

导读 如果你来到中国旅游,那么肯定不能错过“万里长城”的壮丽景色。下面是一份关于去长城旅游的攻略。。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识







If you are traveling to China, you cannot miss the magnificent scenery of the Great Wall. Here is a travel guide for your visit to the Great Wall.

First, you need to decide which section of the Great Wall you want to visit. There are many different sections near Beijing to choose from. The most famous ones are Badaling Great Wall and Mutianyu Great Wall. Badaling Great Wall is one of the most famous tourist attractions, but it can be crowded. If you want to avoid the crowds, Mutianyu Great Wall is a good choice.

Second, you need to decide how to get to the Great Wall. The most convenient way is to take a tourist bus or hire a car. If you want to drive there yourself, you need to find the route and parking information in advance online.

In addition, you need to pay attention to your attire and equipment. You need to wear comfortable and non-slip shoes for climbing the Great Wall. Also, you need to bring enough water and food because there are no restaurants or convenience stores on the Great Wall.

Finally, you need to observe some travel etiquette. The Great Wall is a historical site that needs to be kept clean and quiet. Also, you need to respect the local culture and customs.

Visiting the Great Wall is a wonderful experience. We hope this travel guide can help you enjoy your trip even more!