Do you want to have a look?First let me count my coins. One、two、three、four、five. Wow! I can buy a new toy. I’ll put them into the cup. Shake、shake、shake. Change!Look!How many coins?One、two、three、four. My god!One coin missed. Why?I can’t lie. It’s here.

If you have the coins,what do you want to buy?Guess ,what  am I going to buy?I’m going to buy a bike and a kite?Why?I like to ride my bike in July. I like to fly my kite in the sky. I can’t lie. They’re the toys that I really enjoy.





Step 5.Consolidation:Practice




Step 6.Sum up

A story(课件呈现)






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