

导读 七月在野八月在宇是一句古老的中国谚语,常用来形容人生的起伏与。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识




英文翻译:July in the field, August in the sky. This ancient Chinese proverb is often used to describe the ups and downs of life. It means that in July, one is still working in the fields, but by August, one has flown to the sky.

In life, we also experience many changes and ups and downs. Sometimes we face difficulties and setbacks, but if we persevere, we can overcome these challenges and ultimately achieve our goals.

'July in the field, August in the sky' can be seen as a motivation, encouraging us to face challenges bravely, pursue our dreams, and not give up even when we encounter difficulties. As long as we persist, we can achieve our dreams and soar to our own sky.