In this poem, Mao expresses his strong feelings of nostalgia for his hometown of Changsha. He portrays the natural beauty of the area, with the red mountains, green river and boats competing for space on the water. He also describes the freedom and diversity of the natural world, with eagles soaring in the sky and fish swimming in the shallow waters.
Mao contrasts this with the uncertainty and upheaval of the political situation at the time, asking who will ultimately control the fate of the country. He recalls his youth, when he and his friends roamed the area, full of youthful vigor and idealism. He notes the power of words and ideas to shape the world, and the ability of ordinary people to rise up and challenge the ruling elite.
Overall, Mao's poem reflects his deep connection to his homeland and his belief in the power of the people to create a better future. It is a powerful and evocative piece of writing, capturing the beauty and complexity of life in Changsha and the wider world.