1. 道可道,非常道。名可名,非常名。
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
2. 天地不仁,以万物为刍狗;
Heaven and earth are not humane, they treat all things as straw dogs.
3. 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。
The Tao gives birth to one, One gives birth to two, Two gives birth to three, Three gives birth to all things.
4. 智者乐水,仁者乐山。
The wise find joy in water; the virtuous find joy in mountains.
5. 其安易持,其未兆易谋。
What is easy to hold is easily lost. What has not yet appeared is easy to plan for.
6. 深者不可识,夫子何为焉?
The deepest truth is beyond words. So, Master Lao, what can you say?
7. 为学日益,为道日损。损之又损,以至于无为。无为而无不为。
The more you know, the less you understand. The Master knows without going, sees without looking, and achieves without doing anything.
8. 致虚极,守静笃。
Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless – like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup; You put it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot; Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.
9. 大音希声,大象无形。
The greatest sound is silence. The largest image has no shape.
10. 天长地久,天地所以能长且久者,以其不自生,故能长生。
Heaven and earth last forever because they do not exist for themselves. They live for everything else.
11. 不出户知天下,不窥牖见天道。
Without stepping outside one's doors, one can know what is happening in the world. Without looking out of one's windows, one can see the Tao of Heaven.
12. 常善战者,不备;常善守者,不困。
The best fighter is never angry. The best conqueror is the one who overcomes himself.
13. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
14. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
15. 道生之,德畜之,物形之,势成之。
The Tao gives birth to them; Virtue raises them; Matter shapes them; Environment perfects them.
16. 常有欲,以观其妙;常无欲,以观其徼。
The more you try to possess, the less you have. The more you give, the more you receive.
17. 天下皆知美之为美,斯恶已;皆知善之为善,斯不善已。
When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see some things as good, other things become bad.
18. 老子曰:知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。
He who knows others is wise; He who knows himself is enlightened. He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty.
19. 知人者智,自知者明,胜人者有力,自胜者强。
The wise know others, the enlightened know themselves, the strong conquer others, and the mighty conquer themselves.
20. 为学日益,为道日损。损之又损,以至于无为。无为而无不为。
The more you learn, the less you know. The more you seek, the further you are from the goal. Act without doing; work without effort.
21. 为学日益,为道日损。损之又损,以至于无为。无为而无不为。
The more you learn, the less you know. The more you seek, the further you are from the goal. Act without doing; work without effort.
22. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
23. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
24. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
25. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
26. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
27. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
28. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
29. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
30. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
31. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
32. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
33. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
34. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
35. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
36. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
37. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
38. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
39. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
40. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
41. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
42. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
43. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
44. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
45. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
46. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
47. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
48. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
49. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
50. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
51. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
52. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
53. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
54. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
55. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
56. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
57. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
58. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
59. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
60. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
61. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
62. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
63. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
64. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
65. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
66. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
67. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
68. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
69. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
70. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
71. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
72. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
73. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
74. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
75. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
76. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
77. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
78. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
79. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
80. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more. When you have more, you appreciate less. Thieves won't break into an empty house.
81. 未生之德,乃养之;已生之德,乃弃之。
Nurture the unformed; embrace the unrippened; let go of the fully ripe.
82. 为无为,事无事,味无味。
Do nothing, and everything is done. Pursue nothing, and everything is attained. Taste the tasteless.
83. 形之少,想之多,劫盗不入。
Less is more; more is less. When you have less, you appreciate more.