

导读 传说颐和园里有一座神奇的石塔,名为“佛香阁”。据说,这座石塔。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识

传说颐和园里有一座神奇的石塔,名为“佛香阁”。据说,这座石塔建成后,居然没有一滴水泄漏。为了探究这个奇迹,有人将塔顶的佛像搬开,结果水流顿时倾泻而下,塔内也瞬间涌进了大量清水。至此,人们才明白,这座石塔之所以不漏水,是因为塔内的佛像散发出神奇的力量。It is said that there is a magical stone tower called 'Buddha Fragrance Pavilion' in the Summer Palace. After the tower was built, it didn't leak a drop of water. In order to explore this miracle, someone moved the Buddha statue on the top of the tower. As a result, water gushed down and a large amount of clean water poured into the tower. Therefore, people finally realized that the reason why the stone tower did not leak water was because the Buddha statue inside the tower emitted a magical power.