

导读 内涵是一个中文词汇,直译成英文是“connotation”,。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识


1. 'The connotation of the word 'love' is much deeper than its denotation in the dictionary.' (这个单词“love”的内涵比字典中的外延要深得多。)

2. 'The author's use of symbolism in the novel adds a layer of connotation to the story.' (小说中作者使用象征主义手法,为故事增添了一层内涵。)

3. 'The painting's connotation is open to interpretation, as it can evoke different emotions in different viewers.' (这幅画的内涵是开放性的,因为它可能会在不同的观众中引起不同的情感。)

4. 'The poem's connotation is rich and complex, requiring careful analysis to fully understand its meaning.' (这首诗的内涵是丰富而复杂的,需要仔细分析才能完全理解它的意义。)

5. 'The use of metaphors in the speech added a layer of connotation, making the message more impactful.' (演讲中使用的隐喻增加了一层内涵,使得信息更具有冲击力。)
