

导读 公元前6世纪,春秋时期,晋国有一位名叫平公的国君。他曾向一位。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识







In the 6th century BC, during the Spring and Autumn period, there was a ruler of the state of Jin named Pinggong. He once consulted a wise man named Shikuang, asking, 'How can I govern my country well?' Shikuang replied, 'To govern a country, there are three essential points: benevolence, wisdom, and courage.'

Pinggong asked Shikuang, 'What methods can I use to acquire these three essential points?'

Shikuang answered, 'Benevolence can be achieved by listening to the voices of the people, truly caring about their suffering, and doing good things for them. Wisdom can be achieved by reading extensively, thinking deeply, and broadening your knowledge in different fields, thus enhancing your insight and thinking ability. Courage can be achieved by bravely facing difficulties and dangers, not fearing failure, and taking responsibility.'

After listening to Shikuang's advice, Pinggong was greatly inspired. He decided to follow Shikuang's suggestions, listen to the opinions of the people, read extensively, and think deeply, and bravely face various difficulties and challenges. In the end, he successfully governed the state of Jin and became a great ruler.

This story tells us that to govern a country well, one must possess benevolence, wisdom, and courage. Only by improving and strengthening these three aspects can one become an outstanding leader.