
标题: 北师大版小学六年级上册英语全册教案和教学设计反思 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:31
标题: 北师大版小学六年级上册英语全册教案和教学设计反思

六年级上册英语全册教案.rar (21.42 KB, 下载次数: 5414)
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:31
Do you know…?
教学目标 Days, Weather, Leisure activities, Rooms, Past tense, Future tense
教材分析 重点 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, rainy, windy, hot, sunny, rainy, windy, hot, sunny, cloudy, saw, blew
难点 Future tense and past terse
教具 Paper, scissors, glue, erasers
Ⅰ.Warming up: Simon says.
①Show them the pictures.
T: Look at the pictures. What was the weather like? What did they do?
S: …
①Discuss in group of four.
②Answer the question.
③Memory game: Have the s look at the pages in their books. Tell them that T will ask
Questions about the weather. After a few minutes, have them close their books and get into groups of
five. Ask when was it (rainy and cloudy) (last week? Groups decide on the answer and write it down on a
piece of paper for T to see. Later, ask what will the weather be like net (Sunday)? Groups must write It
Will be (sunny) net (Sunday). Lap score to make the game more competitive.
④Practice by themselves.
⑤Have some students to describe the pictures.

1  I wrote a long letter
教学目标 Did you buy a bag of chips at the store? No, I didn’t buy a bottle of shampoo.
   OK. I’ll go to the store and get a bag of chips. I’m going to get a box of tissues, too.
I’ll go too .I’m going to get a piece of candy!
教材分析 重点 A piece of candy, a carton of ice cream, a pair of socks, a bag of chips, a bottle of shampoo, a bar of soap
难点 shampoo, toilet paper
教具 Candy, socks, chips, shampoo, snap, tissues, toilet paper
Lesson  1
Ⅰwarming up: A chant
①T: Yesterday, I went shopping. I bong ht many things look! (show them the objects)
     I bought a bottle of shampoo at the store.
     I also bought a bar of soap at the store.
②T:. What did also buy?
T: I also bought a bar of soap, a box of tissues and a roll of toilet paper.
③T: I’m  hungry now. After school. I’ll go to the store and get a piece of ice cream
and a bag of chips.
①Read the words after the teacher
②Greeting game:
  As a student to close his eyes. Have him touch & smell sth, them the teacher put up a picture, the rest
of the students ask: Did you buy……at the store? Them he answers.
③Group word: Every student must write a kind of things on paper, his group member
Ask each other: Did you buy… at the store?
Ⅳ Productio
程 ①Ss leave their reads and ask their classmates freely.
②Have some students to: How their dialogues.
③Listen to the tape and follow it.
布置作业 ①Write the words 板书设计 What did you buy at the sore?
②Revise the words I bought…
③Exercise book I’ ll go to the store and get ……
I am going to buy…
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:31

Lesson  2
教学目标 Past tense
Future tense
教材分析 重点 Long, send to, lives, bottle, in
难点 Bottle, long
教具 Pictures, tape
教程 Ⅰ. Warming up:
A chant, What did you get the store?
①Recite the words together.
②Read the tent.
①T: Did you write a long letter?
     What do you need if you went to send a letter? Can we send a letter in a bottle?
     Let’s see what Gogo do! Listen to the tape?
①.Listen to picture 1—2 once
T: Does Gogo have any stamps? Whet about Tony?
②Say after the tape twice and recite it.
③Listen to picture 3 and say after the tape 2 tines.
T: Whom is Gogo going to send it to? Where is his friend?
④Read picture 1—3together
⑤say it to yourselves.
⑥Listen to picture 4—5
T: How does Tony send it the letter?
⑦ Read after the tape twice and revise it
⑧ Revise picture 1— picture5 together.
⑨ Listen to picture 6
   T: Can they send the letter in a bottle?
   What are they going to do?
⑩Read after the tape
⑾Say the whole tent with the tape
⑿Say it to themselves
⒀Recite the whole text together

2.I usually look for cookies.
Lesson  1
教学目标 How do you get to school? I usually take the bus.
Do you ever take a taxi to school?
No, I never take a taxi to school
教材分析 重点 Never, sometimes, usually, always, subway, bus tour, bike
难点 Never, always
教具 Pictures, tape
教程 Ⅰwarming up: Simon says
①T:I usually go to school by bike.
Then put picture cards 9―12(never; sometimes,  usually and always)word―side up on the board.
②Turn the card over to show the picture.
③Play the tape and have Ss repeat.
④Show picture Cards 9―16 at random and have Ss say the words.
⑤T: T usually gets to school by bike. How do you get to school?
Continue with several students.
⑥Have Ss to listen to the tape.
⑦Pairs work: Make up their own dialogs.
⑧Ask volunteers to perform their dialog for the class.
业 T.B.P25 板书设计 usually never sometimes always
T.B.P27 subway bus taxi bike

作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:31

Lesson  2
教学目标 1. Can act out the conversation.
教材分析 重点 Look for find found some any.
难点 Some any
教程 1.Have Ss close their books. Hold up the wall picture so Ss can look at the pictures without reading the
2.Tpoint to Gogo, Tony and Jenny.)
They are looking for some insects. Do you think they can fid the insects?
3.Elicit responses from Ss.
4.Have Ss open their books and look at the pictures.
5.Play the tape and point to each picture for Ss to follow
6.T: Did they find any insects?
   What did Gogo find?
7. Play the tape, pausing after each expression and have Ss repeat.
8.Put Ss into groups and have them practice acting out the dialog.
9Encourage Ss to use some props if available, e.g. Backpacks, a map, cookies, etc.
业 Recite the text 板书设计 look for―find
some   e.g. I have some food.
any    e.g. I don’t have any food.

Lesson  3

教材分析 重点 ear, near, clear, hear, cheer, beer
教程 Ⅰwarming up:
Sing a song Everyday I take a bus.
ⅡPresentation and practice.
1.Show the pictures and read the words.
2.Fast reaction.
3.Say to themselves
4.Spell the words together
5.Spell the words to their partners.
6.Listen and chant the match of the year.
7.Chan it together.
8.Do practice.
9.Do exercise on the words book.
业 Listen to the tape and follow the tape. 板书设计 ear  near  clear  hear  cheer  bear

3.How often do you go hiking?
Lesson 1
教学目标 How often do you go hiking? Very often. I go fishing about once a week.
How often do you eat fish? Not very often. I eat fish about once a year.
教材分析 重点 once, twice, three times, go fishing, go dancing.
难点 go hiking, go ice-skating  go swimming.
教程 ⅠWarming up
Simon says.
1.Bring in picture Cards 17-24.
2.Show the picture side of the picture Card once.
3.T: Repeat once.
4.T: How do you point to each letter for Ss to say?
5.Continue with the rest of the sounds.

Ⅲ Practice.
1.T:Open your books. Listen to the tape and point to each word.
2.Have Ss point to the words.
3.Play the tape again, and have s repent each word.
4. Hold up picture cards in random order picture-side up? And have Ss say the wards and spell them.
Allow Ss to write the words on paper before saying the letters.
1.Vsing the words to tell their habits.

布置作业 1.Spell the words and make sentences 板书设计 3.How often do you go hiking
once  go fishing
twice  go dancing
three times  go ice-skating
go swimming
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:31

lesson  2
教学目标 1. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.
2. Act out the conversation.
教材分析 重点 How often…?  Once a week, twice a week, three times a week.
教学过程 Ⅰ Warming-up.
Sing a song How often do you go fishing?
Ⅱ Presentation Cards 17-24 word-side up on the board.
2.T: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.
①How often does Jenny go hiking?
②How often does Gogo go ice-skating?
③Do you think Gogo is good at ice-skating?
3.Have the students to listen to the tape.
Twice without the textbook and answer the questions.
4.Have the students to read after the tape two times.
5.Have the students to practice bin pairs.
6.Have the students to read it together.
7.Have the students to say together with the top.
1.Act out the conversation.
2.Do practice 2.
布置作业 1. Recite the conversation and copy it. 板书设计 3.How often do you go hiking?
2.Do the exercise in workbook. How often…
be good at…  e.g. He’s good at math..

lesson  3
教学目标 1.Sounds ad words.
2.The exercise in workbook.
教材分析 重点 girl, T-shirt, purse, pearl, skirt, nurse.
难点 pearl skirt
教具 Pictures, tape, read objects.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
Sing a song How often do you go hiking.
T: Shows them some exercises on the screen and have the students to do the students to the exercises.
1.Show the some pictures and say the new words.
Ⅳ Practices.
1.Fast reaction.
2.Touching game.
3.Summay that the sounds of “ir”  “ear”  “ir” are
4.Read after the tape.
Ⅴ. Production.
1.Have a chant.
2. Do the exercise in the workbook.
布置作业 1.Copy the words. 板书设计 Girl   T-shirt purse
2.Finish the exercises 9in workbook. Pearl skirt nurse

4.Review 1
教学目标 1.Review what we have learned of Unit 1-Unit 3.
教具 tape, pictures
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
1.Sing a song, How often do you go fishing?
1. Show them some pictures and have the students to make some sentences.
ⅢPresentation and practice.
1. Finish practice 1-practice 4.
2.Have the students to write out their answers on the black board.
3. Check the answer.
4. Finish the exercises of Review | in workbook.
布置作业 1. Write an article. 板书设计 Did you buy ……
How do you ……
Do you ever ……
How often ……
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:31

5.It’s a magic hat.
Lesson  1
教学目标 How much is the guitar?
It’ s $ 85. Wow! That’s expensive!
How much are those socks?
They’re $ 1. Hey! That’s cheap!
教材分析 重点 Forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty , ninety, a hundred.. cheap. expensive dollar
难点 A hundred, dollar.
教具 Tape, pictures, real objects.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
Sing a song How much is that box?
1.Show them some pictures and ask them: What ‘s this? How much is it?
2.Show them the picture.
3.Read the words after the tape.
1.Guessing game: How much is it?
             How much are they?
2.Passing game:
3.Pair work.
4.Finish my questions:
①A: ______is the guitar?
B: It’s ______ dollars. (50)
  A: Wow! That’s ______!
  B:___ ___ ___ your socks?
A: They’ re 3_______.
  B: Wow! That’s _______!
1.make a indignation the pieces of your key longings.
布置作业 1.Copy the words and recite them. 板书设计 5.It’s a magic hat forty fifty sixty
2.Recite Target. Seventy eighty ninety a hundred cheap
Expensive dollar How much is …?It’s...
How much are. ...? They ‘re …

Lesson  2
教学目标 How much is. ..?  It’s …
Can I try it?
教材分析 重点 Do magic, try
难点 Try
教具 Tape, pictures, 头饰
教学过程 Ⅰwarming up .
Song a song How much is that box ?
1.Gussing game: How much is. ….?
              How much are …?
ⅢPresentation and practice
1.Listen to the following questions.
①What can Gogo do ?
②How much is the hat?
③How much is the hat?
2.Say after the tape twice.
3.Group work.
4.Say together with the tape.
5.Act it out.
1.Act it out without looking at the books.
2.Do practice1.
3.Do practice2.
1.Copy the conversation. 板书设计 5.It’s a magic hat
2.Read after the tape. How much is. ….? It’s. …
Do a magic
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:31

Lesson  3
教学目标 1.Say the sounds of the words.
2.Do the exercises in workbook
教材分析 重点 Color, cups, kite, carrot, cookies, keys.
难点 Color, carrot
教具 Tape, pictures, read objects.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
1.Sing a song How much is the hat.
ⅡPresentation and practice.
1.Show them the objects and tell the sounds of the words.
2.Say the words after the tape.
3.Pairs work.
4.Copy the words.
5.T: points to the pictures:
T: What’s this What’s color is it?
6.Chant with the tape twice.
7.Do practice 5 in workbook.
1.Do the activity.
2.Do the exercises in workbook.
3.Check the answers.
1.Copy the words. 板书设计 Color cups kite
2.Do the exercises. Carrot cookies keys

6.The turtle is faster.
Lesson  1
教学目标 Is a hippo big? Oh yes, It’s big.
Is an elephant big? An elephant? Yes, It’s very big.
Which is bigger, an elephant or a hippo?
教材分析 重点 Hippo elephant turtle snail bigger, smaller, faster slower
难点 Elephant turtle.
教具 Pictures, tape, read objects
教学过程 ⅠWarming-up
1.Listen to the song, Which is slower.
1.Show them some pictures and ask. “What’s this?”
2.Show them some more pictures and have them compare: Which is bigger.
1.Gnesing game: Which is…?
2.Passing game: One ask and another answer.
3.Group work: The teacher ask some questions and then each group write down their answers on a piece
Of paper.
4.Each group ask the whole class a question: Which is _____,x x or x x ?
1.Have them to tell their partner something, using bigger, smaller, faster or slower.
2.Have some students to tell in the whole class. 3.Have them to write them down on the exercise books.
4.Sing the song Which is slower”.
ⅥHome work.
1.Copy the new words. 板书设计 6.The turtle is faster
2.Do some translation. Which is ____, ____or ____?
Hippo turtle bigger faster
Elephant snail smaller slower
Lesson  2
教学目标 1.Review the knowledge a learn in the last period.
教材分析 重点 Run to
难点 Favorite
教具 Tape, pictures, objects.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
Sing a song, Which is slower?
1.Hav them to look at the pictures or some read objects and then ask them to say what they can see.
2.Pairs work.
ⅢPresentation and practice.
1.Have them to listen to the tape twice with looking at the books and try to answer the following
A: What are in the story?
B: Who is faster? Why?
2.Have them open the books an read after the tape twice.
3.Read in groups.
4.Read with the tape.
5.Group work,: Act them out .
6.Have some students to perform to perform on the platform.
7.Do practice1.
8.Do pratice2.
1.Tell some other stories, trying to use.
2.sing the song, Which is slower.
1.Act it out. 板书设计 6.The turtle is faster
Run to
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:31

lesson  3
教学目标 1.Sounds and words.
2.Exercises in the workbook.
教材分析 重点 Give, gate, garage
难点 Garage.
教具 Tape, pictures.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
1.Sing the song ‘Which is slower’.
1.have two groups to act out the conversation.
1.Show them some pictures or do some actions and tell them the words.
1.Guessing game.
2.Flash cards.
3.Listen to the tape, follow the tape then tell the Chinese meaning.
4.T: shows pictures and them ask: What’s this? Is it a gift? What is Gogo doing? They have them to
Listen to the chant.
5.Chart together.
6.Finish the exercise in the workbook in minutes.
7.Checks the answers.
1.Give each one a piece of exercise paper and 板书设计 [g]
Then ask them to finish it. Give good gate
Get gift garage

7.He’s better than us.
Lesson  1
教学目标 These noodles are cheaper than those noodles. Yes, but these noodles are better than those
教材分析 重点 Older, taller, cheaper, better, younger, shorter, more expensive worse.
难点 Better more expensive worse.
教具 Pictures, tape, read objects.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
Sin a song ‘Which is slower’.
1.Asl them some question=Which is ____, xx or xx?
1.Ask the students to write down their ages. Heights on a piece of paper and then ask them:
“ Who is older | shorter?”
2.Show them some pictures. T: How much….?
1.Have some students to make a dialogue using the following sentence pattern: Which is xx, xx or xx?
e.g: A: Hi. Jim. How old are you? B: I’m ll. A: Who is older you or john?
B: I’m older.
2.Grop work.
3.Show them some more pictures, ask then to write down the question and answers.
2.Write them down.
Ⅶ Homework.
1.Copy the new words and sentences. 板书设计 7.He’s better than us.
2.Make sentences. Older taller cheaper better
Younger shorter more expensive worse
____is are 比较低 than ____,

作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:32

Lesson  2
教学目标 1.Review the knowledge learned in the last period.
教材分析 重点 Hold, look after
难点 Look after
教具 Pictures, tape.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
1.Sing a song I’m bigger.
1 Show them some pictures and have them make sentences.
ⅢPresentation and practice.
1.Have them to listen to the tape twice without looking at the book and try to answer the following
A : Which is more expensive, the toys or the pictures?
B: Who is older and taller Tony or Jenny?
C Who’s going to clean the room? Why?
2.Listen to the conversation twice and say after it.
3.Read them by themselves.
4.Read it together.
5. Pairs work.
6.Group work: Act it out.
1.Act it out without looking at the book.
2.Do practic1.
3Do practic2.
4.Sing the song ‘How often do you go hiking’. With the tape.
1.Act them out. 板书设计 7.He’s better than us
2.Do exercise 1 and 2 in workbook. Hold
Look after
Lesson  3
教学目标 1.Sounds and words.
教材分析 重点 Elephant half knife cough calf wife.
难点 Cough
教具 Tape, pictures.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
Have a chant ‘ I’m bigger’.
ⅡPresentation and practice.
1.Write elephant, cough and half on the bond and underline ph, gh and f.
T point to f) let’s practice their sounds.
T: [f] [Ss:{f}]
2. Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.
3.Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.
4. Have Ss report after the tape.
5.After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say.
1.Ask the Ss to tell some words sound [f].
2. Check the answers in the workbook.
3. Have some students to read the chant.
4.Listen to the chant played on the tape and follow it.
1.Read the words after the tape. 板书设计 7.He’s better than us
1. [f]
Elephant  half  knife
Cough  calf  wife

8.Review 2
教学目标 1.Review the knowledge learned in unit 5 Unit 6 and Unit 7.

作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:32

教材分析 重点 How much…? Which is bigger, xx or xx?
难点 Than
教具 Pictures cards 1~48, chalk| marker.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
1. Sing a song ‘ I’m bigger.
ⅡPresentation and practice.
1.Have the students to listen to the tape. Play the tape for A, then pause the tape.
2. Repeat for B, and have Ss write down the answers on the page.
3.Continue with the rest.
4. Check the answers.
5.Ask a volunteer to read aloud questions.
A for the class.
6.Give Ss time to fill in the blanks.
7. Put Ss into pairs and have them exchange their work for checking.
8.Give Ss time to read aloud the e-mail sentence by sentence.
9.Have them write down the answers.
10. Check the answers.
11. Play the tape and listen to it.
12. Check the answers.
1.Do some translation. 板书设计 8. Review 2
How much {is ….are……..
{Its……  They are……

9.The green fish is the biggest.
Lesson  1
教学目标 What’s the smallest animal in your book?
The ant is the smallest animal in this book. What’s the biggest animal in the world? The whale
Is the biggest
教材分析 重点 Biggest, oldest, fastest, tallest, smallest youngest, youngest slowest, shortest
难点 Youngest, fastest, shortest
教具 Tape, pictures read objects.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
Sing a song ‘ Who’ s the tallest’.
1. Bring in picture Cards 33~48.
2.Show the picture sides of the picture cards.
3.Have Ss point to the words.
1.Point to the pictures at random and have Ss repeat each word.
2.Introduce the bonus vocabulary, thickest, thinnest, and most fun.
3.Point to the pictures and model the dialogs.,
4. Play the tape and pause after each sentence, following Ss time to repeat.
5.Put Ss into pairs to practice the dialogs.
6.Enourages Ss to substitute the words and create new dialogs.
1.Have some students to tell us some things using the new words.
2.Pairs work.
3.Write the sentences down.
4.Sing a song ‘Who’s the tallest?’
1.Copy the new words and sentences. 板书设计 9. The green fish is the bigger.
2.Make sentences.

作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:32

Lesson  2
教学目标 1. To review the knowledge learnt in the last period.
教材分析 重点 Go diving, look at, put on
难点 Treasure
教具 Tape, pictures, fish.
ⅠWarming up.
Sing the song ‘ Who’s bigger?’
1.Have some students to tell something, using the words learned in the last period.
2.Have them to do some exercises shown on the blackboard.
ⅢPresentation and practice.
1.Have them to listen to the conversation twice without looking at the books the try to answer the
Following questions:
A: What are they going to do?
B: They see some beautiful fish What color are they?
C: Which one is bigger, the read one or the blue one?
D: Which is the biggest?
2. Have them to read after the tape twice.
3. Have them to work in groups.
4.Have some groups to perform the conversation.
5. Read it together.
1. Act it out.
2. Do practice
3.Do the activity.
1.Do exercise 1 and 2 in the workbook. Go diving
Lesson  3
教学目标 1.Sounds and words.
教材分析 重点 Six, seven, sister, sing ,sunny, salad.
难点 Sister, salad.
教具 Tape, pictures.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
Sing a song ‘Who’s the tallest.’
ⅡPresentation and practice.
1. Write six and sister on the board and underline.
S. T: Let’ s practice this sound.
2.Have Ss look at the pictures on the page and then listen to the tape.
3. Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.
4. Have Ss repeat after the tape.
5. After Ss look at the picture below the lyrics .
7.Have Ss read the lyrics out loud.
8. Play the tape and have Ss practice chanting to them selves.
9.Chant together.
1. Have the Ss say some other words sound [s].
2. Check the answers in the workbook.
3. Sing the song ‘Who’s taller’.
1. Say the words after the tape. 板书设计 9. The green fish is the biggest.
Six  sister  sunny
Seven  sing  salad

10. I want the best.
Lesson  1
教学目标 1. Which is the cheapest notebook?
The green one.
2. Which is the best?
The blue one, of course.
教材分析 重点 Coldest, hottest, longest, shortest, cheapest, most expensive best worst.
难点 Hottest, most expensive, worst
教具 Tape, pictures, read objects.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
1. Sing a song ‘What’s the best of all?’
1, Ask Ss question: Is it hot today? Where’s the hottest place in the world? Where’s the coldest play?
2. Show them some pictures and ask them. How much is the guitar? What about this one? And this one?
Which is the cheapest? Which is the most expensive?
3. T:I have long hair. My hair is the longest in the class her hair is the shortest.
4. T: Show them test paper and ask: Who’s the best? Who’s the worst?
1. Have Ss read the words after the tape.
2. Show them some read objects, ask them to compare the objects. Then make sentences, using the new
3. Take out the pictures and give them the pictures.
Ask them to make dialogs in groups.
4. Have some groups to make dialogues.
1. Ask them to say some other words which are end with “est”. And them they make sentences.
2. Sing a song ‘ What’s the best of all.
1. Copy the new words. 板书设计 10. I want the best.
2. Make sentences using the new words and Coldest longest cheapest best hottest
Sentence patterns. Shortest most expensive worst
Which is the cheapest notebook?
The green one.
Which is the best?
The blue one of course.
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:32

Lesson  2
教学目标 1. To review the knowledge learnt in the last period.
教材分析 重点 Must, be good at, many.
难点 So many, so much.
教具 Tape, pictures, T- shirts
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
Sing the song ‘What’s the best of all’.
1. Ask them to tell us something, using the words learnt in the last period.
2. Finish some exercises presented on the scoeer.
ⅢPresentation and practice.
1. Have the Ss listen to the conversation without looking at the book. Then try to answer the following
A. What are in the shop?
B. Which T-shirt is the best?
C. Which T-shirt is the cheapest?
2. Have the Ss listen to the tape and follow it twice.
3. Have the Ss to say with the tape.
4. Group work.
5. Act it out.
1. Act out the conversation.
2. Do practice1.
3. Do practice2.
4. Sing ‘ What’s the best of all ‘ together.
1. Act out the conversation. 板书设计 10. I want the best!
Must be
So {many much
Look {at after for)

Lesson  3
教学目标 1. To review the knowledge in the last two period.
2. Sounds and words.
教材分析 重点 Neck, notebook, knees, nose, napkin, know
难点 Knees, napkin.
教具 Tape, pictures, read objects
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
Sing the song ‘ Who’s the best of all?’
1. Have them to translate the sentences shown on the screen and write down their answers.
2. Check the answers.
ⅢPresentation and practice.
1. Write neck and knee on the board and under line and kn.
2. T: (Point ton) Let’s practice the sound [n:]
3. Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.
4. After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.
6. Have Ss read the lyrics out loud.
7. Play the tape and have Ss practice chanting to themselves.
8. Do the exercises tin the work book.
9. Check the answers and ask them whether they have any doubts about them.
1. Read the words after the tape. 板书设计 10. I want the best
[n] neck, nose, notebook
   Napkin, knees, know
作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:32

11. Let’s go to space.
Lesson  1
教学目标 The sun looks smaller than the Earth but it’s bigger.
Which is the biggest planet in the soar system?
It’s Jupiter.
教材分析 重点 The Earth, the sun, the moon, stars, furthest, nearest, heaviest lightest.
难点 Heaviest, furthest, nearest.
教具 map, tape, pictures.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
1. Sing a song ‘ We live in the solar system’.
Show the m a map and have them to say which is the coldest place and hottest place.
1. Ask them to continue to look at the map and answer which place is the furthest from Zhongshan and
Which place is the nearest.
2. Take out three stones and have them to tell which is the heaviest and which is the lightest.
3. Take out a picture of the solar system. Then show them the pictures of the Earth, the sun the moon
And stars.
4. Have the them look at the pictures of the Solar system and ask them:
A: which planet is the biggest smallest?
5. Show them some pictures of other planets, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Venus, the solar system.
1. Have some students to tell some knowledge about the solar system.
2. Have them discuss the following questions in groups in English:
A: which planet is the biggest planet?
B: Which plant is the furthest from the Earth sun?
C: Which planet is the nearest to the Earth |sun?
3. Have them to write down the answers.
4. A match: ask and answer.
1. Tell your imagination of the solar system.
1. Copy the new words and sentence. 板书设计 11. Let’s go to space.
2. Do exerices1, 2 and 3 in workbook. The Earth  the sun  the moon stars
Furthest  nearest  heaviest  lightest

Lesson  2
教学目标 1. The review the knowledge learnt in the last period.

教材分析 重点 The space system.
难点 The space museum
教具 Tape, pictures, read objects
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
1. Sing the song’ We live in the solar system’.
1. Show them a picture of the solar system and then have them to tell some knowledge about it in
1. Have them to listen to the conversation twice and try to answer the following questions.
A: Where does they go?
B: What planets do they see?
C: Who do they meet in the space?
2. Have them to read after the tape in differ rent roles.
3. Have them to practice by themselves.
4. Have them to say together with the tape.
1. Act it out.
2. Do practice1.
3. Do practice2.
4. Sing a song ‘ We live in the solar system.
1. Write an article about what you know about the Space. 板书设计 11. Let’s go to space.
Let’s ……
The space museum
The solar system.

作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:34

Lesson  3
教学目标 1. Sounds and words.
教材分析 重点 Leaves, lion, lamp, living room, lemon, light
难点 Leaves, lamp
教具 Tape, pictures, leaves
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
1. Sing a song ‘ We live in the solar systems’.
Ⅱpresentation and practice.
1. Write lion on the board an underline L.
T: Do you remember this word? Say it.
T: Repeat. [I] [I].
2. Have S look at the pictures on the page.
3. Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape say it.
4. After enough practice, point to the pictures in random order and have Ss say the word.
5. Have the Ss look at the first sentence then the nest.
7. Listen to the tape.
8. Say, with the tape.
1. Have Ss summary the words which has the sound[I]
2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.
3. Check the answers.
1. Read after the tape. 板书设计 Sounds and words
Leaves lion lamp
Living room lemon light

12. Review3.
教学目标 1.Review the knowledge learnt in Unit9 10 and 11.
教材分析 重点 最高级
难点 最高级
教具 Tape, pictures
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
Have Ss sing ‘ We live in the solar system’.
ⅡPresentation and practice.
1. Listen to the tape twice then have Ss write down the answers.
2. Check the answers.
Exercise 2:
1. Ask a volunteer to read out question A for the whole class.
2. Give Ss time to fill in the blanks.
3. Put Ss into pairs and have them exchange their work for checking.
Exercise 3:
1. Show them a picture of pardon.
T: What’s this? What’s this article bout?
2. Give Ss time to read the massage silently.
3. Have individual Ss read about new paper article sentence by sentence.
4. Do the exercises.
5. Check the answers.
Exercise 4:
1. Have individual So to read the words out loud.
3. Have them to listen to the tape and find the words with the sound[s].
4. Have Ss say the words so that the class can check the answers.
5. Repeat procedures for questions B and C.
1. To review the textbook. 板书设计

作者: admin    时间: 2012-9-22 00:34

Cutture1: World records.
教学目标 What’s the longest river in the world?
The Nile is the longest river in the world.
What’s the tallest mountain in the world?
It’s Mount Qomolangma. It’s ion Asia.
教材分析 重点 The Nile, longest river, Africa, Mount Qaolangma, Asia.
难点 The Nile, Mount Qomolangma, Vestal station.
教具 Picture Cards 49~56 reference books.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
1. Sing a song.
ⅡPresentation and practice.
1. Have Ss look at the photos and them point to each photo and say the words Have Ss repeat.
2. Play the tape and have Ss read the words after it.
3. Say the words in random order and have Ss point to the corresponding photos.
4. Put pictures Cards 49~56 picture side up on the board.
5. Review objectives and superlatives forms.
6. Pint to the first picture and ask Ss read the Q and A exchange loud.
7. Pairs words.
8. Read after the tape.
9. Have Ss do practice1.
10.Check the answers.
11. Have Ss do practice2.
12. Check the answer.
1. Have them to tell the highest mountain the coldest place, the hottest place, the biggest desert in the
1. Write down the coldest place….and make 板书设计 World records
Sentences. The dile Mount Qomolangma
longest river\Africa
tallest mountain\Asia
Coldest place\Antarctica \Africa

Culture2: Space travel.
教学目标 Which is the nearest planet to the sun?
Mercury is the nearest to the sun.
Which is the furthest from the sun?
Pluto is usually the furthest, but Neptune is sometimes the furthest.
教材分析 重点 The solar system, Pluto, Mars, Saturn, The sun, Venus, Uranus.
难点 Astronaut, Uranus, Mercury.
教具 Tape, pictures, photos.
教学过程 ⅠWarming up.
1. Sing a song ‘Which is the biggest’.
1.Aask them the following questions.
B: Which planet is the nearest to the Earth?
C: Which planet is the furthest from the Earth?
1,.Have them look at the photos and try to tell the pronunciations of the words.
2. Read the words after the tape.
3. Pairs work: Point to the words and say the pronunciations.
4. Read the words with the tape.
1. Have them to look at the pictures of the solar system carefully and think about these questions:
A Which planet is the nearest planet to the sun?
B: Which is the furthest from the sun?
2. Pairs work.
3. Have some Ss to answer the question..
4. Group work: As and answer.
5. Do practice1: Listen to the tape twice and then write down the answers.
6. Do practice2: Listen to the tape twice and write down the answers.
7. Check the answers.
1. Have them to tell some knowledge a bout the solar system in English.
1. Write down your understanding of the solar 板书设计 Culture 2: Space travel
System. The solar system:
Spaceship life-off

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