
标题: 辽师大版快乐英语六年级上册全册教案及教学反思 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:20
标题: 辽师大版快乐英语六年级上册全册教案及教学反思

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作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:21
【 Title of Lesson】Lesson One
【Students Analysis】At the beginning of the new term,every student is confident and excited. They all hope that they will make some progress in the new term.They still like games.They like to do things that the adults should do.Their English abilities have been developed in the past five years.If the teacher creates the real situation in the class,most of them can understand. When the teacher asks them to offer some suggestions for the school,they will be happy to finish.
【Curriculum Analysis】The curriculum suggests English teaching must concern the students’ feeling and try to arouse the students’ interests and enthusiasm in English.The teacher should create an active and interesting teaching atmosphere ,set  real situations and use the task-based approach to train the students’ communicative abilities.
【Textbook Analysis】 The topic and content of this textbook is close to Ss’ daily life.It emphasizes language application.There is one topic in each unit.The topic of Unit one is how to offer advice.This lesson is the first lesson in Unit One.The students will learn the methods of advising on how to make our school more beautiful.To master the knowledge in this lesson is very important for the goal of the whole unit.This lesson is the base.
【Teaching Aims】
Knowledge:To master the new words and sentences:term,campus,idea,report,What shall we do? We should plant more flowers.
1、Ss can give some advice with the sentences “What shall we do?We should …. ”
2、Ss can understand the dialogue in Learn to say and act the dialogue.
3、To cultivate the communicative abilities.
Feeling,Attitude and Value:
1、To arouse the Ss’ interests in English.Especially pay attention to the interests of the weak students.
2、To train the Ss’ cooperative and creative abilities.
3、To deepen the Ss’ love for the class and the school.
【Key points and Difficult Points】The key points are the dialogue in Learn to say ,the words and the sentences in Try to use.The difficult points are how to use the new words and sentences in real situations.
【Teaching Style】Situation creating、task-based approach
【Teaching Process】
Step 1.Warming-up and Leading
(The bell is ringing.)T:Oh,it’s time to have the class.What shall we do?We should begin our class. Class begins!(Ss stand up.)Good morning,boys and girls!
Ss:Good morning,Miss Gu.
T:Glad to see you again.
Ss:Glad to see you.
T:How are you?
Ss:Fine,thank you.And you?
T:I’m fine,too.Thank you. Sit down,please.
T:I had a good vacation.I played computer games and went to the beach.What did you do ?Did you have a good vacation?
S1:Yes,I did.I went to Beijing.
S2:Yes,I did.I played football.
【Thinking】As the class begins,the teacher talks to the Ss friendly.This can not only shorten the distance between T and Ss,but also make Ss enter the English world.At the same time,the teacher uses some of the important sentences in the talking,which gives Ss the first impression.This is a preparation of feeling and knowledge for the coming teaching.
Step 2.Introduction and learning
1.        Learn the word “term”
T:I see.You all had a good vacation.But the vacation was over.It’s a new term.This term we should learn Book 11.And today we should learn Lesson One.
(Blackboard handwritingesson One ,then “term”)
T:Read after me.   “term”
(Ss read.Repeat in groups, some individuals,whole class.)
T:Can you say a sentence with “term”?
S3:It’s a new term.
S4:I’m in Grade 6 this term.
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(If someone says,“I should study hard this term.”,the teacher can use it to lead to the new drill.)
2.        Learn “campus”
T:It’s a new term.Our school needs our help.Can you help our school?(Ss:Yes.)
T:OK.First give me some ideas or advice about our campus.
(Blackboard writing: campus)
Teacher shows the pronunciation.Then ask Ss to repeat. One by one. In groups.Whole class.Write the word in the air.
3.        Learn “report”
T:We want to make our campus more beautiful.What shall we do?Please discuss in groups and say like this “We should …”.
(Divide the Ss into three or four groups. First discuss in the group,then have a competition.Ask someone to report.)
T:OK!Who can make a report to me?
(Write “report” on Bb,Ss learn to read,practise to spell.Ask Ss to translate “make a report to our headmaster”and read it)
4.Learn “idea”
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:21

(Ask the Ss to report.After the student reports,the teacher comments:Good idea.)
T:You have so many good ideas.
(Writing on Bb:idea,Ss read this word in different forms,such as reading in a low voice,reading loudly,reading in groups, reading one by one,reading two by two,etc.Then practise to spell it,write in the air or on the desk)
5. Consolidate the new words and new drills
T: Boys and girls,can you read the new words?Read together .(First read after the teacher,then the teacher points at the words,Ss read quickly.)
At last the teacher says the word in Chinese or English.The students stand up and say the word quickly. And then go over the sentences in the same way.
6.Learn the dialogue (Learn to say)
T:Boys and girls,in order to make the campus more beautiful,Miss Lin wants her students to give some good ideas. Let’s listen to the tape.And think about this question. “What ideas do they have?”
Listen quietly first.
Second,ask someone to answer the question.What ideas do they have?Are they good ideas?
Third,read after the tape. Read after the teacher.
Fourth,read together.At last read by themselves.
【Thinking】During the talking between T and Ss,the new words and sentences are shown one by one.Then the students learn to read and use them in real situations.Putting the words into the sentences makes the students improve the English practice abilities.After learning the word “campus”,the teacher gives the Ss the task which needs group discussion.The students like doing things for the teacher and the school.They will be glad to give some advice on beautifying the school.They are eager to discuss.When they are nearly ready,the teacher shows the words “report and idea” by asking “Who can make a report to us?”and by the praising “Good idea ”.The teaching is vivid and natural indeed.
In order to make Ss to remember the new words and sentences,it is necessary to consolidate on time.Going over the words and sentences in the competition can arouse all the Ss’ interests,especially the Ss whose English is weak.Now the class will be very excited.English class demands the combination of activies and motionless.After the competition comes listening to the tape quietly.
Step 3. Practice and Extention
1、Act the dialogue.Tell the Ss that they can use the sentences in the dialogue and also the sentences they have learned before. They can give some advice for the class.And they can give some advice for school or Huludao city,too.First practise in groups,then act.
2、Show the pictures or big screen.The Ss look at the pictures,try to help the kids in trouble.Give them some good advice.
3、Read and think.Play the tape.The Ss listen to it first,then read and answer the questions.
4、Writing exercises
(1)Shall we ________ to the zoo?(go)
(2 )What shall I _______?(do)
(3)Can you ______ your bedroom clean?(make)
(4)We should _________ more fruit trees.(plant)
【Thinking】After learning the words and sentences,the teacher asks Ss to do some practice and extention.This can train Ss’habits and abilities of using English.And During giving others who are in trouble advice and giving the class and the school advice,the Ss get the education of being happy to help others and they get the training  of cooperative abilities.This also makes the Ss love the class and school more deeply.
Step 4.Summing-up
T:This is the first class of the new term.You have done a good job.You have so many good ideas.Shall I make a report to our headmaster?(Ss:OK!)Great.I believe our campus will be more beautiful .
(Read the words and sentences on Bb.)
Step 5.Homework
1、        Read and try to recite the dialogue.
2、        Finish the exercises in activity book.
3、        Copy the words and sentences.
【Teaching Tools】Recorder,Big screen or pictures
【Thinking After Teaching】
This is the first class in the new term.So the Ss are excited.Their interests are aroused. But I have to think about this question—How to keep their interests?Especially the students whose English are not good.From the class,I find setting up real situations is an effective way in English teaching.And giving the Ss a real task is also a good method.When the Ss were trying to finish the task,their abilities of using English were improved.Although the Ss are in Grade Six,they still like playing games.In the competition games,they were so excited and active.This class is successful.But I think I should improve it.The
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:21

【 Title of Lesson】Lesson Two
【Students Analysis】When the festival is coming,the Ss often give some gifts to their teacher,mother or others.But they seldom give their grandparents gifts when the Double Ninth Day is coming..Because they are used to be loved by their grandparents.And some of them don’t know this festival.This class I’m going to begin the lesson from the date of the Double Ninth Day .And I will try to arouse the Ss’s  interests in English and love for the old people.
【Curriculum Analysis】The curriculum suggests English teaching must concern the students feeling and try to arouse the students’ interests and enthusiasm in English. The teacher should try to train Ss’  abilities of operating by hands.The teacher should create an active and interesting teaching atmosphere ,set  real situations and use the task-based approach to train the students’ communicative abilities.
【Textbook Analysis】 The topic and content of this textbook are close to Ss’ daily life.It emphasizes language application.There is one topic in each unit.The topic of Unit One is how to give advice.This lesson is the second lesson in Unit One. The content is something about giving gifts on the Double Ninth Day.Discussing what gift one should give to others is familiar to the Ss.So it’s easy to set a situation.And during making cards for the old people,we can arouse Ss’ interests and train Ss’ abilities in doing things creatively.
【Teaching Aims】
Knowledge:To master the new words and sentences :double,festival,show,fold,wish ,
What shall we do for them? Why not make some cards?
1、Ss can use the sentences “What shall we do for them? Why not make some cards?”in real situations.
2、Ss can understand the dialogue in Learn to say and act the dialogue.
3、To cultivate the communicative abilities and operative abilities
Feeling,Attitude and Value:
1、To arouse the Ss’ interests in English.
2、To train the Ss’ cooperative and creative abilities.
3、To arouse the Ss’ love for the old people.
【Key points and Difficult Points】The key points are the dialogue in Learn to say ,the words and the sentences in Try to use.The difficult points are how to use the new drills in real situations.
【Teaching Style】Situation creating、task-based approach,operating by hands
【Teaching Process】
Step 1 .Revision ,warming-up and leading
T:Hello,boys and girls.
Ss:Hello,Miss Gu.
T:How are you?
Ss:I’m fine,thank you.How are you?
T:I’m fine,thank you.Let’s play a game.
2. Game
(Divide the class into two or three groups.The teacher says the words in a very low voice.Ss guess what it is.The student who is the first to stand up will read the word and spell it. Go over the words :campus,term,idea,report,should,shall,etc.)
【Thinking】After the greeting,the teacher uses a game to go over the words.The students who enjoy games very much will focus their attention at once.This method helps the Ss go over the old words,and at last when the student spells the word , “shall”,the teacher can introduce the word “double”.
Step 2 . Presentation and learning
1、At the end of the game above,the student spells “shall” like this, S-H-A-L-L.The teacher repeats like this, S-H-A-double L.
Then write the word “double” on Bb.
T:Look at me.How shall we read it? Let me show you.
After showing the pronunciation ,ask Ss to read after the teacher.Then read one by one,two by two,in groups,whole class.
Teacher shows the wallcalendar,points to September 9th.
T:There are a lot of festivals in China.For example,September 10th is the Teachers’ Day.It’s a festival for teachers.Look at this festival.It’s a festival for the old people.It’s Double Ninth Day.It means “chongyangjie”.
Ask Ss to say “Double Ninth Day”
2.Touble Ninth Day is a festival.It’s a festival for old people. (Bb handwriting “festival”)
T:Can you read ? Let me show you.
(Learn the word in the same way.Read ,spell and write the word in the air.)
3.T:The Double Ninth Day is coming.It’s a festival for the old people----your grandfather and your grandmother.They love you very much.What shall we do for them?(Write this sentence on Bb,Ss read after the teacher)
S1:Buy some good food.
S2:Buy flowers.
T:Good children!Why not make some cards?(Write this sentence on the Bb.Read after the teacher)
(Show Ss a cardboard.)
T:How to make a card?Let me show you. “show”(Bb handwriting:show)
Teach this word with the same method.After Ss have learned to read,the teacher helps Ss make sentences with it,such as “ Show me your book.Show the way to me.etc”.
4.Teacher points out the pronunciation of “ow”in the word “show”,then introduces the word “old”,then “fold”.Write on the Bb,old---fold.Teacher shows the meaning of “fold” by doing action.Ss learn to read and write the word in different ways.
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:21

5、Teacher shows the cardboard again,and says:Oh ,What shall I do?Yes,make a card.Let me show you the steps.
First,fold the cardboard like this.Then fold it like this.Finally,what shall I do?Yes,write our wish on it.
Write the word “wish” on the Bb.Teacher shows the reading.Then ask Ss to read.Ss read and write it in different ways.Then ask Ss to say the plural form of wish,wishes.Ss try to make sentences with it.
【Thinking】The teacher begins from showing the date of the Double Ninth Day,then shows the new words step by step. When the teacher is talking to the Ss in real situations,the new words and sentences are introduced and learned.The teaching process is natural and smooth.
6.Have a competition to consolidate the words and sentences
Teacher points at the words and sentences on the Bb.The class reads together first.Then ask two students from different groups to read quickly.At last Teacher says the word or sentences in Chinese,Ss stand up as quickly as they can and say the words or sentences in English.
【Thinking】In order to make Ss to remember the new words and sentences,it is necessary to consolidate them on time.Going over the words and sentences in the competition can arouse all the Ss’ interests,especially the Ss whose English is not good.This game can also train the Ss’ corresponsive abilities.  
7.learn the dialogue(learn to say)
T:You’ve done a good job.The Double Ninth Day is coming.What will Li Ming,Billy and Linda do for their grandparents?Let’s listen to the tape.
Ss listen quietly first.Then read after the tape. Read together.Read by themselves.
Step 3.Practice and Extention
1、Act the dialogue.Tell the Ss that they can use the sentences in the dialogue and also the sentences they have learned before. Ask Ss to practice in group first.Then act in front of the class.
2、Enjoy the story in Read and think.Play the tape. Ss listen to it first,then read and answer the questions.
3、Writing exercises,finish the exercises in Part 4
【Thinking】After learning the words , sentences and the dialogue,the teacher asks Ss to do some practice and extention.This can train Ss’habits and abilities of using English.And during practising and acting the dialogue, Ss get the education of loving old people.Their cooperative abilities are improved,too.
Step 4.Summing-up
T:Boys and girls,your grandparents love you .From your act,I find you also love your grandparents.In fact we should respect all the old people.I believe you will be glad to help old people when they need your help. (Read the words and sentences on Bb.)
Step 5.Homework
1.Read and try to recite the dialogue.
2.Finish the exercises in activity book.
3.Copy the words and sentences.
【Teaching Tools】Recorder,Cardboards
【Thinking After Teaching】
Showing new words and sentences in the real situations made the teaching process natural and smooth.The Ss understood them very well. When I was teaching the Ss how to make a card,the Ss were active and interested.But it was a little hard to control the class. Ss were eager to make the card by themselves . I could ask them to do it by hands.But I went on telling them to write wishes.Some of the Ss didn’t pay attentention.If there were only teaching and situation-creating in the class,the Ss would feel bored.The Ss like playing games very much.So I asked them to play a game after learning the new words and sentences.At the end of this lesson I told the Ss to love not only their grandparents but also all the old people.The teaching aims have been realized successfully.

【 Title of Lesson】Lesson Three
【Students Analysis】Making things by hand is a course in the primary school.So perhaps the Ss used to make a model plane.But that is guided by Chinese teacher.They will be interested in how to make a model plane in the English class.
【Curriculum Analysis】The curriculum suggests English teaching must concern the students feeling and try to arouse the students’ interests and enthusiasm in English. The teacher should try to train Ss’ abilities of operating by hands.The teacher should use real situations and use the task-based approach to train the students’ abilities of using English.
【Textbook Analysis】The topic and content of this textbook are close to Ss’ daily life.It emphasizes language application.The topic of Unit One is how to give advice.This lesson is the third lesson in Unit One. Giving some advice about how to make a model plane is the main content. It’s easy to set a situation.We can train the Ss’habits and abilities of doing things with English.After the teacher sets up the real situations,the words and sentences will be easy to be understood.
【Teaching Aims】
Knowledge:To master the new words and sentences :hard,instruction,stick,easy,step, How shall we do it? You should do it like this.
1、Ss can use the sentences “How shall we do it? You should do it like this.”in real situations.
2、Ss can understand the dialogue in Learn to say and act the dialogue.
3、To cultivate the communicative and operative abilities.
Feeling,Attitude and Value:
1、To arouse the Ss’ self-confidence and interests in English.
2、To train the Ss’ cooperative and creative abilities.
3、To make the Ss feel happy to help others.
【Key points and Difficult Points】The key points are the dialogue in Learn to say ,the words and the sentences in Try to use.The difficult points are how to use the new drills in real situations.
【Teaching Style】Situation creating,task-based approach,operating by hands
【Teaching Process】
Step 1 .Revision ,warming-up and leading
Free talk between T and Ss
T:Tomorrow is my daughter’s birthday.What shall I do?Please use “Why not…? ”to give me some advice.
S1:Why not buy a birthday cake?
T:Good idea!
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:21

S2:Why not give her a pen?
S3:Why not make a card?
T:Oh,my daughter likes model plane.Why not make a model plane for her?But how shall I do it?Let’s make a model plane this class.OK?
【Thinking】The free talk can shorten the distance between T and Ss .And it can go over the sentences Ss have learned before.And it can also introduce the new lesson.In the free talk, Teacher gives Ss a clear task.Ss like to do things for teachers.They are very happy to do things for the birthday of teacher’s daughter.Their interests are aroused.Good beginning is half done.
Step 2  Presentation and learning
T takes out a cardboard.
Tet’s make a model plane now.But ,how shall we do it?
(Write this sentence on Bb.Ask Ss to read.)
T:I know you have learned to make it in Chinese class.Is it hard?
(Write “hard” on Bb.Learn to read.And ask Ss to make sentences with it. “Maths is hard.English is hard.English isn’t hard….)
When someone says that English is hard,T says,“No,English isn’t hard.It’s easy.”
(T writes “easy” on Bb.Ss learn to read.Read in groups,in twos….Practise writing in the air or on the desk.)
T gives some situations,Ss make the judgements.
To homework.
Tlant a tree.
T:Is it easy?How to do it?
(After the student tells the steps,T repeats and does actions,“Yes,you’re clever.There are four steps.First,dig a hole.Then,put the seedling in the hole.Then put some soil.Finally pour some water.)
T(Counting fingers):first,then,then,finally,how many steps?
(T writes the word “step” on Bb. Ss learn to read.Read in groups,in twos….Practise writing in the air or on the desk.)
T:Oh,we should make a model plane now.How shall we do it ?Can you tell me the steps?
S:Step1,fold the cardboard.
T:But I think we should read the instruction here.(Pointing at the instruction )
(T writes the word “instruction” on Bb. Explain it.Ss learn to read.Read in groups,in twos….Practise writing in the air or on the desk.)
T:Mm,first,read the instruction.Then,how shall we do it?
S:Then cut the cardboard.
(T passes scissors to the student.T:Cut it,please.)
Just as the student begins to cut,T:Be careful.You should do it like this.(Show the methods)
(T writes the sentence “You should do it like this.” on Bb. Ss learn to read.Read in groups,in threes….)
T:How shall we do finally?Yes,stick them together.(Show a bottle of glue.The Ss can understand the meaning of stick.)
(T writes the word “stick” on Bb. Explain it.Ss learn to read.Read in groups,in twos….Practise writing in the air or on the desk.)
Tet’s have a competition .(Divide the class into groups.)
Teacher points at the words and sentences on the Bb.The Ss read together first.Then ask students from different groups to read quickly.At last the teacher says the word or sentences in Chinese,Ss stand up as quickly as they can and say the words or sentences in English.
【Thinking】The teacher begins from showing a task to Ss.Then T goes on talking with the Ss to solve some problems.During the talking, the new words and sentences are shown and learned smoothly and naturally. The teaching is effective.After T shows the new words,T asks Ss to make sentences or use them in real situations.This can train Ss’abilities of using English.
In order to make Ss remember the new words and sentences,it is necessary to consolidate them on time.Going over the words and sentences in the competition can arouse all the Ss’ interests,especially the Ss whose English is not good.This game can also train the Ss’ corresponsive abilities.  

T:You’ve done a good job.What about Linda?Can she make a model plane?Let’s listen to the tape.
Ss listen quietly first.Then read after the tape. Read together.Read by themselves.
Step 3.Practice and Extention
1.Act the dialogue.Tell the Ss that they can use the sentences in the dialogue and also the sentences they have learned before.They can change the dialogue to how tomake a model ship,a butterfly , a giraffe  or other animals,too.Ask Ss to practice in groups first.Then act in front of the class.
2.Enjoy the story in Read and think.Play the tape. Ss listen to it first,then read and answer the questions.
【Thinking】After learning the words , sentences and the dialogue,the teacher asks Ss to do some practice and extention.This can train Ss’habits and abilities of using English.And during practising and acting the dialogue, Ss gains self-confidence , interests in English, cooperative and creative abilities.After they help the teacher finish the task successfully,they feel very happy.
Step 4.Summing-up
T:Boys and girls, thank you for your help.I will give the model plane to my daughter.I’m so happy.Because you gave me a good gift.And the most important thing is that you have learned some new words and sentences.Let’s read them again. (Read the words and sentences on Bb.)
Step 5.Homework
1.Read and try to recite the dialogue.
2.Finish the exercises in activity book.
3.Copy the words and sentences.
【Teaching Tools】Recorder,Cardboards,Scissors,Glue
【Thinking After Teaching】
At the beginning of the new lesson,I gave the Ss a clear situation and a task.Then I showed the new words and sentences one by one .The students learned the knowledge naturally and their listening ,speaking,reading and writing abilities were trained. The Ss were active .The teaching was effective.But I found the activities between the teacher and Ss took more time than the activities between Ss and Ss. In future I will pay attention to this problem.

作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:21

【 Title of Lesson】Lesson Four
【Students Analysis】The Ss in Grade Six have learned some knowledge about the internet.Most of them like playing computer games and chatting with friends.The content of this lesson will attract the Ss.The Ss will be active and be eager to learn the knowledge and show their abilities on using computers.They can finish the task very well.
【Curriculum Analysis】The curriculum suggests English teaching must concern the students feeling and try to arouse the students’ interests and enthusiasm in English learning. The teacher should try to give the Ss a task.Then make them be happy to finish the task.Teacher should set up real situations in the class to train Ss’ abilities of operating by hands and abilities of using English.
【Textbook Analysis】The topic and content of this textbook are close to Ss’ daily life.It emphasizes language application.The topic of Unit One is how to give advice.This lesson is the fourth lesson in Unit One. If we have a computer in the classroom,it will be easy to set the situations. After the teacher sets up the real situations,the words and sentences will be easy to be understood.
【Teaching Aims】
Knowledge:To master the new words and sentences :pen pal,send,log in,choose,e-mail,Let me show you how to send an e-card.
1、Ss can use the sentences “How to …? Let me show you how to ....”in real situations.
2、Ss can understand the dialogue in Learn to say and act the dialogue.
3、To cultivate the communicative and operative abilities.
Feeling,Attitude and Value:
1、To arouse the Ss’ habits of questioning and interests in English.
2、To train the Ss’ cooperative abilities.
【Key points and Difficult Points】The key points are the dialogue in Learn to say ,the words and the sentences in Try to use.The difficult points are how to use the new drills in real situations.
【Teaching Style】Situation creating,task-based approach,operating by hands
【Teaching Process】
Step 1 .Revision ,warming-up and leading
1.Free talk between T and Ss
2.Go over the sentences and words.(Using a game :Teacher says the words or the sentences in English silently,the Ss repeat and translate them quickly.)
【Thinking】The Ss only have 3 English classes in a week in our school.If they don’t go over the knowledge on time,they will forget.And the game can interest the Ss.They will be excited .The high beginning can make Ss be active in the following teaching.
Step 2  Presentation and learning
T :I have a pen pal.She’s Jane.Who is Jane?
Ss:Your pen pal?\Your friend?
T:Yes,she’s my friend,my pen pal.We often write letters to each other. (Write this word on Bb.Ask Ss to read. Read in groups,in twos….Practise writing in the air or on the desk.Ask Ss to make sentences with it.)
T:Boys and girls,I got an e-card from Jane yesterday.I want to send her one e-card,too.But I don’t know how to send an e-card.How shall I do? Can you help me?
(T writes “send” on Bb.Explain it. Ask Ss to read after T.Then read in groups,in twos….Practise writing in the air or on the desk.)
Teacher shows a letter,and says,“ Look!This is a letter.Send a letter on the net.We call the letter an e-mail.”(T writes an e-mail on the Bb.Then asks Ss to read and say some phrases:send an email,e-mail address.)
T:There are lots of beautiful e-cards on the net.I must choose one.(T shows two pictures on the big screen. Look!Which one shall I choose?Oh,I choose this one.It’s more beautiful.What about you?If you want to send an e-card,which do you choose?
S:I choose that one.

(T writes “choose” on the Bb.Read in groups,whole class.Practise writing in the air or on the desk.)
T:Ok!Well, how to send an e-card?What shall we do first?
Log in to an e-card net.
(T writes “log in” on Bb.Explain it. Ask Ss to read after T.Then read in groups,some individuals,whole class. )
T:How to log in to 126 mailbox?Do you know?
Tet me show you how to do that . (Stick this sentence on the Bb.Ask Ss to read,then do some extention.Encourage Ss to ask some questions“How to wash clothes?How to make a cake?How to …”,Ask other Ss to answer et me show you how to ….
T:Let’s have a competition .(Divide the class into groups.)
Teacher points at the words and sentences on the Bb.The Ss read together first.Then ask students from different groups to read quickly.At last the teacher says the word or sentences in Chinese,Ss stand up as quickly as they can and say the words or sentences in English.
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:21

【Thinking】The teacher begins from showing a task to Ss.Teacher wants to send an e-card,but she can’t.Ss is very happy to help the teacher.They are active in the learning process. During talking to the students, the new words and sentences are shown and learned smoothly and naturally. The teaching is effective. In order to make Ss to remember the new words and sentences,it is necessary to consolidate them on time.Going over the words and sentences in the competition can arouse all the Ss’ interests,especially the Ss whose English is not good.This game can also train the Ss’ corresponsive abilities.  
T:You’ve done a good job.Linda got an e-card yesterday.She doesn’t know how to send an e-card.Let’s listen to the tape.
Ss listen quietly first.Then read after the tape. Read together.Read by themselves.
Step 3.Practice and Extention
1.Act the dialogue.Tell the Ss that they can use the sentences in the dialogue and also the sentences they have learned before.They can use other situations,for example,how to send an e-mail?How to make noodles?etc.Ask Ss to practice in groups first.Then act in front of the class.
2.Enjoy the story in Read and think.Play the tape. Ss listen to it first,then read and answer the questions.
3. Let’s chant.Teacher reads first.Then play the tape.Ss say and do actions.
【Thinking】After learning the words , sentences and the dialogue,the teacher asks Ss to do some practice and extention.This can train Ss’habits and abilities of using English.And during practising and acting the dialogue, Ss gains self-confidence , interests in English, cooperative and operative abilities.
Step 4.Summing-up
T:Boys and girls, thank you for your help.I can send an e-card after class. I’m so happy.You have done a good job. Let’s read the new words and sentence. (Read the words and sentence on Bb.)
Step 5.Homework
1.Read and try to recite the dialogue.
2.Finish the exercises in activity book.
3.Copy the words and sentences.
【Teaching Tools】Recorder,computer,big screen
【Thinking After Teaching】
The task-based approach and the situation-creating method made the classroom teaching effective and successful.This class I tried to give Ss the chances to communicate in English.Their abilities of using English was improved.The teaching was student-centred. I think my teaching of the words “e-mail”wasn’t very well.Maybe If I had shown it directly,it would be better.

【 Title of Lesson】Lesson Five
【Students Analysis】It’s usual that the Ss make mistakes. Although they have been asked to confess the mistakes bravely when they did something wrong .But it seems hard for the Ss who are in Grade Six . In this lesson the Ss can learn to be a  brave and honest person.And their abilities of using English will be improved. In Lesson Two,the Ss have learned the drill“Why not…?”.The important sentence in this lesson “Why don’t  you …?” is the same meaning .So it’s not difficult for them.
【Curriculum Analysis】The curriculum suggests English teaching must concern the students feeling and try to arouse the students’ interests in English learning. The teacher should not only teach Ss the knowledge,but also tell them how to be person with good habits and good personality. Teacher should set up real situations in the class to train Ss’ abilities of using English.
【Textbook Analysis】The topic and content of this textbook are close to Ss’ daily life.It emphasizes language application.The topic of Unit one is how to give advice.This lesson is the fifth lesson in Unit One. It talks about how to advise others to confess mistakes after they did something wrong. The teacher can set up real situations to show the new words and sentences.And the Ss try to use them in certain situations after they learn to read.This can train Ss’ abilities of using English.
【Teaching Aims】
Knowledge:To master the new words and sentence :break,broke,dictionary,forgive,
Why don’t you say sorry to her?
1、Ss can use the sentences “Why don’t you …?”in real situations neatly.
2、Ss can understand the dialogue in Learn to say and act the dialogue.
3、To cultivate the communicative abilities.
Feeling,Attitude and Value:
1、To arouse the Ss’ interests in English learning.
2、To train the Ss’the character of owning up when they have made a mistake.
【Key points and Difficult Points】The key points are the dialogue in Learn to say ,the words and the sentence in Try to use.The difficult points are how to use the new drill in real situations.
【Teaching Style】Situation creating,communicative style
【Teaching Process】
Step 1 .Revision ,warming-up and leading
2.Listen to the song “Little Cabin in the Wood”
Teacher plays the tape.Ask Ss to listen and do actions freely.
【Thinking】As the class begins,the teacher greets the Ss friendly.This can shorten the distance between T and Ss.The English song makes Ss feel the English atmosphere and enter the English class happily.And when the Ss do actions freely,maybe some accidents will happen.Then the teacher can get a chance to introduce the new lesson.For example, one student offends another student when he is doing actions.The teacher can say,“Why don’t you say sorry to her?He is not intended.Can you forgive him?...”
Step 2 . Presentation and learning
If no accidents happened in last step,the presentation will be like the following.
T  shows a dictionary to the Ss.
Took!What is it?It’s a dictionary.
(T writes “dictionary” on Bb. Ask Ss to read after T.Then read in groups,in twos….Practise writing in the air or on the desk. )
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:21

To you have a dictionary?
S:Yes,I do.
S:Yes.I have a big dictionary.
T:The dictionary is too heavy.Why don’t you buy an electronic dictionary?
(T shows an electronic dictionary.Ask Ss to read it.)
T:The electronic dictionary is light and small.Why don’t you buy it?
(T writes the sentence pattern on the Bb,Why don’t you…Ss read it.Then make some sentences. “Why don’t you clean the desk?Why don’t you sit down?...”)
T:This is Miss Li’s electronic dictionary.But it is broken now.I broke it yesterday.
((T writes “broke” on Bb. Ask Ss to read after T.Then read in groups,in twos….Practise writing the word in the air or on the desk.Tell Ss this is the past tense of break.Write break on Bb.Ask Ss to read it. )
T:I’m sad today.I broke Miss Li’s electronic dictionary.Can she forgive me?
((T writes “forgive” on Bb. Ask Ss to read after T.Then read in groups,in twos….Practise writing the word in the air or on the arms. )
T:What shall I do ?Do you have any good ideas?
S:Why don’t you buy a new one?
S:You should say sorry to her.
S:It doesn’t matter.She can forgive you.

T:Well,I shall say sorry to her.(T writes “say sorry to her” after “Why don’t you” on the Bb.Ss read the sentence together.)OK.Take it easy.Why not cheer up?Let’s have a competition .
(Divide the class into groups.)
Teacher points to the words and sentence on the Bb.The Ss read together first.Then ask students from different groups to read quickly.At last the teacher says the word or sentence in Chinese,Ss stand up as quickly as they can and say the words or sentence in English.
【Thinking】The teacher must think about everything that may happen in the class. Before the class,the teacher should have some different plans in the mind and try to grasp the chance to realize the build targets. To introduce the new lesson in a real situation can interest the Ss and make Ss understand new lesson very well.During talking to the students, the new words and sentences are shown and learned smoothly and naturally. The teaching is effective. In order to make Ss to remember the new words and sentences,it is necessary to consolidate them on time.Going over the words and sentences in the competition can arouse all the Ss’ interests,especially the Ss whose English is not good.This game can also train the Ss’ corresponsive abilities.  
T:You’ve done a good job.I’m not sad now.But Billy is sad today.Why is he sad? Let’s listen to the tape.
Ss listen quietly first.Then read after the tape. Read together.Read by themselves.
Step 3.Practice and Extention
1.Answer questions:Why is Billy sad?What does Liming say to him?
Did Lind forgive him?
T tells Ss “Why don’t you say sorry to her?”is the same with “Why not say sorry to her?”
Do some exercises like these.
2.Act the dialogue.Tell the Ss that they can act a dialogue that happened in the past.Try to use the sentences in this lesson and also the sentences they have learned before. Ask Ss to practice in groups first.Then act in front of the class.
3.Enjoy the story in Read and think.Play the tape. Ss listen to it first,then read and answer the questions.
【Thinking】After learning the words , sentences and the dialogue,the teacher asks Ss to do some practice and extention.This can train Ss’habits and abilities of using English.And during practising and acting the dialogue, Ss gains good character of  owning up when they have made a mistake, interests in English, cooperative and communicative abilities.
Step 4.Summing-up
T:Boys and girls. I’m so happy.You have done a good job. Let’s read the new words and sentence. (Read the words and sentence on Bb.)
Step 5.Homework
4、        Read and try to recite the dialogue.
5、        Finish the exercises in activity book.
6、        Copy the words and sentences.
【Teaching Tools】Recorder,dictionary,an electronic dictionary
【Thinking After Teaching】
The teacher must think about everything that may happen in the class. Before the class,the teacher should have some different plans in the mind and try to grasp the chance to realize the build targets. At the beginning of the class,I asked Ss to listen to the music and do actions freely.A naughty boy hit a girl’s arm.So the girl reported to me.Then I said,“Why don’t you say sorry to her? Can you forgive him?”.Then I showed the new word “forgive”. To introduce the new lesson in a real situation interested the Ss and made Ss understand new lesson very well.During talking to the students, the new words and sentences were shown and learned smoothly and naturally. The teaching is effective. But I think the writing practice should be improved.
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:21

课题名称 第 七 课  第一课时
【授课时间】 一课时
1.        学习四会单词 maple leaf, nature, change, colorful, golden。
2.        学会感叹句 What an amazing world!
1.        能简单地对秋天作以描述。
2.        培养学生热爱生活,热爱大自然的情感。
1.        本课时的教学重点是learn to say 部分的课文及try to use 部分的词汇。要求学生在创设的情境中逐步听、说、读、写所有词汇,并能在句型中灵活运用。引导学生在理解课文的基础上根据教师创设的情境进行对话。
2.        本课时的教学难点是try to use 部分的词汇。生词较为抽象,教师应在教学中分散难点,一达到生词四会。
【教学方式】 根据学生的知识水平,和生活实际,以及本节课的内容需要,我采用了情景教学法,激趣法,小组合作学习法,以及多媒体教学软件等方式来完成本节课的任务。
`1. 导入设计
(1). Greeting.(Say hello to each other.)
(2). Point to the thing of the classroom. Ask the Ss : What color is it? Put the colcr picture on the blackboard. Then sing a song about colors .
2. 新课呈现
(1). Free talk:
T: How many seasons are there in a year?
S: Threr are four.
T: What are they ?
S: They are summer, autumn, winter, spring.
T: Show out the pictures of seasons. Then ask: Which one do you like?
S: Autumn.
T: I like autumn best.Today we will learn something about autumn.(Show out the title of this lesson.)
(2). 单词的学习
T: Today let’s talk about the beautiful nature.
(播放一段大自然的课件,解释nature 的意思并且板书,然后进行拼读。)
T: Do you like autumn? Can you discribe autumn?
S: The leaves are falling off the threes…
T: 出示几片叶子,Do you like these leaves? They are maple leaves.
T: What color are the leaves?
S: They are yellow.
T: What is the color in autumn?
S: Yellow.
T: Can you change a word?(师板书单词,解释含义,进行拼读。)
T: Tell the students autumn is golden. (解释gold – golden  拼读单词。)How about spring summer winter?  
S: Spring is green. Winter is white. Summer is colorful.   
T: Look at my T-shirt . It is colorful.(解释含义,让学生用此词造句。)
看课件green spring , colorful summer, golden autumn, and white winter. It changes every year.
T: What an amazing world!(出示句子,帮助学生理解感叹句。)
T: Can you give me some sentences?
S: What a big apple! What a beautiful song!...
(4) 课文的学习
I like autumn best. Do you know? Which does Billy like ?
(1) let’s read the text. Listen an repeat together.
(2) Ask the student to read the text by themselves.
(3) Then ask students some questions about the text.
【设计思路】 此环节我利用多媒体课件展示美丽的大自然,学生在欣赏美的过程中,把本课的单词,句型,与课文一一掌握。充分调动学生的各种感官,让学生体验参与教学活动之中。
在课文的学习中,学生在教师的指导下模仿录音,学习地道自然的语音语调, 养成良好的发音习惯。
(1)Fill in the blank.
(2) Write out three sentences like this.  
   What an amazing world!
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:21
Write a composition about their favourite season.
【教学后记】如何把单词教学溶于句子教学当中 ,很多老师在上课时,只强调单词的教学,进行枯燥乏味的机械操练,往往忽略了把新授单词与已学的句子有机结合。其实单词只是语言教学中的一个个体,我们应该将个体容于整体当中,单词很重要,但更不能忘了与句型的操练结合。只有运用将抽象内容具体化的直观教学方式,创设活泼有效的认读活动,自然真实的语言情景,让学生在活动中认读,能让学生学以致用,既有趣、又学到了知识,提高了单词的记忆率,让学生在潜移默化中习得语言就会取得较好的教学效果。

课题名称 第 八课  第一课时
【授课时间】 一课时
3.        学习四会单词 sky, gas, air, magic.
4.        学会句子  How can they fly up in the sky?
3.        能对单词和句型进行操练,能够灵活的做替换练习。
2. 熟读课文,能根据教师创设的情境进行对话。
3.        本课时的教学重点是learn to say 部分的课文及try to use 部分的词汇。要求学生在创设的情境中逐步听、说、读、写所有词汇,并能在句型中灵活运用。引导学生在理解课文的基础上根据教师创设的情境进行对话。
4.        本课时的教学难点是try to use 部分的词汇。生词较为抽象,教师应在教学中分散难点,达到生词四会。
【教学方式】 根据学生的知识水平,和生活实际,以及本节课的内容需要,我采用了情景教学法,激趣法,小组合作学习法,以及多媒体教学软件等方式来完成本节课的任务。
`1. 导入设计
(1). Greeting.(Say hello to each other.)
(2). Ask them to talk about their favourite season .
2. 新课呈现
(1). 单词的学习
T: Now there are two balloons in my hand.Do you like them? Look,This balloon can fly in the sky.
(让孩子们透过玻璃窗,望望窗外蓝蓝的天。告诉他们That is the sky.然后拼读单词sky.)
T拿另一个balloon).But this balloon can’t fly in the sky.Do you know why?
T: Oh,You are so clever.
T: The first balloon is full of the special gas.
(解释special gas的含义,告诉学生我们家的液化气,天然气称为gas,special gas是特别的气体,然后进行拼读)。
T: The second balloon is full of the air.(Explain this word and spell it).Our room are full of the air.explain、 be full of:充满。
T:指着带有特殊气体的球问How can they fly up in the sky?
S: Because It’s lighter than air.
T: 解释形容词级的变化(light-lighter-the lightest)轻-更轻-最轻的。(还可以把这句话反过来说用heavy-heavier-the heaviest).The air is heavier than the special gas.
S: 用light与heavy做句子。
T: 指着两个球说一个能飞,另一个不能飞。That’s very magic.(告诉学生Hurry poter’s broom is very magic.让孩子们猜出magic的含义,并拼读单词)。
T: How can they fly up in the sky?
S: Because the balloons are full of this special gas it’s lighter than air.
(3) 课文的学习
Tiu Gang also have some balloons,let’listen to the tape and open your books.
S:Read the text by themselves.
T:Ask them some questions about the text.
1.What is Liu Gang doing?
2.Dose Bill know the balloon how to fly up in the sky?
3.How do they know that questions?
S: Try to answer.
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:21
(2)侧重操练本课的介词。(in on at of)
     I’m looking ___the balloons.
     How can they fly up ___the sky.
     The balloons are full ___this specil gas.
     Let’s search ___the net.
     Learch  on  net  the  let’s.
     They  can  up  the fly sky how.
(2)教师可引导学生猜一猜“What’s the special gas?”借机告诉学生氢气的英语是hydrogen.

课题名称第 九 课  第一课时
【授课时间】 一课时
【教材分析】  本单元学习有关季节,科学发明,动物生长过程等方面的常用语及相关短语.本节课是这个单元的第三节课,让学生了解我国古代的发明,让学生感受到我国古代劳动人民的聪明才智。
5.        学习四会单词 :ancient, use, used ,shadow, smart.
6.        学会感叹句:How smart the ancient people were!
7.        能力目标:
4.        能对单词和句型进行操练,能够灵活的做替换练习。
2. 熟读课文,能根据教师创设的情境进行对话。

5.        本课时的教学重点是learn to say 部分的课文及try to use 部分的词汇。要求学生在创设的情境中逐步听、说、读、写所有词汇,并能在句型中灵活运用。引导学生在理解课文的基础上根据教师创设的情境进行对话。
6.        本课时的教学难点是try to use 部分的词汇。生词较为抽象,教师应在教学中分散难点,达到生词四会。
【教学方式】 根据学生的知识水平,和生活实际,以及本节课的内容需要,我采用了情景教学法,激趣法,小组合作学习法,以及多媒体教学软件等方式来完成本节课的任务。
1. 导入设计
(1). Greeting.(Say hello to each other.) Sing an English song baby birds.
(2).Take out the picture about times. Then ask and answer together.
2. 新课呈现
T:Who can tell me ? what is the time now?
S: Answer the questions.
T: Do you know? How does the ancient people know the time?(用简笔画的方式让学生了解ancient, 并且板书拼读此词。组词  ancient people, ancient book…)
S: They use the sundial.
T: You are very clever. They used the sundial.(板书use – used, 在解决生词后,带领学生简单复习一般过去式,尤其以不发音e结尾的动词。Dance-danced  like--liked)
   Show out a picture of the sundial.  Then ask: who can tell us something about it in Chinese?(引导学生回答问题)
S: 它是古人用来测量时间的工具。
T: How does it work?
S: 利用太阳照射指针的影子。
T: Yes, they use the shadow to tell the time.(教师利用教室内的太阳光或灯光制造影子来让学生猜影子的含义,板书拼读此词。同时为学生讲解古人利用太阳光照射日晷的指针投射出来的影子来获取时间。)
   Are the ancient people smart ?
S: Yes, they are.(解释 smart = clever 板书)
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:22

T: How smart the ancient people were!(教师发出感慨,让学生领悟到这是一个感叹句。为学生讲解以how 引导的感叹句,其结构为:how + 形容词+名词+be+!板书)
S: 根据老师的讲解做感叹句练习。
(3) 课文的学习
T:Do you want to be a smart students? Let’s learn to say the text.
1.        listen to the tape and read after it.
2.        Read it by themselves. Then answer the teacher’s questions.
What does miss lin and Billy talk about ?
What time is it now?
3. Ask and answer in groups.
【设计思路】 通过创设一种真实自然的语言环境,让学生能在真实的情景中学习,使学生养成用英语进行思维的好习惯,为进一步学习英语练就扎实的基本功。
Tell their parents something about the sundial.

课题名称第 十 课  第一课时
【授课时间】 一课时
8.        学习四会单词 telephone, invent, convenient, cell phone。
9.        学会句子 Who invented the telephone? It says...
5.        1.能对单词和句型进行操练,能够灵活的做替换练习。
2. 熟读课文,能根据教师创设的情境进行对话。
7.        本课时的教学重点是learn to say 部分的课文及try to use 部分的词汇。要求学生在创设的情境中逐步听、说、读、写所有词汇,并能在句型中灵活运用。引导学生在理解课文的基础上根据教师创设的情境进行对话。
8.        本课时的教学难点是try to use 部分的词汇。生词较为抽象,教师应在教学中分散难点,一达到生词四会。
【教学方式】 根据学生的知识水平,和生活实际,以及本节课的内容需要,我采用了情景教学法,激趣法,小组合作学习法,以及多媒体教学软件等方式来完成本节课的任务。
`1. 导入设计
(2).Listen to beautiful song.(用手机播放)
2. 新课呈现
(1). 单词及句型的学习
T:  Where is the beautiful song from?
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:22

S:  Oh,It’s from your 手机.
T:  Cell-phone(板书,拼读Cell-phone)
T:  Show out a telephone.Then asko you know What it is?
S:  Telephone.
T  :Take out a picture of an old telephone. Then askook at this telephone.It’s very old.It is the first telephone in the world.
S: 表示惊讶。
T: Do you know?
   Who invented the telephone?(板书)
S: Bell.
T:  出示Bell的画像。Introduce Bell.It says:Bell was an American,but born in the UK.He was interested in electricity in 1875,he and his workmate Watson invented the first telephone in the world.
    出示生词invent及过去式invented并板书-拼读。帮助学生理解It says.(可以解释为上面写着或据说)
T:  Why do we need the telephone?
S:  给我们的生活带来方便。
T:  Telephones make our lives very convenient.
T:  出示生词卡片convenient.把音标写在黑板上,带学生拼读。
(2) 课文的学习
T:  How does telephone change our life.让学生带着问题学习课文。
1.Listen and repeat the text.
2.Answer the teacher’s questions.
3.Ask and answer in pairs.
教师出示的多种物品及其发明者的课件,引导学生巩固复习句型。Who invented the paper?It says:Cai Lun invented the paper.让学生自由发问,集大家的智慧回答问题。

课题名称 第 十一 课  第一课时
【授课年级】 小学六年级第一学期
【授课时间】 一课时
1.        学习四会单词 cocoon, butterfly, moth, surprise.
2.  能熟练运用How can it become a butterfly ?句型。
1.        能用自己的话,结合图片来描述蝴蝶的各种生长状态。
1.        本课时的教学重点是learn to say 部分的课文及try to use 部分的词汇。要求学生在创设的情境中逐步听、说、读、写所有词汇,并能在句型中灵活运用。引导学生在理解课文的基础上根据教师创设的情境进行对话。
2.        本课时的教学难点是try to use 部分的词汇。生词较为抽象,教师应在教学中分散难点,一达到生词四会。
【教学方式】 根据学生的知识水平,和生活实际,以及本节课的内容需要,我采用了情景教学法,激趣法,小组合作学习法,以及多媒体教学软件等方式来完成本节课的任务。
`1. 导入设计
(1). Greeting.(Say hello to each other.)
(2). Play a vedio clip to review some words about anmials.(frog chicken duck bird tiger...)
2. 新课呈现
(1). 单词及句型的学习
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:22

T: What is this?
S: It is a butterfly.(教师板书并且教学生拼读此词,教师鼓励学生用自己的方式记单词。)
T: What color butterflies have you ever seen?
S: They are white ,black,yellow...
T: The butterfly is very beautiful. Do you want to know more about it?
(播放课件,图片展示一个茧,告诉学生蝴蝶就是从这里面出来的。)  It is called cocoon.(板书cocoon教读此词)
S: Spell the words.Then try to write the word with their fingers.
T: How can a cocoon become a butterfly ?(Explain the sentence, then write it on the blackboard.)
S: Read the sentences one by one. Then think of this question.(此时学生可以用汉语回答。)
T:Go on to play the vedio.Try to help the Ss to understand the life cycle of butterflies.(eggs—larva—cocoon—butterfly,还可以放一些其他动物的生命周期的图解如:eggs—tadpole—young frog--frog)
T: Liugang and Billy are talking about butterflies.Let’s follow them.
S: Listen to the tape carefull.
T: Ask some questions about the text. What happened to the cocoon?
S: A moth come out of the cocoon. (出示moth 图片, 板书此单词)
T: Are you surprise?(教师做惊讶状,让学生深刻体会这个词语的含义.)
S: Yes, we are surprise.(把音标展示给学生,并板书拼读此词.)
(1) let’s read the text. Listen an repeat together.
(2) Ask the student to read the text by themselves.
(3) Then ask questions about the text.
Talk about the life cycle with their parents.
【教学后记】本节课利用课件、单词卡片、游戏(Find your friends.)、情景对话等形式进行教学。创设了轻松、自然的学习气氛,调动了孩子们的参与积极性(百分之百参与教学),使学生轻松掌握知识,培养了学生的综合能力,完成了本节课所设定的教学目标。
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:22

Lesson 13
【课题名称】unit3 lesson13
【教材分析】本节课是一节对话课,主要是围绕收藏奥运标识为主题,在多个标识中,运用句型which one do you like? L prefer…..进行有效交际,并用mean peace happiness等词对奥运标识进行特征描述,陈述喜欢这个标识的原因,本课时内容比较贴近学生生活,是学生们比较喜欢的话题之一,所以有利于学生间开展交流
1、        知识目标:①The Ss can read listen say and write the words and the sentences. “ prefer, mean,peace,happiness. Which one do you like? I prefer…”
②The Ss can read listen say Athens , Sydney ,Atlanta ,the Olympic Games and olive branch.
2、        能力目标:The Ss can use the sentences“Which one do you like ?I prefer… ”freely
3、        情感态度与价值观:通过本课学习,让学生了解奥运会的人文精神,加深对世界的了解,增强世界意识。
【教学重点与难点】重点是让学生听说读写四会单词,让学生学会用句型which one do you like?Iprefer…进行沟通交流.
一、        Warn-up
1、        Greetings. T :Good morning boys and girls.   Ss: Good morning, teacher.
            T:  Nice to see you..             Ss: Nice to see you, too.
            T :Today I bring you my favourite song. . Do you want to listen?     Ss: Yes.
2  Let’s enjoy the song “ you and me” . (Watch the video.)
[设计思路 ] 营造学习氛围,拉近师生距离,通过欣赏视频歌曲,吸引了学生的注意力,感受与体悟奥运会的人文精神,并为本课的学习作了心理准备。
二、        Presentation
1 T: This is the theme song of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Do you know something about Olympic Games? Look at the screen. Here are some questions. Discuss them in your group. Then give the right answers.
Questions: 1) How often does the Olympic Game hold?
         2) Where did it hold in2008?
         3) Where did it hold in 2004?
         4) Where did it hold in 2000?
         5) Where did it hold in 1996?
Answers: 1)  Every four years.
2)        It held in Beijing in2008.
3)        It held in Athens in 2004.
4)        It held in Sydney in 2000.
5)        It held in Atlanta in 1996.
Read the names of these cities and point them on the world map.
2        T: ( show logos ) Look! This one is Beijing 2008. That one is Athens 2004. This one is Sydney 2000 and that one is Atlanta 1996.
T: So many logos. Which one do you like?   
S: I like …
T: I prefer Athens 2004. The olive branch means peace and happiness.
(Read words follow the teacher. Note the words’ pronunciation . Know the meaning of the words. Students can use them to make sentences.)
T: Hi, Lingling. Which one do you like best?
S: I like…best.
T: But I like Beijing 2008 best. It just like a dancing girl.  ( Teacher explain like’s usage.)
[设计思路] 采用小组合作探究的学习方式,解决疑难问题,实现了对 Athens, Atlanta , Sydney.的听说和认读.同时又在真实自然的情境中,以对话交流的方式,呈现了新单词与句型mean, peace, happiness;  Which one do you like? I prefer… 培养了学生用英语进行思维的好习惯, 为学生进一步学习英语打下良好基础。
三 Consolidation
1 T: Billy and Liu Gang are talking about logos , too. Let’s go and see the text.( Listen to the tape; Listen and read follow it; Read in roles; Try to speak out the dialogue skillfully.)
2 Play a game. ( Let students write a word card, and stick it to his partner’s back, then his partner guess what is it.)
3 Look at the screen, here are three scences , try to use the new sentences to make a dialogue with your partner.
(computer) 1)  In the park, there are many beautiful flowers. They are in different colors.
          2) In the shop, there are so many beautiful clothes. There are vests, shorts, coat , dress, T-shirts, skirts and so on..
          3) In the fruit shop, there are so many fruits.There are pears, apples, bananas, oranges and so on.
[设计思路] 单词的教学本身是枯燥乏味的,小学生天性爱玩,采用游戏的方式,让学生在反复操练中巩固本课的学习重点。利用多媒体课件创设了交际情景,让学生编演对话,从而达到对语言的交流与运用,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。
四 Extension
Read and answer. “ The story of Noah’s Ark” .
[设计思路] 通过诺亚方舟的故事,更加深刻地了解到橄榄枝是和平与幸福的象征,使学生更加深刻地理解本课所学内容,使他们发展心智,拓展视野。
五 Homework
1) Finish the Activity book 1,2,3.
2) Read the text to your parents.
[设计思路] 布置作业时,要考虑作业的难度要适宜,作业量要适度,要让学生成为热情的参与者,有能力的参与者,使学生不再把作业当成负担。
【教学用具】 多媒体课件 , 奥运会会标 ,录音机,磁带。
【教学后记】针对本课的教学重点与教学难点,我采取了小组合作探究,呈现实物,创设情景,游戏等方式呈现与操练了新知,教学效果明显。第一环节,通过Greeting; Listen to the song ,创设英语氛围,激发学生学习兴趣。第二环节,以小组合作探究的方式解决有关奥运会的问题,并对 Athens, Atlanta, Sydney ,进行了听,说,认读。以呈现实物(logos )的方式,运用重点句型 Which one do you like ?与学生进行对话。对话过程中,呈现了新词 prefer, mean, peace, happiness .然后教师讲解了like 作为动词与介词的不同用法。第三环节,以学习课文的形式固化了重点单词与句型;以游戏的方式操练了单词;以多媒体课件创设情境,让学生创编对话。第四环节,通过诺亚方舟的故事,加深对本课所学内容的理解。第五部分,作业的设计,难易适度,不会给学生造成心理负担。

作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:22

【课题名称】 Unit 3 Lesson14
【学生分析】  六年级学生有一定的英语基础,尽量为他们创设英语情景,为他们提供语言表达的机会,培养语言的综合运用能力。
【课标分析】  基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力,课程特别强调关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,提高人文素养,增强实践能力,培养创新精神,力求做到满足儿童身心的可持续发展和终身学习需要。
【教材分析】  本节课是一节对话教学,课文涉及了多种时态,有一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,因此在教学中应引导学生理解课文中不同时态所表达的不同含义,培养他们学会综合运用所学知识的能力。
【教学目标】 1、知识目标:students can read listen say and write seashell, oval ,flat,
beach ,eager. students can use sentences freely. “ look at my collection. where did you get them?”
2 能力目标:students can introduce his collections.
3 情感态度与价值观:让学生做生活的有心人成为收藏的爱好者,感受收藏的乐趣,陶冶个人情操。
【教学重点与难点】  本课的教学重点是  learn to say   部分的课文及  Try to use   部分的单词和句子.
【教学方式】  通过实物呈现,巧用简笔画,创设情境等方式.,培养学生们的观察能力和表达能力.让更多的学生参与到学习活动中来.
1.        free talk
T Good moring,boys and girls.    S:Good moring , teacher.
T: nice to see you.               S: nice to see you, too.
T: what’s the weather like today?    S: It’s sunny today.
T: lily, what did you do yesterday?    S: I went shopping yesterday.
T: what are you going to do this Sunday?  S: I’m going to visit my grandma.
T: oh, what is xiao qiang dong?          S: he is listening to the teachet.
T: Oh, What a good boy!
2.Quickly answer. Please give the word’past tense and spell it.
Go-     do-    see-   find-   get-  am-   look-   
【设计思路】   师生间亲切自然的交谈,拉近师生距离.创设了英语学习的环境.以快速反应的游戏方式,复习了旧知, 为新课的学习做好铺垫.
1.( Show objective) Look! Here are so many seashells. They are my collection.
T: Look at my collection. Some are round, some are long , some are oval, some are flat.(T speaking English and drawing pictures on the blackboard.)
2 (computer) Look at the screen, Betty is introducing her collection. “Look at my collection. They are stones. Some are round, some are oval ,some are flat, some are long.
3 T: Boys and girls, I know you have brought your collection today.Can you introduce your collection ?    (Ss introduce their collections. )
4 T (ask one of students) Where did you get them ?   S: In the park.
T: Are you eager to go to the park again?            S: Yes.
T: But I’m eager to go to the beach.        S: Why?
T; Because I picked my seashells on the beach in Da Lian.
【设计思路】  实物呈现新知,简笔画辅助教学, 易于学生理解掌握. 应用多媒体课件, 创设英语情景, 模范示例, 易于学生参与到活动中来.
1 Read the new words in many different ways. And let them use the new words to make sentences.
2 Our friend Bob is eager to go to Da lian, too.Let’s go and see the text of Lesson14.
1) Listen to the tape.
2) Listen and read follow it.
3)Read in roles.
4) Try to act out the dialogue.
【设计思路 】 应用情境教学法,在学习过程中给学生创设一个真实的情境,辅之以对单词的多种操练,使学生掌握所学知识,并鼓励学生在情境中大胆说,演,不要死记硬背,从而达到活学活用.
四 Extension
1 用动词的正确形式填空.
1) I (   ) to the beach next week.  (go )
2) It (   ) last night.  (rain )
3) Where (   ) you get them.  (do )
4) I (   ) a pen yesterday. (find )
5) Look at these seashells. Some (   ) oval.  (be )
2 Tongue towister
She sells seashell on the seaside, the shell she sells on the seaside is seashell.
【设计思路 】 通过用动词的正确形式填空,训练学生们的综合运用新知识的能力。Tongue twister 的设计,趣味性强,放松学生情绪,消除学习疲劳,感受学习的乐趣。
五. Homework
1 Do Activity book 1, 2.
2 Copy the new words and the sentences for 5 times.
3 Make a new dialogue. (选择性  )
[设计思路] 对不同层次学生布置不同的作业要求,1 、2 为基础性作业,满足全体学生的需求,3 为选择性作业,旨在为优秀学生提供更广阔的发展空间,培养他们的创新精神。
[教学用具]  贝壳、 多媒体课件、 录音机、磁带。
[教学后记] 本节课我通过呈现实物、画简笔画、多媒体课件设置情景等教学方法,实现了预设的教学目标,学生能够乐于参与到活动中来,能够积极主动的完成任务型的教学活动。第一部分,我以Free talk 创设英语氛围;Quick answer 复习旧知。第二部分,我以实物呈现单词 seashell ,以边说边画简笔画的方式呈现了oval, flat ;我又以多媒体课件,设置情境,模范示例,学生自己来介绍自己的收藏品。老师以 “Where did you get them ?” 与学生进行对话,对话过程中呈现 be eager to, beach 。第三部分,以多种形式操练单词与句型;以课文固化重点知识。第四部分,用动词的正确形式填空,训练学生的综合运用新知能力;Tongue Twister 的设计,增强学生学习兴趣。第五部分,作业的设计兼顾了各个层次学生的需求。
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:22

【课题名称】  Unit 3 Lesson15
【教学目标】 1) 知识目标:The students can read ,listen, say and write “ collect,magazine,part drive and My father is a fan of modal cars.”  The students can use “a fan of” to make sentences.
2)能力目标The students can use the dialogue freely.
3) 情感态度与价值观
1、 Greetings and free talk
T: Good morning, everybody. Nice to see you.  Ss: Good morning,teacher. Nice to see you,too.
T: Hi, Li Gang, can you fly?                 L: No, I can’t.
T: Hi, Xiao Yong, can you swim?             X: Yes, I can .
T: What’s your father , Mingming?            M: He is a worker.
T: Are these your books ?                    S1: Yes, they are.
T: Do you have a toy bus ?                   S2: Yes.\No.
2、T: Well, Let’s sing the song “ the wheel on the bus”.
【设计思路】 通过亲切自然的交谈,营造了英语学习氛围,融洽了师生关系,巩固了已学句型,锻炼了学生的口语表达能力。 通过共唱英文歌曲,激发了学生的学习热情,增强了他们的学习兴趣。
T: This song is very interesting. It introduces the part of a bus. Do you know the part of a car?
  S1:Yes\No. It has wheels, doors, horn…
T computer) Well. Look at the screen. He is Billy’s father. He is introducing the parts of a car.
(After watching ). T: He knows the parts of a car very well. Because he is a fan of model cars .
T: (Show objective ) Look! Here are so many magazines. They are about cars. Billy’s father has collected many magazines about cars.
【设计思路】 在真实自然的情景中,呈现新知,并用多媒体课件辅助教学,加深了学生对语言的理解,调动了学生的积极性,使他们乐于参加到英语交际活动中来。
1 Teacher read new words, let students read follow her. Let them pay attention to the pronuncitions of these words. Then teacher explain the words. And let students use these words to make sentences.
2 Billy’s father is a fan of model cars. But can he drive?
1) Listen to the tape.
2) Listen again and answer the question.
3) Listen and read follow it.
4) Read in roles and try to act.
Do Activity book, 1,2, 3
【设计思路】通过Listen, Number and Match ; Read the text and circle T F; Choose and Write   等多项练习,培养学生的综合运用新知识的能力。
五、 Homework
1)        Copy new words and sentence for five times.
2)        Try to draw a car and write the names of every part in English.
【教学用具】 多媒体课件、名车杂志、录音机、磁带
【教学后记】本节课通过听说读写演多种形式的展开,培养了学生的综合语言运用能力,实现了课前所预设的教学目标。例如:第一部分,Greetings, Free talk ,营造英语气氛,锻炼了口语表达能力。同时以师生共唱 “ The wheel on the bus” 活跃气氛,激发学习兴趣。第二部分,观看多媒体课件( Billy’s father is introducing the parts of a car )呈现  “He is a fan of model cars ,并以此展开对话,呈现了单词 part, magazine, collect, drive 。第三部分,以多种形式操练单词及句型;以学习课文形式固化知识。第四部分,通过 Listen, Number and match ; Read the text and circle T F ; Choose and write 等练习,培养学生综合运用新知能力。第五部分,作业设计注重了写的训练,并让学生画出小汽车,用英文标注各部分名称,既体现了跨学科教学,又拓展了学生认知范围。

作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:22

【课题名称】Unit 3 Lesson 16
【教材分析】这节仍然是一节关于收藏书签的对话课,通过本课的重点句型How many bookmarks have you got?询问收藏书签的数量,并用the motto“No pain ,no gain”格言描述书签特征,能够运用本课内容进行有效交际。
1、        知识目标 The students can read listen say and write the words and the sentence.“bookmark ,motto ,pain ,gain.”“How many bookmarks have you got?”
2、        能力目标  培养学生的听说能力和合作学习能力
3、        情感态度和价值观
【教学重点与难点】Try to use 部分的单词和句子
小组讨论  多媒体课件  实物
一、        Warm-up
1、        Greetings
2、        Chant  “Five little kittens”
3、        Revision
T: Look at the screen. Here are some verbs, Can you give their past tence .If someone can answer and spell it , she/he will get a present(bookmark).
buy-   collect-   have-  get-  do-  make-  
【设计思路】上课伊始,师生共同说唱上节课学习的“Five little kittens.”营造英语学习氛围,激发学生学习兴趣; 复习环节不但复习了旧知,并引入评价机制,奖励给学生们书签,又为他们学习新课作好心里准备。
二、        Presentation
1        T: How many presents have you got?  S1: 2;  S2:3.
T( Walk to the student who has got the most) : Are they beautiful?
S: Yes, they are.
T: Do you like them?
S: Yes.
T: Do you know how to say them in English ?
S: Yes\No.
T: Bookmark.
2        Ok! Today we will learn Lesson16 and know something about Linda’s bookmarks. Teacher write the title. Now look at the screen.
1)        Where there is a will, there is way. (有志者,事竟成 )
2)        A good book is a good friend. ( 好书如挚友  )
3)        Well begun is half done.  ( 良好的开端是成功的一半  )
4)        A friend in need is a friend indeed. (患难见真情  )
5)        No pain, no gain. ( 一分耕耘,一分收获 )
After watching and listening.
T: Look! They are mottos. Let students read follow the teacher, and let them understand the meaning of this word.
3        T: Which one do you like in these mottos ?
S1: I like…
S2: I like…
S3: I like…
T: I like “No pain, no gain.” very much.
Teacher read the words and explain that “gain” means get something; “pain” means effort, trouble. Then let students pay attention to the spelling of the words.
三、        Consolidation
1        T: I like “No pain, no gain” very much. And our friend Linda like it, too. Let’s go and see the text.
1)        Listen to the tape.
2)        T show questions on the screen. And let students think over them.
3)        Ss discuss the questions in group, then answer them.
4)        Listen again and read follow it.
5)        Read in roles
6)        Try to act the dialogue.
  Questions: 1) What does Linda collect?
           2) How many bookmarks has she got?
           3) Where did she get these bookmarks?
           4) Which one is special?
2   Play a game. ( Show some words on the screen, then one of them lose .Teacher ask which one is lost? Let students say the word and spell it.)
3   Competition ( Which group can make more sentences. “How many…have you got?” )
四、        Extension
Listen and choose the correct answer. (Book, P33 , 4)
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:22

Make a bookmark and write on the motto you like best.
【设计思路】 学会自制精美书签,培养学生的动手能力。
【教学用具】 多媒体课件、 录音机、磁带
【教学后记】学生喜欢在游戏中完成自己的学习任务,所以我采取了游戏、竞赛等学习方式调动大家的学习兴趣。同时还为他们创设了真实的语言情景,使学生在无意识中学习,感受学习英语的乐趣。例如:第一部分,热身复习部分,通过师生共同说唱,活跃课堂气氛,创设英语学习氛围。复习环节,既复习了旧知,又为新知学习作了铺垫。第二部分,通过询问学生获得奖品的数量等相关的对话,学习bookmark   ,观看课件上的格言,学习 motto  ,通过以你喜欢哪则格言为主题的对话,导出老师喜欢“No pain, no gain   ”,教师讲解 pain , gain  。第三部分,以游戏、比赛等形式操练巩固所学知识。第四部分,对学生进行了听力训练。第五部分,让学生自制书签,培养他们的动手能力。
【课题名称】Unit 3  Lesson17
1、        知识目标:①The Ss can read listen say and write the words: tour photo, town. And Can understand the meaning of these words.
②The Ss can use the sentence “what do you collect?”and can answer “Tour tickets”.
2、        能力目标  
能熟练表演Learn to say部分内容,并能改编小对话
3、        情感态度与价值观
   Learn to say 课文和Try to use 的词汇和句型练习
一、        Warm-up
  1 Greetings
  2 Free talk
  T: What’s the weather like today?   S: It’s sunny today.
  T: What’s your hobby?            S: My hobby is…
  T: Do you have collections?        S: Yes.
  T: What do you collect?           S: I collect stamps. What about you?
  T: I collect photos.
二、        Presentation
1        T: Look at my collection. They are photos.
T: Look at these photos. I took them in Suzhou last year. Look at this one . It is a town near Suzhou. Its name is Zhouzhuang. It is very beautiful.
T: Look at that one , Ticket office, I was buying tour tickets there.
( Let Ss read follow the teacher ay attention to the pronunciations of these words; Let them know the meaning of the words. Ss can use them to make sentences.)
三、        Consolidation
1        Play a game . (Ask and answer in pairs. A: What do you collect? B: I collect…And have a competition in groups. Winners will get a present.
2        Now everybody ,do you know what does Billy collect? OK, let’s see the text of lesson 17.
1)        Listen to the tape, feel the content of the text.
2)        Listen again and read follow it.
3)        Students resolve the difficulties in group. Leader note the difficulties that they can’t resolve. The students in another group to help.
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-25 01:22

4)        Teacher explain the usage of a little and a few.
5)        Read the dialogue in roles.
四、        Extension
Make up a new dialogue in groups , then try to act..
五、        Homework
1 Listen to the tape of the text and read follow it.
2 Copy the new words and sentence for five times.
3 Do Activity book 1, 2
【设计思路】 作业的设计体现了听说领先,读写跟上的原则。而且作业难易适度,作业量适中,让每一个学生都能独立完成,让他们获得成功的喜悦。
【教学用具】 照片、 单词卡片、录音机、磁带
【教学后记】本节课我采用英语情景教学法进行教学,成功地为学生创设了轻松、愉悦的学习氛围,有效的调动了学生的积极性和主动性。第一部分,通过Greetings, Free talk 创设英语氛围,拉近师生距离。第二部分,通过创设情景呈现新知。老师展示自己的收藏品,照片,呈现单词 photo ,然后带着大家一同来看照片,指着其中一张说去年去过周庄,苏州附近的一个小镇,学习单词 town  ,并指另一张说这是售票处,我正在买旅游门票,学习 tour tickets  ,这种真实的情景,使学生处在一种无意识学习状态之中。第三部分,以游戏方式操练句型,并在课文所创设的情境中进一步巩固所学知识。第四部分,创编对话,为学生提供自我发展空间,培养学生创新精神。第五部分,作业设计体现了对学生听说读写技能的培养

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