
山居秋暝 唐 · 王维原文拼音版

导读 《山居秋暝》是唐代诗人王维创作的一首诗歌,描绘了作者在山中宁静的生活情景,表达了对自然的热爱和对生命的感悟。以下是该诗的拼音版及中文翻译:。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识


空山新雨后, The empty mountain after the new rain,

天气晚来秋。 the weather late in autumn.

明月松间照, The bright moon shines between the pines,

清泉石上流。 the clear stream flows over the rocks.

竹喧归浣女, The bamboo rustles as the washing woman returns,

莲动下渔舟。 the lotus moves under the fishing boat.

随意春芳歇, Indiscriminate spring fragrance rests,

王孙自可留。 Wang Sun can stay as he pleases.
