

导读 2008年7月,中国建成了世界上最长的跨海大桥——青岛海湾大桥。该桥横跨青岛市的黄海湾,全长41.58公里,其中跨海部分长35.4公里,是当时世界上最长的跨海大。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识




In July 2008, China completed the world's longest cross-sea bridge - the Qingdao Haiwan Bridge. The bridge spans the Yellow Sea bay in Qingdao, with a total length of 41.58 kilometers, of which the cross-sea part is 35.4 kilometers, making it the longest cross-sea bridge in the world at the time.

The construction of the bridge took six years and cost over 11 billion yuan. It consists of two main towers and 128 bridge piers, with the tallest main tower reaching a height of 232.5 meters, equivalent to 80 floors. The bridge deck uses the most advanced cable-stayed bridge technology in the world, making the bridge stable even in harsh environments such as strong winds and waves.

The completion of this cross-sea bridge not only shortened the travel time between the central area of Qingdao and its surrounding areas, but also set an example for China's infrastructure construction. Its construction marks that China's status and technological level in the bridge construction field have reached a new level.