29岁的李娜的下一个对手将是卫冕冠军斯基亚沃内和法国本土希望巴托利之间的胜者。作者: 网站工作室 时间: 2011-6-3 06:42
+收听已收听最新消息 2011年5月29日 04:14Sad the season is over but we'll use this as a learning experience and get better because of it. We'll work hard this summer and try to get em next year. Thanks to all the fans for the support throughout the year, we appreiate you all.更多)美女莎拉波娃,在澳网之后再度进入到大满贯决赛。她在决赛中的对手将是卫冕冠军、意大利老将斯齐亚沃尼。