毛姆(W. Somerset Maugham)是20世纪最杰出的英国作家之一,他的作品被广泛翻译成各种语言,并受到国际读者的喜爱。毛姆的作品不仅具有文学价值,而且还具有哲学和人生智慧,他的许多经典语录也成为了人们引用的对象。
1. 'The love that lasts longest is the love that is never returned.'(最长久的爱情是从未得到回报的爱情。)
2. 'There is nothing so degrading as the constant anxiety about one's means of livelihood.'(没有什么比经常担心谋生手段更令人屈辱的了。)
3. 'The great advantage of being a writer is that you can spy on people. You're there, listening to every word, but part of you is observing. Everything is useful to a writer, you see – every scrap, even the longest and most boring of luncheon parties.'(作为一个作家的伟大优势在于你可以偷听别人的谈话。你在那里,听着每一个字,但你的一部分是在观察。对于作家来说,每一件事都是有用的,即使是最长、最无聊的午宴。)
4. 'The essence of the beautiful is unity in variety.'(美的本质就是多样性中的统一。)
5. 'It's a funny thing about life, if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.'(生活是个有趣的东西,如果你拒绝接受除了最好的以外的任何东西,你往往会得到它。)