

导读 齐人有好猎者 昔日,齐国有一位猎手,名为张子房,他是众人所仰。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识








In ancient times, there was a skilled hunter named Zhang Zifang in the state of Qi, who was admired by many for his hunting skills. He was able to hunt various animals such as deer, rabbits, and foxes in the mountains and forests. Not only was he skilled, but he also had a sharp mind, able to use traps and baits proficiently to capture prey.

One day, Zhang Zifang went to the mountains with his dog and bow and arrow. He spotted a large deer and began to track its whereabouts. He followed the deer's tracks all the way to a cave, where he found the deer hiding inside. He decided to set a trap to catch the deer.

Zhang Zifang made a trap out of twigs and leaves, and placed it at the entrance of the cave with a small rabbit as bait. Soon enough, the deer was lured out and fell into the trap. Zhang Zifang quickly shot the deer with his bow and arrow and brought it home.

When people heard about this, they were amazed. They asked him how he could catch the deer so quickly and the technique of using traps to catch prey. Zhang Zifang replied, 'It is important to follow the animal's tracks to find its hiding place, and making the trap is also crucial, requiring the right materials and bait.'

People admired Zhang Zifang's skills and wisdom, praising him as a true master hunter.