

导读 《庖丁解牛》是中国古代哲学家莊子的一篇寓言,讲述了庖丁切牛的。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识




When Pao Ding was carving an ox, he did not look at it with his eyes but perceived it with his mind. What his mind perceived was not the shape of the ox, but the way the parts were interconnected. Only in this way could he carve the ox correctly. Why was this so?


When Pao Ding reached into the ox's chest, his head was buried in his armpit. He cut between the spine and the ribs, with his knife moving up and down, slanting left and right, and all was in perfect harmony. In his mind's eye, he could see what he had not yet seen with his physical eyes. This is what is meant by 'perceiving the unperceived.' He relied on his vision, his hearing, and his touch to guide him, and he took great pride in his skill.


Everything in the world, from the largest to the smallest, has its proper place. The greatest things have no outside, and the smallest things have no inside. This is why Pao Ding was able to spend years perfecting his craft, relying on his experiences of touching and feeling.


This is what is meant by 'perceiving the unperceived.'