
标题: PEP六年级下册英语句子语法词汇期末复习资料 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2012-3-19 20:50
标题: PEP六年级下册英语句子语法词汇期末复习资料
PEP六年级下册英语句子语法词汇期末复习资料.rar (14.71 KB, 下载次数: 19701)
作者: admin    时间: 2012-3-19 20:50
PEP六年级下册复习资料Unit1 How Tall Are You ?
一.形容词的比较级:一般来说在中文中表示“…的”就是形容词。表示两者间的比较就用比较级((句中常有than))公式为:A+be+形容词的比较级+than+B 例如:You‘re shorter than me你比我更矮。I’m bigger and stronger than you.我比你体型大比你强壮。Mike is heavier than me. 麦克比我更重
二. 四会单词:
tall高的—taller更高的            short矮的—shorter 更矮的       thin瘦的—thinner 更瘦的
small小的—smaller (体型)更小的    strong强壮的—stronger 更强壮的
old年龄大的—older 年龄更大的        young年轻的—younger 更年轻的
big大的—bigger 更大的      heavy重的—heavier 更重的     long长的—longer 更长的
1你有多高?How tall are you?           2我有1米64高。I'm 164cm tall.
3你比我矮。You're shorter than me.      4你比我高4厘米。You're 4 cm taller than me.
5.你有多重?How heavy are you?         6我有48公斤重。I'm 48kg.
7我比你瘦,还比你矮。I'm thinner than you, and shorter.
8 他的手大一些。His hands  are  bigger.   9. 他的头小一些。His head is smaller.
10.How old(几岁)are you? 你有多大?  11.I’m 11 years old. 我11岁。
12.I’m 12. 我12岁。I’m one year old than you. 我比你大一岁。
13. I’m two years old than you。我比你大2岁。
词组:in the morning /afternoon /evening(在早上/下午/晚上) walk to …..步行到flew (fly)kites放风筝  jump into (跳到…….里面)  swam to ……..(游到…..里面) five minutes later五分钟以后
returned(return)…….. to (把…..归还给别人)  be grateful to sb(对某人很感激)
Unit2  What’s  the Matter,Mike?
have a fever9(发烧  ) hurt (疼痛have a cold(发烧 )  have a toothache(牙痛)  
have a headache(头疼 )   have a sore throat(喉咙痛 )   matter ( 事情麻烦)
sore(疼 )nose(鼻子  ) tired  (累的 )excited(兴奋的  ) angry(生气的)
  happy  (高兴的 )bored (无聊的 ) sad ( 伤心的)
二.四会句子1你怎么啦? 我发烧了。What's the matter?   I  have a fever
2我喉咙疼。My throat is sore.  (=I have a sore throat.) 3我鼻子疼。My nose hurts. (表示身体某一部位疼hurt+s)4你感觉怎样?How do you feel? 5我感觉生病了。.I feel sick. .6.我很高兴。I’m happy / I feel happy.
7.Amy感觉怎样?她很累。How does Amy feel?  She’s tired.
8你好吗,刘云?你看上去那么高兴。How are you, Liu Yun? You look so happy.
9你好吗,Sarah?你今天看上去那么伤心。How are you, Sarah? You look sad today.
10.How are you, Liu Yun? 你好吗,刘云? You look so happy.  你看起来很高兴。
11.She feels happy. =She is happy.她很开心.   12. I  feel  happy. =I am happy.我很开心.。
13.I am going on a big trip.我将去旅行  14.I failed my math test.我数学考试失败了。
15.I’m sorry to hear that.听到这个消息我感到很伤心。16. Don’t worry别担心
17.If you are sick,see the doctor. 假如你生病了,就去看医生。
18.Take some medicine(药)and drink hot drinks. (吃些药,喝热开水。)
19.Stay(待在) in bed for a few days(在床上呆几天). You will feel better(good好的better更好的) soon.(不久)(你不久就会恢复健康。)
There is a football match(比赛) between(在。。。之间)Class 1 and Class 3.  pass传 the ball to 把球传给某人 kick the ball踢球  It’s goal(球赛等)得分. The ball bounces (反弹)off his head.球反弹离开了他的头。Laugh at 因。。。而发笑 win(won) the game 赢得了比赛

Unit3 and unit4
动词一般过去时表示过去发生的事情,公式是:人+动词过去式+其他+过去的时间。表示过去的时间是判断过去式的主要标志:last weekend上个星期 last year去年last month上个月 yesterday昨天
例如:I visited my grandparents last weekend.上周末我看望了爷爷奶奶。
Wu Yifan played football with his friends yesterday. 昨天吴一帆和他的朋友们一起踢足球。
1.一般在动词末尾加-ed,如ski-skied(滑雪)relax-relaxed(放松) prepare-prepared准备
4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i, 再加-ed,如:study-studied  carry--carried
直接+ed的动词过去式:watch(watched TV看电视) wash—washed the clothes洗衣服   clean—cleaned the room打扫房间     play—played football踢足球
played basketball(打篮球)      played sports进行体育运动
visit——visited grandparents看望爷爷奶奶   visited the Great Wall(参观长城)
learn-learned Chinese/English/math学习语文/英语/数学  climb-climbed a mountain爬山listen—listened to music听音乐  row—rowed a boat划(船)cook ---cooked 做饭    returm sth to sb把...归还给(give sth .back to sb)   returned = gave… back to把…归还给
没有规律的动词的过去式有:do做---did(did (my我的) homework  did her( 她的homework did his他的 homework did their(他们的) homework did our(我们的) homework) read-— read(read a book=read books读书) go—去went(went to a park去公园    went swimming去游泳     went fishing去钓鱼       went hiking去郊游
went skiing去滑雪            went ice-skating去滑冰         went shopping去购物
sing -sang  dance –danced( sang and danced唱歌跳舞) take –took(took pictures拍照)
eat--ate(ate good food吃了很多好吃的食物)  buy-—bought(bought presents买礼物)
see saw(saw elephants /pandas看见了大象/熊猫)  get –got (got to 到达)
is am—was (Wu Yifan was busy last weekend.)     have --had有 (Every day I had fun with my cousins 每天我和表兄弟都过的很开心)     fly飞——flew(flew kites放风筝)
swim—— swam游泳  study——studied English学习英语   win——won the game赢得比赛
(Class 3 won the game3班赢得了比赛) leave ——left离开(We left Beijing on February 1st and got to Harbin on the 2nd.我们二月一号离开北京二号到达哈尔滨)(We relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school.我们放松了一下准备回到工作和学习中)    make – made  a snowman堆雪人
1.-——What did you do last weekend?上周末你干了什么?
——I visited my grandparents.我去拜访了我的爷爷奶奶。
2. ——Did you clean your room yesterday? 你打扫了你的房间了吗?
——Yes , I did。是的,我打扫过了/No, I didn’t.不,我没有打扫过。
3.---What did Mike do yesterday?昨天迈克干了什么?  ----He went swimming.他去游泳了。
4.John was busy last Sunday. 上个星期天John很忙碌。
5.He washed the clothes and cleaned the room in the morning.早上他了洗衣服,打扫了教室。
1.---Where did you go on your holiday?  你在哪儿度假了?---I went to Xinjiang .我去新疆了。
2.---How did you go there? 你是怎么去儿的?  ----I went by train.我坐火车去的。
3.---What did you do there? 你在那里干吗了? ----I went skiing我去滑雪了。
4.----What did you do on your holiday? ----你假期里去干吗了?  
---I bought presents. for my friends.我给我的朋友买礼物了。
5.Did you read books? 你读过书吗?--Yes, I did.是的,我看过。
6.Did you go to a park?你有没有去过公园? No, I didn’t..不, 我没有。
  Did +主语+动词原形 +其他成分?用Yes, I did.或 No, I didn’t.来回答.。
What:什么,问事情问东西; Why :为什么,问原因;Where 哪里,问地点;Who 谁,问人;Whose 谁的,问主人。Whose book is this? 这本书是谁的? It’s my sister’s .它是我妹妹的。
Recycle  1  2
“be going to+动词原形”, 标志性的时间词:tomorrow ,next Monday ,next week等。
Where are you going on your holiday?假期你打算去哪里? I am going to Kunming.我打算去昆明。
Who are you going on with?你将和谁一起去?  I am going with my parents.我将和我父母一起去。
How are you going there? 你打算怎么去?  We are going by plane.我们坐飞机去。
When are you going? 你打算什么时候去?   We are going this weekend.我们打算这个周末去。
Have a good time.祝你玩得开心。

作者: 左右逢源    时间: 2012-11-24 20:41
作者: celerygaoqing    时间: 2015-4-13 18:11
内容很好 大赞楼主

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