
标题: 八年级上册英语知识点复习提纲 [打印本页]

作者: 网站工作室    时间: 2013-1-10 15:25
标题: 八年级上册英语知识点复习提纲











Ask sb to do要求某人做某事

Ask sb not to do要求某人不要做某事

Ask for要求

Ask about sth问关于某事

Tell sb to do告诉某人做某事

Tell sb not to do告诉某人不要做某事

Tell stories讲故事

Tell jokes讲笑话

Tell the truth说实话

Help sb (to) do帮助某人做某事

Help sb with sth在某事上帮助某人

Want to do想要做某事

Make sb do使某人做某事

Like doing喜欢做某事

Like to do喜欢做某事

Let sb do让某人做某事

Give up doing放弃做

Mind doing介意做

Miss doing错过做

Enjoy doing喜欢做

worth doing值得做

Consider doing考虑做

Practice doing联系做

Keep doing保持做

Favor doing宠爱做

Fancy doing想象做

Finish doing完成做

Feel like doing喜欢做

Have difficulty doing做...有困难

Have fun doing玩的开心

Have a good time doing玩的开心

Hope sb do希望某人做某事

Be busy doing忙于做某事

Be busy with sth忙于某事

Play with sth/sb与某人、某事玩

Agree to do同意做某事

Agree with sb同意某人

Agreee to sth同意某事

Decide to do决定做某事

Decide on sth决定某事

Be determined to do决定做某事

Determine to do决定做某事

Dislike to do不喜欢做某事

Dislike doing不喜欢做某事

Love to do喜欢做某事(从心里)

Be interested in sth对某事感兴趣

Discuss with sb与某人讨论

Discuss about sth讨论某事

Teach sb to do sth教某人做某事

Give sb sth给某人某物

Give sth to sb个某人某物

Learn from sb/sth从某人/某事学到

Listen to听

Wait for sb等某人

Find sb doing找到...正在做

Feel sb doing感觉到...正在做

Listen to ... Doing听到...正在做

Hear doing听到...正在做

See doing看到...正在做

Watch doing看到...正在做

Look at ... doing看到...正在做

Feel do感觉...做

Listen to sb do听到...做

Hear do听到...做

See do看到...做

Watch do看到...做

Look at ... do看到...做

Stop to do停止去做

Stop doing停止做

Start to do开始做

Start doing开始做

Begin to do开始做

Begin doing开始做

Try to do努力做

Try doing尝试做

Forget to do忘记做

Forget doing忘记做过

Remember to do记住做

Remember doing记住做过

Work as作为...工作

Work for为...工作

Work in在...工作(大地点)

Work at在...工作(小地点)

Be good at擅长

Be good for有利于

Be good with对...好

Be bad at不擅长

Be bad for不利于

Be bad with对...不好

Be friendly to对...友好

Be unfriendly to对...不友好

Fight with sb与某人打架

Die of死于

Have no right to do没有权利做

There be sb/sth doing有某人/某物正在做

Need to do需要做

Have to do不得不做

Should do应该做

Do some doing最一些...

Disagree to do不同意做

Disagree to sth不同意某事

Disagree with sb不同意某人

A waste of sth浪费某物

Thanks for doing谢谢做...

Thanks to sb谢谢某人

No doing不要做

Prep + doing介词后面加doing

It is + adj + to do做......样

It is + adj + for sb to do对于某人做... ...样

It takes time/money for sb to do花费某人时间/金钱做

It takes time/money to do花费时间/金钱做

It took time/money for sb to do花费某人时间/金钱做

It took time/money to do花费时间/金钱做(过去)

Had better do最好做

Had better not do最好不要做

Help oneself请自便

Help doing情不自禁做

(can't)Stand doing(无法)忍受做

Talk with与某人谈话

Talk to对某人谈话

Talk about谈论

Buy sb sth给某人买东西

Buy sth for sb为某人买东西

Buy sth from 从...买东西

Lend sth to sb借给某人某物

作者: 网站工作室    时间: 2013-1-10 15:25
Lend sth to sb借给某人某物

Lend sb sth借给某人某物

Borrow sb sth某人借用某物

Borrow sth from sb某人借用某物

Live in住在(大地点)

Live at住在(小地点)

Stay at呆在

Arrive at到达(小地点)

Arrive in到达(大地点)

Put on穿上

Put off脱下

Keep order维持秩序

Join in加入

Take part in加入

Be proud of为...而骄傲

Set out离港

Say goodbye to对...说再见

Say morning to对...说早上好

Look for寻找

Take care of照顾

Take care保重

Look after照顾

Pay attention注意

Make up one's mind决定

Drive sb + adj把某人逼到...

Be mad at sb对某人生气

Be mad with sth对某人生气

Be determined not to do决定不要做

Dream of/about梦到

Complain of/about抱怨

Hear from/of来信

Protect from保护

Differ from区别

Be different from区别

Believe in相信

Live on靠...为生

Live as作为...生活

Complain to sb对某人抱怨

Complain about sth抱怨某事

Would rather do(A)then do(B)宁愿A也不要B

listening to symphony 听交响乐             walking in the countryside 在乡间散步


1.Wow! So many stamps!(Page 53)哇,那么多的邮票!
本句意为:There are so many stamps. so many意思是“那么多”,so much意思也是“那么多”。如:
1)There are so many flowers. Or: So many flowers!这里有这么多的花。
2)There is so much water on the table. Or: So much water!桌子上有那么多的水。   

2. We can learn a lot about people, places, history, and special times from stamps. (Page 53)通过这些邮票我们可以学到许多关于人文、地理、历史和特殊时代的知识。
a lot “许多、大量”,用在动词后,同very much。如:
1)She had told me a lot about how to learn English well.
2)Thanks a lot.非常感谢。
另外,a lot of 和lots of 的意思也是“许多、大量”,要用在名词前,在肯定句中常代替much,many。在口语中尤其如此。如:
There are a lot of / lots of history books in the room.屋里有许多历史书。
There is still a lot of / lots of snow on top of the house.房上仍有许多雪。
We have had a lot of / lots of fruits. 我们吃过许多水果。
a lot of和lots of之间没有多大区别,都可以与可数名词和不可数名词连用。与不可数名词连用时,动词用单数,与可数名词连用时,动词用复数。见上述例句。

3.Would you like to collect any of these things? (Page 53)你想集下面这些东西吗?
would you like to +动词原形,表示“想要……”如:
1) Would you like to have a cup of coffee? 你想要一杯咖啡吗?
2)Would you like to have something to drink?你想要点喝的吗?
any 用在疑问句、条件从句中,可以翻译为“什么”、“一些”。如:
1)Are there any letters for me? 这有我的信吗?
2)If you have any trouble, please let me know. 如果你有什么困难,请告诉我。
4. What things do you love collecting? (Page 53)你喜欢集什么东西?
love + doing表示“喜欢、爱好”,也可以用like+ doing表示。如:
1)I love listening to the music.我爱好听音乐。
2)I love skating.我喜欢溜冰。
5.I am interested in playing sports. (Page 54)我对运动感兴趣。
be interested in (doing) sth. “对……感兴趣”如:
1)I am interested in reading books.我对读书特别感兴趣。
2)Jack is interested in football.杰克对足球很感兴趣。
6.What do you often do in your spare time? (Page 55)
in one’s spare time “在业余时间”“在闲暇之际”,也可用in one’s free time替换。如:
1)I shall do it in my spare time. 我会在我的业余时间做这件事。
2)In my free time I often go to the movies.在闲暇之际,我常去看电影。
7. I often go fishing. (Page 55)我经常去钓鱼。
go + doing表示“去做某事”
go +v-ing结构很常用,多用于体育活动和业余娱乐活动。如:
1)Let’s go fishing next Sunday.下星期天我们去钓鱼吧。
2)Are you going hiking this weekend?这个周末你打算去远足吗?
       另外还有:go hunting 去打猎  go shooting 去射击  go swimming 去游泳
go bathing 去沐浴  go shopping 去购物  go climbing 去爬山
8.And I do a lot of reading. (Page 55)我通常都是阅读一些书籍。
在英语中有不少由“do + doing”的结构,表示“干某事”。如:
散步 do some walking    do a lot of walking
读书 do some readingdo a lot of reading
洗衣服 do some washingdo a lot of washing
买东西 do some shoppingdo a lot of shopping
清扫 do some cleaningdo a lot of cleaning
9.Im a movie fan. (page 55)我是一个电影迷。
a film / football / star fan
同时,fan作为名词还有“风扇”的意思。如:electric fan 电扇。
10.I also rent VCDs and watch them at home. (Page 55)
watch “观看、注视”。如:
1) I like to watch TV.我喜欢看电视。
2) Are you going to play or watch?你将参加比赛还是只是去看看?

11.Why not go out and do some outdoor activities? (Page 55)
这是一个省略句,全句可以说成Why shall we not go out and do some outdoor activities?常在口语中使用,用来征求对方的意见或表达建议。使用这种句子必须要有上下文,如:
1)Why not meet at the school gate?我们在校门口见面好吗?
2)Why not run a little faster?为什么不跑快一点呢?
some“一些、几个”,用在疑问句中, 表示希望得到肯定回答。如:
1)Would you like to give us some good advice?请给我们一些好的建议好吗?
2)Would you like some coffee or tea?请问,你是想喝咖啡还是茶?

12.Maybe I need a change. (Page 55) 或许我需要改变。
maybe “也许、可能、大概”。如:
1)Maybe he will come, maybe he won’t.也许他来,也许他不来。
2)—Is that true?那是真的吗?
—Maybe, I am not sure.也许,我也不敢肯定。
13.My interests are changing all the time. (Page 56) 我的兴趣爱好总是在不断地改变。
all the time“总是、一直”。如:
1)Why are you playing all the time? 你为什么总是玩啊?
2)Look at these monkeys, they are jumping all the time.
14. And I wasn’t interested in sports at all. (Page 56)我对运动一点兴趣都没有。
not...at all “一点也不……”;“全然不”。如:
1)I didn’t mind it at all. 我一点也不在意。
2)—Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。
—Not at all.没关系。
3)He didn’t know that at all. 他对此事一无所知。
15. But now, my hobbies are sports, like soccer and swimming. (Page 56)
like “像……,好比……”。如:

作者: 网站工作室    时间: 2013-1-10 15:26
1)He swims very quickly like a fish.他游泳非常地快,像一条鱼。
2) The cake is round like a moon.这块蛋糕是圆的,就像月亮一样。
16. I never miss any important soccer games. (Page 56)
never “未曾、从未”,表示否定。如:
1)I have never met him before.我以前从未见过他。
2) You have never been to the Great Wall, have you?你从未去过长城,是吗?
17. I used to know little about paintings. (Page 56)我过去不太懂绘画。
little和few都含有否定的意思。表示“不多”;“很少”。little相当于not much, few相当于not many。little与不可数名词连用, few与可数名词复数连用。如:
1)I have little time.我的时间很少。
2) I understood little of his speech.他的话我没有明白多少。
3) Few of the students passed the exam.没有几个学生考试及格。
Few people would agree with him.没有多少人同意他。
而a little和a few含有肯定的意思,表示“一些”;“几个”(虽然少,但有一些)。如:
1)I know a little French.我多少还懂点儿法语。
2) There’s a little water in the glass.杯子里还有点儿水。
3) Can you stay a few days longer?你能多呆几天吗?
4)I still have a few friends in Beijing.我在北京还有几个朋友。
18. I enjoy listening to rock music. (Page 56)我喜欢听摇滚音乐。
like, love, enjoy和prefer,这四个词都有“喜欢”之意,但用法不同。试比较:
1)In England, many people like fish and chips.
2)Jack likes playing football.杰克爱踢足球。
3)I don’t like to eat apples now.现在我不想吃苹果。
1)Father loves his work.爸爸热爱他的工作。
2)I love watching TV.我爱看电视。
3)Children love to play this game.孩子们爱做这种游戏。
4)We all love our great motherland.我们热爱我们伟大的祖国。
enjoy意为“喜欢,欣赏”,含有“乐于、享受……之乐趣”之意,其后可以跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语。enjoy oneself表示“玩得愉快”之意。
1)The Greens enjoy living in China.格林一家喜欢在中国居住。
2)Did you enjoy yourself in the zoo?你在动物园玩得愉快吗?
3)Many foreigners enjoy Chinese food.很多外国人喜欢中国菜。
1)Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?你比较喜欢喝茶,还是喝咖啡?
2)I prefer walking to cycling.我喜欢步行胜过骑单车。
3)My brother likes maths, but I prefer English.
19.Did you use to go swimming during summer vacations? (Page 57)
during “在……的期间、在……的时候”。如:
1)The sun gives us light during the daytime.太阳在白天给我们阳光。
2) He called to see me during my absence.当我不在的时候他来访过我。
20.I used to do that in the pond in front of my house. ( Page 57)
in front of “在……的前面”;指在物体外部的前面。而in the front of “……的前部”;指在物体内部的前面,即前部。注意它们的区别。试比较:
1)There is a tall tree in front of my house.我家房前有一棵大树。
2)Don’t stand in front of me. I can’t see the blackboard.
3)The teacher is giving a lesson in the front of the classroom.
4) The driver is sitting in the front of the car.司机坐在汽车的前面。
21.Nobody. I taught myself. ( Page 57) 没有任何人,我自学的。
teach oneself “自学、自修”。teach动词“教授、教……”有些动词后常跟反身代词,如:enjoy oneself “过得愉快”, help oneself “随便吃(用)……”。如:
1)She teaches history in our school.她在我们学校教历史。
2)She taught his son English when he was 3 years old.她儿子3岁时,她就教他英语。
3)Did you enjoy yourselves in the party?你们在舞会上玩得愉快吗?
4)Help yourself to some fruit.请随便吃些水果吧。
22.When they are free, people usually do what they like. (Page 58)
free “有空、空闲”, be free可以替换为have time。如:
1)Are you free this evening? = Do you have time this evening? 你今天晚上有空吗?
2)If I am free, I am going to visit the museum. = If I have time, I am going to visit the museum.如果有时间,我打算去参观博物馆。
23.They also paint pictures or collect things such as coins, dolls or stamps. (Page 58)
such as “像……、比如……、诸如……”如:
1)We study several subjects, such as Chinese, maths, English and physics.
2)I can name some animals in the zoo, such as tiger, wolf, fox and so on.
24.When people become old, hobbies can keep them healthy. When people are sick, hobbies can help them get well sooner.(Page 58)
本句中become, keep, be, 与get都是系动词。系动词的基本用法是其后加形容词做表语。系动词一共可以分为两大类:表示状态的和表示状态变化的。
1)be, seem, appear等。
2)由感官动词变化而来的,翻译成中文通常可以翻译成“……起来”,这些系动词有:look, sound, feel, taste, smell等。
3)由不及物动词转化而来的,这些系动词有:stand, keep, prove, remain
系动词表示状态变化的包括:become, go, get, grow, turn, fall等。如:
1)Coffee smells nice.咖啡闻起来好香。
2)After hearing that, his face went red.听完,他的脸红了。
3)The days get longer and longer in spring.春天白天变得越来越长了。
24.I call him Pink pig. The color of his skin is light pink. ( Page 59)
1)Which dress do you like, the light one or the dark one?
2)It is dark now. Let’s go home quickly. 天黑了,咱们快点儿回家吧。
25.Pink likes to have a bath.( Page 59) Pink喜欢洗澡。
have a bath 洗澡
短语have a bath与动词bathe意思一样,但前者表示在有限的时间里进行某项活动。如:
游泳 have a swim    谈一谈  have a talk
洗一洗 have a wash骑马  have a ride
看一看 have a look休息一下 have a rest
26.How do you take care of them? ( Page 59)你怎样照顾它们?
take care of 照顾,类似的说法还有look after。如:
1)The girl is too young to take care of herself.这姑娘太小了还不能照顾自己。
2) The old man is taken good care of by his children.这位老人被他的孩子们精心地照顾着。
3)My mother is ill. I have to look after her at home.我妈妈病了,我得在家照顾她。
4)You must look after your things. 你必须照看好你自己的东西。

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