1. Save water, save life. 节约水,拯救生命。
2. Every drop counts. 每一滴水都有价值。
3. Conserve water, conserve life. 保护水资源,保护生命。
4. Water is life, don't waste it. 水是生命,不要浪费。
5. Use water wisely. 明智使用水资源。
6. Protect our water, protect our future. 保护我们的水资源,保护我们的未来。
7. Water is precious, don't waste it. 水是宝贵的资源,不要浪费。
8. Be a hero, save water. 成为英雄,节约用水。
9. Save water, it will save you. 节约用水,它将拯救你。
10. Water is a gift, cherish it. 水是礼物,珍惜它。
11. Water is essential, use it wisely. 水是必需品,明智使用。
12. Don't let our water go down the drain. 不要让我们的水资源白白流失。
13. Every drop of water is important. 每一滴水都很重要。
14. Let's work together to conserve water. 让我们一起节约用水。
15. Water conservation is a way of life. 节约用水是一种生活方式。
16. Water is too precious to waste. 水太宝贵了,不要浪费。
17. Use water sparingly, save it for tomorrow. 节约用水,为明天留下。
18. Water is a finite resource, use it wisely. 水是有限的资源,明智使用。
19. A drop saved is a drop earned. 一滴水的节约,就是一滴水的收获。
20. Think before you waste water. 浪费水之前,请三思。
21. Water is the backbone of life, protect it. 水是生命之源,保护它。
22. Be a water warrior, save water. 成为水资源保护战士,节约用水。
23. Water is worth saving, don't waste it. 水值得节约,不要浪费。
24. Water is the key to our survival, conserve it. 水是我们生存的关键,节约用水。
25. Use water responsibly, protect our planet. 负责任地使用水资源,保护我们的星球。