T: Today we’re going to have an Art lesson. I’m your Art teacher.
First,let’s review the words about “shaps”.
Ss Read “a circle, a square, a diamond, a rectangle, a triangle, a star.”
T(指着墙上的各种物品图):What shape is the kite/bag……?引导Ss:It’s a ……
What shape is the biscuit/sandwich/cake/ruber… ?
Ss:It’s a ……
接着同座位拿出实物相互操练,由此引出对句型What shape is the…? It’s a …… 的学习及操练巩固。
T(拿出刚才的蛋糕及饼干):Can you draw the cake/biscuit?
T: Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.
引出新句型Show us how to …… 的学习。
这节课从一开始教师以美术老师的身份出现在学生面前时,学生便充满了兴趣,接着老师又让学生自己来画风筝、月亮、房屋、等物体,学生更是跃跃欲试,课堂气氛相当活跃,并从中引出对新单词 moon,sun和新句型Show us how to…… 的学习。同时,我还与数学学科进行了整合,让学生看图说出有多少个三角形,如下图:
How many triangles can you see?
Ss: I can see eight triangles.
此时他们相当于在做一道数学智力题,当然很感兴趣,并很自然的引出How many …… can you see ?这一内容的学习。如此便在画中学,学中玩,玩中练,达到了轻松愉快学习新知的目的。
如,上面所提到的,我在复习表示形状的单词(a circle, a square, a diamond, a rectangle, a triangle, a star)及学习句型What shape is the…?It’s a … 时,并没有单纯地出示图片,而是呈现了生活中的实物:手帕、直尺、橡皮、饼干、三明治、蛋糕等,接着我也是让学生拿出身边的实物操练该句型,然后问学生Can you draw the cake/biscuit? 让他们来画这些实物,很自然地过渡到新句型show us how to… 的学习。
再如学习moon(月亮)时我出示一幅嫦娥奔月图,手指月亮问道:What’s this ?
Ss:It’s a ……
T: It’s a moon. Ss Learn “moon”
T: What shape is the moon?
Ss It’s a circle.
T: Can you draw a big circle? Ss : Yes.
T: Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.