

导读 树大招风是一句古老的谚语,意思是指在人生道路上,当你变得越来。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识




In English:

'Big trees catch more wind' is an old proverb, which means that as you become more successful and respected in life, you will also face more pressure and challenges.

This proverb has a wide range of applications in various fields, whether it is in business, politics, art or sports, success will bring more attention and criticism. This requires us to remain humble and sober, not to let success cloud our judgment, and not to be shaken by criticism and negative comments.

In today's society, the standards and definitions of success have undergone significant changes. We cannot only focus on external achievements and reputation, but also need to pay attention to the growth of our inner self and the shaping of values. Only by maintaining inner balance and stability can we continue to move forward with firm steps in the storm.