

导读 一字之师是一位传说中的高人,他的传说出现在《庄子·外篇·大宗。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识






The Master of One Word is a legendary figure in Chinese culture, and his story appears in the chapter 'The Great and Most Honored Teacher' in the book 'Zhuangzi'.

According to the legend, one day Confucius went to visit the Great and Most Honored Teacher, and asked him: 'I heard that you are an outstanding writer. Can you teach me some writing techniques?' The Great and Most Honored Teacher smiled and replied: 'I can only teach you one word.' Confucius was surprised, but he still followed the Great and Most Honored Teacher to learn.

A few days later, Confucius asked again, 'I learned this one word, is there anything else?' The Great and Most Honored Teacher replied, 'No.'

When Confucius left the Great and Most Honored Teacher, he felt a little disappointed. But he soon understood the intention of the Great and Most Honored Teacher. He began to think repeatedly about that one word, using all his imagination and exploring the meaning and usage of every word. In this process, he gradually understood the essence of writing.

This story tells us that a master of one word can guide us in the right direction, making us think deeply about the connotation and extension of each word, and thus better mastering the techniques of writing.