

导读 评价一个人的优点可以用很多句子简短的英语来表达。比如:。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识


1. He's a great listener and always offers thoughtful advice. (他是一个很好的聆听者,总是提供周到的建议。)

2. She's incredibly organized and efficient. (她非常有组织能力和高效率。)

3. He's a natural leader and inspires others to do their best. (他是一个天生的领袖,鼓舞他人尽力而为。)

4. She's kind-hearted and always goes out of her way to help others. (她心地善良,总是尽力帮助他人。)

5. He's very creative and always comes up with innovative solutions. (他非常有创意,总是想出创新的解决方案。)

6. She's hardworking and never gives up until she achieves her goals. (她勤奋努力,直到达成目标从不放弃。)

7. He's always willing to learn and improve himself. (他总是愿意学习和提高自己。)

8. She's a great team player and works well with others. (她是一个出色的团队合作者,与他人合作得很好。)
