
标题: 3分钟英语即兴演讲稿范文大全欣赏多篇 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2013-1-11 00:07
标题: 3分钟英语即兴演讲稿范文大全欣赏多篇
  1.Agree or disagree: There is nothing that young people could teach old people.
  In ancient times, young people should never teach old people. Old people know much more than young because they have undergone many things in their life. They lead us to the right way. Sometimes, it regarded impolite for young to teach old. But that does not mean young people really have nothing to teach old people, especially in this high-developed times. Young people usually learn things fast and learn more. They always have a smart head for new things. Therefore, young people can teach the olds how to use computer and cellphone, how to dance and so on. Also, I think old people can learn younger passion and energetic for life. That will be a good thing.

  2.Should pets be allowed in university dormitories?
  In my opinion, by no means should pets be allowed in dormitories. To be honest, I've been thinking in my mind to have a pet in my dorm. Lovely pets will bring much joy to our daily life. But I eventually didn't do that. Why? Because it is something selfish and irresponsible. Dormitory is a place where several people live together. To a certain degree, it is a public place. We can't just comply with our own desire while ignore other roommates?feeling. Having a pet in dorm can be troublesome or even annoying. It may make the room dirty and even in a mess. What't worse, some people are allergic to certain animals. Also, people's rest can be guaranteed. Some people may say that we could choose a mild and little pet such as fishes. In this case, if your roommates don't reject, I think it is acceptable.

作者: admin    时间: 2013-1-11 00:07
1.Should parents set limits in internet access for their teenage children? Why?
  Internet is dangerous if a child has unlimited freedom to use it. Because teenagers are too weak to resist the great tempt. Various online games will cost their almost all-day time. And many kinds of online movies may teach them unhealthy content such as violence. Also, long-time exposure to computer will do great harm to teenager's eyesight. A child addicted to Internet will neglect his study completely. However, the word limit does not mean forbidding. It can't be denied that internet is a very useful tool for learning. In this information age, computer and internet is essential. Adequate access to internet will contribute to teenagers keeping pace with this world. Also, internet is a fine entertainment for students who have study longtime and get tired. So, I think parents should set limits on but not forbid access for their teenager children.

  2.Should smoking be prohibited completely in all countries? Why?
  Well, it's a quite complex question. Overall, in my opinion, I think smoking shouldn't be completely prohibited in all countries. Let me explain my views.We all know clearly that smoking is very harmful to the smoker's health. Longtime smoking can lead to lung cancer and other serious health problem. Also, smoking in public situation is awful. People around the smoker, especially the children, also suffer from the damage to their health. In spite of all these bad effects mentioned above, however, I still think smoking is indeed needed in our society. For example, when people get tired or anxious, a cigarette can help to release their body as well as spirit. Also, in some social intercourse, cigarette is a essential. In my eyes, I can't imagine what people's life will become if smoking is completely prohibited. There may be many benefits for individuals, but the social will suffer a lot. So, I think smoking should not be prohibited. It is individual effort to make smoking a useful thing.

作者: admin    时间: 2013-1-11 00:07
 1.Agree or not agree: the next twenty years from now on, students will not use printed books any more.
  I don't think so. printed books won't be abandoned in such a short time. I admit that new technology is developing fast. Many advanced electronic products are gradually take the place of traditional tools. Just like in university, teachers like to use multimedia in class for it is quite convenient and efficient. However, for our student, it is not realistic to study completely by electronic products. There are many things need to recorded on books. Books are something meaningful and practical. I should say, in our country, printed books wouldn't be abandoned within 20 years at least for two reasons. Firstly, books are classical container of knowledge. They accompany human to advance. A student without books could be someway ridiculous. Secondly, our country haven't developed so strong to make every student study by computer or other forms of electronic tools. And even after 20 years, the possibility is also very small. I also think it is unnecessary because books are cheap but useful and still meaningful.

  2.Agree or not agree: working together is better than working alone.
  I think work together is better than work alone. There are many benefits of working together. Firstly and obviously, working together can collect many useful and excellent ideas especially when we are thinking some complicated problems. After all, each person has his own way of thinking. After getting all ideas together, you will often find that things become much easier. Secondly, working together can avoid mistakes to a great extent. People may make wrong judge when their mood is not stable. In this case, teamwork will do great favor. Your partner could remind you of your mistake and turn the result to a good one. Thirdly, when we work together, we need be patient and not self-centered. You need to listen to others?opinion and learn to get well along with people around you.?opinion and learn to get well along with people around you.

作者: admin    时间: 2013-1-11 00:08
1.Some say growing up in rich family promotes children's personality and character. Some think otherwise. What's your opinion? Why?
  Well, it's quite a question argued by people all the time. I think a person's personality has little relation to his family economic level. It's commonly said that a child in rich family will has more chances and better choice for his study. However, if the kid himself isn't aware of this, that is all in vain. It's not unusual that many children from rich family are quite rude and conceited although they are always receive the best education. Then, how about the poor family's children? There is another saying that adversity cultivates heroes. To be honest, I disagree with it too. Poor children should learn harder and catch every chance to strengthen themselves. However, the reality is often not like that. Subjectively speaking, poor children are easy to feel inferior and thus can't study well. Even if they study well, they hardly do well in practicing ability. Objectively speaking, poor children can hardly receive good and plentiful education because of the economic limit. That will cause deficiency in some literal or artistic talent such as music or dance. Therefore, I think children's personality have little relation to their family situation.

  2.In universities, students should take history courses no matter what field they study. Do you agree?
  I disagree with it even though I do know history is important. I'm a student major in electricity. To be honest, I think there is little sense for students in university taking history courses no matter what field they study. Maybe many people would say, history is something left by our ancestors, so we shouldn't forget it. Yes, I agree with that. History need to be remembered. But in fact, we have been learning history from primary school. I really it's enough for people like me whose major has little relation to history. I just take history exam last year. For me, it was really a nightmare. I spent so much time on it and still can抰 remember all. Now that we're chosen engineering, I can't understand why we need and have to learn history again. The time spent on history learning should be used for our major courses.

作者: admin    时间: 2013-1-11 00:08
 1.What qualities do you think a friend should have to continue the friendship? Use specific reasons to support your idea.
  In my heart, I think the most important quality to continue the friendship is sincerity. A true friendship must be built on sincerity. However, to continue a friendship is not a easy thing. Both of each other have to pay a lot. The word sincerity contains too much. Firstly, we need to be frank and honest to each other. Only if when we did so can the other side treat us like the same and thus build belief between friends. A friendship full of lies and deceit shouldn't be called friendship. Secondly, we need to be considerable and do not be self-centered. We should think more for our friends and encourage them on certain occasion. A self-centered friend can be very troublesome and annoying. No one would tolerate him for a long time. Finally, I think we should learn to compromise sometimes. We can't live in harmony forever with our friends. When there expose a disagreement, we should compromise to each other. Only by this way can a friendship last long.

  2.Some people say college degree begins to lose shining while others do not think so. What's your point of view on this subject? Why?
  It's not an easy question. On the whole, I think, college degree do begin to lose shining but we should never think it unimportant.Today, there are more and more universities or college degrees. We can say that graduates in society are overflowing. It can't be ignored that more and more graduates with high degree are in fact idiots. So, the companies increasingly focus more on the personal ability rather than college degree when they recruit employees. However, that does not mean college certification becomes a wastepaper. It'still a essential for you looking a good job. Support that a person without any qualification, will a recruiting company give him a chance? That will rarely happen, at least in our country. Then, if you never have a chance, how can you display and prove your ability, if you indeed have? So, do not think the college degree is useless. After all, chances are not for every common people. Only if we own it can we get the chance to enter a good company and thus make a difference.

作者: admin    时间: 2013-1-11 00:08
 1.Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer?
  I prefer to try new things and take risks. For me, risk is a kind of uncertainty. Maybe it will lead to a negative consequence, but just as Helen Keller ever said, character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. So, if we only do what we already d well, we can rarely touch new things, gain new knowledge, and we never change. However, if we try new thing, we will find something different and may come to something we never face before. Then, we will try our best to solve it, to achieve it. During the course, our ability is improved even though we fail at last. After repeatedly trying new things, we will eventually find that we've learnt many and become more mature. We will find it easier to measure situation and make right decision. Also, our simple life is becoming meaningful and interesting.

  2.Some say military training at college is necessary while other disagree. What's your point of view on this subject? Why?
  I think military training at college is necessary. Nowadays, many undergraduates are lacking in self-control and discipline. The military training is quite useful in this case. We know that military training is very strict. During the training, we learn to obey the disciplines and keep high concentration. Also, we can have our body strengthened and change our lazy image. Although the training can be very hard, we will gradually find that our steps become vigorous, and our spirits become energetic. What抯 more, military training can also cultivate our Patriotism. The experience of hard training will remind us of Chinese army's hardship. We are aware of their historic mission, fighting spirit and responsibility. So, military training is an effective way to make people know more about our motherland and love her.

作者: admin    时间: 2013-1-11 00:08
1.Agree or disagree: Universities should abolish the practice of cutting off the electricity at dormitory at night.
  I agree with it. As a student, I should say, university shouldn't cut off electricity at dormitory at night. The original intention for university to cut off electricity is to ensure our rest for some students will stay up very late if there is nothing to limit them. However, these students are minority. Most students have regular timetable. What more, we are now already in university, I think we should be treated like high school students any longer. Especially in summer hot days, no electricity at night would be a nightmare to all students. We can't fall asleep without electric fans. I can't just imagine that. Universities should think more for their students and trust their self-control.

  2.Some say music training in college is unnecessary, while others do not believe so. What is your opinion on this issue?
  I should say, music training in college is necessary, especially for non-art students. To be honest, nowadays?college students are also under much pressure. We have to attend many complex courses everyday. Many students get tired and gloomy. Then, if there is a music course, it will greatly release our bad mood. And we will have a nice mood and more energy to continue our study. Besides, it's commonly believed that music training can cultivate people's character. It will make people more calm and wise as well as elegant. In fact, nowadays, many parents send their children to attend music course at a very young age. These parents hope their children will have a elegant and smart mind. Many of today's students in university didn't have adequate music training at their former school. If university can open related music course, it will be of great use for students?cultivation.

作者: admin    时间: 2013-1-11 00:08
 1.Agree or disagree: Advertising aiming at children should be restricted.
  I disagree. It's fair to advertize to children even children are always said to be unable to distinguish between reality and fiction, between entertainment and advertising. A supposed consequence of advertising is that children are being persuaded to demand things that they don't need and to adopt consumerist values and attitudes in their formative years. However, it's up to the parents to determine what should and shouldn抰 be bought for their children. Children need to know how to see these ads and realize how a certain product would affect them and thus balance out the pros and cons and see if it's in their best interest. In my opinion, the parents as well as the world need to stop babying children and let them learn lessons for life, because certain things can't be restricted well. Temptation is always at children's side. They have to learn to resist and make responsible decisions.

  2.Agree or disagree: Junk food should be taxed.
  I agree that junk food should be taxed. In modern society, many people are attracted to eat in KFC or MacDonald's. Everyday, many hamburgers, fried chips and so on are sold out. Despite the good sale, it can't be denied that all these are junk food. Just as the word junk, they bring great harm to our healthy. So, there comes a appeal that junk food should be taxed. In think it is enforceable because it will control the sale of junk food to a certain degree. Firstly, the tax can force the manufacturer to decrease production and then there will be less junk food on market. Also, we all know that junk food has very high profits. Some trader many take extreme trick to cut down their cost and gain more profit. So, it's reasonable to tax them.

作者: admin    时间: 2013-1-11 00:08
1.Agree or disagree: Museums should be made free.In my eyes, museums of course should be made free.
  We know that, as a part of culture, museums restore many culture relics. These are typical symbols for a certain times. As a citizen of our country, it is necessary and natural to learn our past history. Recent years, more and more museums are open free to the public. I couldn't agree more with it. Free museum will greatly motivate all kinds of people to approach. What's more, in this fast developing age, museums have many new and advanced invents inside. It will be a wonderful place for people who want to learn more. Parents can often take their children to museums to learn about history and some technical knowledge. In a word, I think government should try to make more museums free for citizens.

  2.Agree or disagree: Zoos should be banned.

Nowadays, lots of people start to realize that zoos are not a good place for animals. People need zoos because it is an easy way to close the animals and also because it's convenient for people to observe them. However, zoos are in fact a cruel place for animals. Animals should live in their natural habitat. An animal's natural instinct is to run and to hunt. But that's not for animals kept in zoos. Everyday, people feed them. They've never been taught how to hunt for food and will gradually lose their natures. That will be quite cruel for a animal, especially for wild animals such as tigers and lions. You can often find in zoos that a tiger kept in cage has a loose expression in its face.We set animals in zoos and therefore feel that they won't meet danger and may be able to protect them from dying out. This may be just a excuse we find for ourselves to make animals in cages just as entertainment. We always say animals are our friends, then why we put our friends in cages?

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