

导读 Put是英语中一个非常常见的动词,它的意思是“放置”、“放下。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识


1. Put on:穿上

Put on是指穿上衣服、鞋子等的意思,比如:I put on my coat and went outside.(我穿上外套出门了。)

2. Put away:收好、收起来

Put away指把东西收好、收起来,比如:Please put away your toys before dinner.(晚饭前请把你的玩具收起来。)

3. Put down:放下、记下

Put down可以指放下手中的东西,也可以指记下某些信息,比如:She put down the book and looked up at me.(她放下书,看着我。)I need to put down your phone number.(我需要记下你的电话号码。)

4. Put off:推迟、拖延

Put off指推迟或拖延某件事情,比如:I can't put off this project any longer.(我不能再拖延这个项目了。)

5. Put up:搭建、举起、提供住处

Put up可以指搭建帐篷、搭起蓬、搭建房屋等,也可以指举起来或提供住处,比如:He put up the tent in just a few minutes.(他只用了几分钟就搭好了帐篷。)My friend put me up for the night.(我的朋友提供了住处,让我在他家过夜。)

6. Put in:放进、投入

Put in指把东西放进去或投入某个项目、活动中,比如:I put the keys in my pocket.(我把钥匙放进口袋里。)We need to put in more effort to make this project successful.(我们需要更加努力,让这个项目成功。)
