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As a form of artistic expression, human vocal music has a rich history and diverse range of styles. In English, there are many specific terms and phrases used to describe the different elements of vocal music, from the pitch and melody to the rhythm and texture.

One important aspect of vocal music is the range of the singer's voice, which can be described using terms such as soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. These terms refer to the highest to lowest notes that a singer can comfortably sing, with soprano being the highest and bass being the lowest.

Another important element of vocal music is the melody, which is the sequence of notes that make up a song. Melodies can be described using terms such as legato (smooth and connected) or staccato (short and detached).

In addition to melody, vocal music also involves rhythm, which is the pattern of beats and accents that give a song its groove. Terms such as tempo (the speed of the music) and syncopation (offbeat or irregular rhythms) are often used to describe the rhythm of a song.

Finally, the texture of vocal music refers to the way that different voices and instruments are arranged and layered together. Terms such as harmony (when different notes are played or sung at the same time) and counterpoint (when two or more melodies are played or sung at the same time) are used to describe different types of texture in vocal music.

Overall, the English language offers a wealth of vocabulary and terminology for describing the complex and beautiful art of vocal music.