

导读 书马犬事,乃是《庄子》中的一则寓言故事。据说,有一位乡村老人,养了一匹马、一只狗和一头牛,三者相处和谐。有一天,老人发现他的马不见了,他的邻居都来安慰他,但老人。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识



The Story of the Book, Horse and Dog is a fable in the book Zhuangzi. It tells the story of an old farmer who had a horse, a dog and a cow, and they all lived harmoniously. One day, the farmer discovered that his horse was missing, and his neighbors came to console him, but the old man remained indifferent, saying, "Maybe it is a blessing in disguise, who knows?" Not long after, the horse came back by itself, and it even brought a wild horse with it. When the neighbors heard the news, they all praised the old man, but he remained indifferent, saying, "Maybe it is a change of fortune, who knows?" Next, the old man's son rode the new wild horse, but unfortunately, he fell off the horse and broke his leg. This time, the neighbors came to console the old man again, but he remained indifferent, saying, "Maybe it is a blessing in disguise, who knows?" Soon after, a war broke out, and all the young men were conscripted into the army, but the old man's son was exempt from military service because of his injury, and he was spared.

This fable tells us through the old man's attitude that we should not judge the good or bad of things by their success or failure at a moment in time. We should maintain a calm state of mind and believe that everything will have a good result.