Kung Pao chicken, also known as Gong Bao chicken, is a popular Chinese dish that originated in Sichuan province. The dish is named after Ding Baozhen, a Qing Dynasty official who served as the governor of Sichuan from 1889 to 1907.
According to legend, Ding Baozhen loved to eat spicy food and would often request his chefs to prepare dishes with a kick. One day, his chef created a dish using diced chicken, peanuts, and dried chili peppers, which he named after his boss - Kung Pao chicken. The dish quickly became a favorite of Ding Baozhen and was eventually introduced to the rest of the country.
While the original recipe called for Sichuan peppercorns, which give the dish a distinctive numbing sensation, the use of these peppercorns was banned during the Cultural Revolution in China. As a result, many variations of the dish have emerged over the years, with some including vegetables such as bell peppers, carrots, and onions.
Today, Kung Pao chicken is a staple in Chinese cuisine and is enjoyed around the world. Its spicy and savory flavors make it a popular choice for those who love a little heat in their food. Whether you enjoy it in a restaurant or make it at home, Kung Pao chicken is a dish that is sure to satisfy your taste buds.